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2 months ago
Business intelligence

Reminder - Google is turning off all Universal Analytics services and APIs | MarTech

Google is discontinuing all Universal Analytics services and APIs on July 1, replacing them with Google Analytics 4 properties.
Failing to migrate to GA4 and export data before the deadline could negatively impact campaign performance and access to historical data. [ more ]
3 months ago
Privacy professionals

After losing access to Twitter's API, Block Party pivots to privacy | TechCrunch

Block Party pivoted to Privacy Party after being impacted by Twitter's API changes.
Privacy Party focuses on helping users navigate privacy settings on various social networks. [ more ]
Ars Technica
4 months ago
Digital life

Reddit admits more moderator protests could hurt its business

Reddit acknowledged the threat of future user protests and value of third-party Reddit apps.
API rule changes led to user protests, crashed Reddit for hours, and could have financial impacts on the company. [ more ]
Ars Technica
4 months ago
Digital life

Exploring Reddit's third-party app environment 7 months after the APIcalypse

Reddit's changes to access its API led to the closure of many third-party Reddit apps.
Narwhal, a popular third-party Reddit app, now charges a subscription fee of $3.99 per month due to Reddit's API changes. [ more ]
Ars Technica
4 months ago
Digital life

Reddit admits more moderator protests could hurt its business

Reddit acknowledged the threat of future user protests and value of third-party Reddit apps.
API rule changes led to user protests, crashed Reddit for hours, and could have financial impacts on the company. [ more ]
Ars Technica
4 months ago
Digital life

Exploring Reddit's third-party app environment 7 months after the APIcalypse

Reddit's changes to access its API led to the closure of many third-party Reddit apps.
Narwhal, a popular third-party Reddit app, now charges a subscription fee of $3.99 per month due to Reddit's API changes. [ more ]
The Verge
2 weeks ago
Video games

All three game console makers have now abandoned X

Nintendo discontinued Switch's X integration, following Microsoft and Sony. Console now lacks direct X connection. [ more ]
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