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3 weeks ago
US news

Summer box office woes: Hollywood's optimistic, but movie seats are still empty

People's reluctance to return to theaters amidst lackluster film offerings poses challenges for the film industry. [ more ]
1 month ago

7 tips for using marketing automations to drive leads | MarTech

Using marketing automation software can help streamline processes, increase productivity, and capture more leads by creating adaptive automations that respond to audience behavior. [ more ]
3 months ago

Council Post: How Publishing A Book Can Help Coaches, Consultants And Experts Find Success

Focus on delivering exceptional results and attracting ideal clients.
Shift to strategies beyond traditional advertising to resonate with discerning clients. [ more ]
The Drum
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Marketers, let's look beyond 'the next big thing'

Marketers often focus on the next big thing without considering long-term implementation or impact.
Industry trends like the metaverse and AI have led to a rush to be part of the buzz without fully understanding audience behavior or considering results. [ more ]
The Drum
3 weeks ago

Search has evolved, but has your digital marketing strategy?

Audience behavior has shifted; search now encompasses various platforms, necessitating brands to adapt outreach strategies to ensure visibility and engagement. [ more ]
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