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3 months ago

New sculptures unveiled for Trafalgar Square's Fourth Plinth

Lady in Blue by Tschabalala Self will be on the fourth plinth in 2026, representing a modern woman of color.
Andra Ursuta's upcoming work in 2028, Untitled - a life-sized person on a horse in slime-green resin, reflects on history and public monuments. [ more ]
3 months ago

Everywoman' and horse sculptures chosen for display at London's fourth plinth

Tschabalala Self's 'Lady In Blue' and Andra Ursuta's 'Untitled' are the next art installations on Trafalgar Square's fourth plinth.
The sculptures aim to represent contemporary womanhood and challenge traditional public sculpture norms. [ more ]
3 months ago

New sculptures unveiled for Trafalgar Square's Fourth Plinth

Lady in Blue by Tschabalala Self will be on the fourth plinth in 2026, representing a modern woman of color.
Andra Ursuta's upcoming work in 2028, Untitled - a life-sized person on a horse in slime-green resin, reflects on history and public monuments. [ more ]
3 months ago

Everywoman' and horse sculptures chosen for display at London's fourth plinth

Tschabalala Self's 'Lady In Blue' and Andra Ursuta's 'Untitled' are the next art installations on Trafalgar Square's fourth plinth.
The sculptures aim to represent contemporary womanhood and challenge traditional public sculpture norms. [ more ]
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