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New York Post
4 months ago
Tech industry

FCC should probe Apple over Beeper Mini shutdown: GOP Commissioner Carr

Republican FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr has called for an investigation into Apple for blocking the Beeper Mini app that allowed Android users to access iMessage.
Carr argues that Apple's action may have violated the FCC's Part 14 rules, which require that advanced communication services be accessible to people with disabilities. [ more ]
6 months ago
Digital life

It's Time to Admit iMessage Is Holding Us Back

Apple has successfully blocked the Beeper Mini messaging app that allowed Android phones to communicate with iPhones as 'blue bubbles' like iMessage
The incident highlights the issue of tying the value of iPhone to a specific feature like messaging, making Apple appear anti-competitive. [ more ]
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

Android Users Are Stuck With Green Text Bubbles For Now | Entrepreneur

Apple has blocked an app that allows Android users to send blue-bubble texts to iPhones due to security and privacy concerns.
The app, Beeper Mini, reverse engineered the iMessage protocol to provide Android users with iMessage features.
Apple's decision to block Beeper shows their commitment to protecting their messaging service, despite pressure to make texting between Android and iPhones easier. [ more ]
New York Post
4 months ago
Tech industry

FCC should probe Apple over Beeper Mini shutdown: GOP Commissioner Carr

Republican FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr has called for an investigation into Apple for blocking the Beeper Mini app that allowed Android users to access iMessage.
Carr argues that Apple's action may have violated the FCC's Part 14 rules, which require that advanced communication services be accessible to people with disabilities. [ more ]
6 months ago
Digital life

It's Time to Admit iMessage Is Holding Us Back

Apple has successfully blocked the Beeper Mini messaging app that allowed Android phones to communicate with iPhones as 'blue bubbles' like iMessage
The incident highlights the issue of tying the value of iPhone to a specific feature like messaging, making Apple appear anti-competitive. [ more ]
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

Android Users Are Stuck With Green Text Bubbles For Now | Entrepreneur

Apple has blocked an app that allows Android users to send blue-bubble texts to iPhones due to security and privacy concerns.
The app, Beeper Mini, reverse engineered the iMessage protocol to provide Android users with iMessage features.
Apple's decision to block Beeper shows their commitment to protecting their messaging service, despite pressure to make texting between Android and iPhones easier. [ more ]
The Verge
6 months ago
Digital life

Google finally gives ChatGPT some competition

Google Gemini is seen as a significant move in the AI war
Beeper Mini faces challenges from Apple in the messaging app market [ more ]
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