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3 weeks ago

Campaign launched to save North London theatre group from eviction after hit with 42 percent rent rise

The Black Arts Production Theatre is facing eviction from the Bernie Grant Arts Centre due to a 42% rent increase, despite the group's long-standing relationship with the centre. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

Theatre group appeals against eviction

A north London theatre group faces eviction due to a 42% rent increase, sparking criticism and a petition for support. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

Campaign launched to save North London theatre group from eviction after hit with 42 percent rent rise

The Black Arts Production Theatre is facing eviction from the Bernie Grant Arts Centre due to a 42% rent increase, despite the group's long-standing relationship with the centre. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

Theatre group appeals against eviction

A north London theatre group faces eviction due to a 42% rent increase, sparking criticism and a petition for support. [ more ]
Mission Local
2 months ago
Mission District

Mission Cultural Center may face cuts, budget woes ahead of relocation

High costs threaten the survival of an arts center during a planned relocation. [ more ]
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