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3 months ago

uv - The Next Evolution in Python Packages?

Astral introduces uv: a tool faster than pip
Tool uv is 100 times faster than pip [ more ]
Python Test
3 months ago

Python Test | 216: ruff, uv, and Astral: Python tooling, much faster, with Rust

Ruff and uv can replace multiple Python tools like Flake8, isort, Black, pip, pip-tools, and virtualenv.
Astral's tools, ruff and uv, are just the beginning of the improvements Charlie Marsh and team are working on. [ more ]
Mouse Vs Python
3 months ago

uv - Python's Fastest Package Installer and Resolver - Mouse Vs Python

Uv by Astral is a fast package installer written in Rust, significantly quicker than pip and pip-tools.
Astral's goal is to merge Rye and uv into one tool, focusing on Python packaging. [ more ]
Python Test
3 months ago

Python Test | 216: ruff, uv, and Astral: Python tooling, much faster, with Rust

Ruff and uv can replace multiple Python tools like Flake8, isort, Black, pip, pip-tools, and virtualenv.
Astral's tools, ruff and uv, are just the beginning of the improvements Charlie Marsh and team are working on. [ more ]
Mouse Vs Python
3 months ago

uv - Python's Fastest Package Installer and Resolver - Mouse Vs Python

Uv by Astral is a fast package installer written in Rust, significantly quicker than pip and pip-tools.
Astral's goal is to merge Rye and uv into one tool, focusing on Python packaging. [ more ]
4 months ago

Rye Grows With UV

Rye will be taken over by Astral as part of their Python tooling efforts.
The use of Astral's uv as a replacement for pip-tools has improved developer experience significantly. [ more ]
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