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New York Post
2 weeks ago
NYC politics

City Council's latest power grab is a fight Mayor Adams must win

City Council Speaker Adrienne Adams wants a veto power over top mayoral appointments, causing controversy over balancing power and accountability. [ more ]
The American Conservative
4 months ago
Right-wing politics

2024: The Year Delusions Die Hard, Part I

The war in Ukraine is ending in defeat for Ukraine and the US
The war in the Middle East is just beginning and will not end with the Israeli State's decision to stop fighting [ more ]
Washington Post
5 months ago
Europe news

How Ukrainian membership could change the European Union

The European Union has agreed to open accession talks with Ukraine, moving it closer to joining the bloc.
Ukraine's potential membership would impact the E.U.'s balance of power, agricultural market, and budget. [ more ]
5 months ago
Left-wing politics

Tracking Retirements in the House

Dozens of members of Congress are planning to leave their seats in the House of Representatives, potentially leading to a significant shake-up in the 2024 election.
While most announced departures are not expected to alter the balance of power, Republicans and Democrats have opportunities to pick up seats. [ more ]
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