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1 week ago
Europe politics

Tories' 14 years in power will be remembered for Brexit, cuts and chaos

Austerity measures under Conservative rule had a significant impact on the UK economy and welfare system. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

Argentina: Yearly inflation hits 290% as monthly rate slows DW 05/15/2024

Inflation in Argentina has slowed for the fourth consecutive month, despite high annual rates, under the austerity measures by President Javier Milei. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

Argentina: Yearly inflation at almost 300% DW 05/15/2024

Inflation in Argentina slowing for fourth month, despite high rates, attributed to President's austerity measures. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

Portugal is no longer a problem for Europe

Portugal emerges as a diligent student in Southern Europe, with decreasing public debt, high budget surplus, record-breaking tourism, low unemployment, and shrinking inflation. [ more ]
1 month ago

Los rezagados economicos de Europa ahora lideran su crecimiento

Southern European nations are now growing faster than traditional economic powerhouses like Germany, reshaping the economic dynamics of the Eurozone. [ more ]
3 months ago
France politics

France Will Cut Spending as It Sees a Weaker Economy Ahead

France faces significant government spending cuts due to economic challenges.
Lower-than-expected economic growth in France necessitates austerity measures to reduce deficit. [ more ]
2 months ago

Living hand to mouth': Record number of police officers turning to foodbanks

Police officers struggling with food poverty, turning to foodbanks due to stagnating wages.
Morale low and staff leaving as one in five officers plan to quit in the next two years. [ more ]
2 months ago
UK news

Birmingham council poised to vote on 21% tax hike

Birmingham City Council may impose substantial tax increases and severe cuts to public services.
Council has faced financial difficulties leading to special permission for tax hikes. [ more ]
6 months ago
NYC politics

Eric Adams' blame shifting: Asylum seekers aren't the source of New York City's homelessness crisis

New York City faces a worsening homelessness and migrant crisis as federal COVID aid and tax revenues decline.
The delay in processing cash assistance and SNAP applications could leave thousands of vulnerable residents at risk of eviction and homelessness.
The Mayor's Management Report shows a decline in building maintenance and service delivery in the city. [ more ]
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