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1 month ago

16 Herbs and Vegetables You Can Easily Grow in Your Apartment

You can cultivate a thriving edible garden in your apartment with basil, parsley, and mint, providing fresh herbs and vegetables while maximizing small space. [ more ]
2 months ago
Data science

KitchenAid's New Espresso Machine Won't Wake Up Your Roommates

KitchenAid introduced new espresso machines including fully automatic and semi-automatic ones.
The KitchenAid Semi Automatic Espresso Machine is designed to be compact and convenient for apartment kitchens. [ more ]
2 months ago

My Closet, My Office, My Nursery

Many New Yorkers are turning closets into livable spaces due to high rent prices.
Creative DIY solutions like closet renovations can provide much-needed extra room in small apartments. [ more ]
6 months ago
NYC real estate

In Brooklyn, Brownstone Dreams Start With One-Bedroom Rentals

A family in New York City struggled to live in a one-bedroom apartment during the pandemic and eventually moved to a larger apartment nearby.
The family is now looking to buy a home with a yard and trees, but they have differing opinions on where to live. [ more ]
2 months ago

My Closet, My Office, My Nursery

Many New Yorkers are turning closets into livable spaces due to high rent prices.
Creative DIY solutions like closet renovations can provide much-needed extra room in small apartments. [ more ]
6 months ago
NYC real estate

In Brooklyn, Brownstone Dreams Start With One-Bedroom Rentals

A family in New York City struggled to live in a one-bedroom apartment during the pandemic and eventually moved to a larger apartment nearby.
The family is now looking to buy a home with a yard and trees, but they have differing opinions on where to live. [ more ]
New York Post
3 months ago
New York City

New Yorkers can barely live in their apartments because the weed smell is so bad - 'It wakes me up'

The legalization of cannabis in NYC has led to a rise in complaints about the smell of marijuana in apartments.
Some New Yorkers are finding it challenging to address the issue of marijuana odor with building managers or landlords. [ more ]
Boston Condos For Sale Ford Realty
4 months ago

Story About The New Beacon Hill Resident Boston Condos For Sale Ford Realty

The new Beacon Hill resident was hoping for nicer people.
The resident finds that the nicer he is, the ruder people are to him. [ more ]
Apartment Therapy
6 days ago

I Can't Stop Thinking About How This Renter Disguised Her Home's Biggest Eyesore

Transform the look of air conditioners by creatively covering them with fabric to add aesthetics while solving the issue of their unsightliness. [ more ]
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