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DEV Community
1 month ago

Gowebly CLI now supports the PocketBase framework

PocketBase is a framework/backend for SaaS and mobile apps with embedded databases, user authentication, file storage, and extensibility. [ more ]
4 months ago

Senior Full Stack Developer (Vue 3, Django) at Mojob

SAAS company seeking developers with experience in Vue and Nuxt
Opportunity to work on mobile apps, web apps, backend, or devops [ more ]
DEV Community
1 month ago

Gowebly CLI now supports the PocketBase framework

PocketBase is a framework/backend for SaaS and mobile apps with embedded databases, user authentication, file storage, and extensibility. [ more ]
4 months ago

Senior Full Stack Developer (Vue 3, Django) at Mojob

SAAS company seeking developers with experience in Vue and Nuxt
Opportunity to work on mobile apps, web apps, backend, or devops [ more ]
6 months ago
Web development

Tour of Heroes: MAUI, with ASP.NET Core 8 Backend

The 'Tour of Heroes' app is a tutorial app for Angular 2+ that demonstrates functional and technical features of building a real-world business application.
This series of articles explores the experiences of building the 'Tour of Heroes' app on different frontend development platforms, including Angular, Aurelia, React, Vue, Xamarin, and MAUI. [ more ]
6 months ago
Web development

Tour of Heroes: MAUI, with ASP.NET Core 8 Backend

The 'Tour of Heroes' app is a tutorial app for Angular 2+ that demonstrates functional and technical features of building a real-world business application.
This series of articles explores the experiences of building the 'Tour of Heroes' app on different frontend development platforms, including Angular, Aurelia, React, Vue, Xamarin, and MAUI. [ more ]
6 months ago
Web development

Tour of Heroes: MAUI, with ASP.NET Core 8 Backend

The 'Tour of Heroes' app is a tutorial app for Angular 2+ that demonstrates functional and technical features of building a real-world business application.
This series of articles explores the experiences of building the 'Tour of Heroes' app on different frontend development platforms, including Angular, Aurelia, React, Vue, Xamarin, and MAUI. [ more ]
6 months ago
Web development

Tour of Heroes: MAUI, with ASP.NET Core 8 Backend

The 'Tour of Heroes' app is a tutorial app for Angular 2+ that demonstrates functional and technical features of building a real-world business application.
This series of articles explores the experiences of building the 'Tour of Heroes' app on different frontend development platforms, including Angular, Aurelia, React, Vue, Xamarin, and MAUI. [ more ]
6 months ago

Tour of Heroes: MAUI, with ASP.NET Core 8 Backend

The 'Tour of Heroes' app is a tutorial app for Angular 2+ that demonstrates functional and technical features of building a real-world business application.
This series of articles explores the experiences of building the 'Tour of Heroes' app on different frontend development platforms, including Angular, Aurelia, React, Vue, Xamarin, and MAUI. [ more ]
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