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4 weeks ago
OMG science

Researchers discover evidence of cancer surgery in skull from Ancient Egypt

Archaeologists found some of the oldest known cases of cancer in two skull remains from ancient Egypt, showing evidence of early oncological surgery. [ more ]
1 month ago
OMG science

Scientists find buried branch of the Nile that may have carried pyramids' stones

Discovery of long-buried Nile River branch near pyramids in Egypt may explain how ancient Egyptians transported stone blocks for construction. [ more ]
1 month ago
OMG science

Found at last: long-lost branch of the Nile that ran by the pyramids

The Nile river once had a tributary, the Ahramat Branch, near the pyramid complex, aiding in transporting materials for construction. [ more ]
Mail Online
1 month ago

Scientists recreate face of Tutankhamun's grandfather for first time

Amenhotep III, a powerful Egyptian pharaoh, had his true likeness revealed using his mummy's skull for the first time in 3,400 years. [ more ]
Mail Online
1 month ago

Mysterious structures discovered near Egypt's Great Pyramid of Giza

Archaeologists discovered potential unknown tomb near Great Pyramid. [ more ]
The Art Newspaper - International art news and events
1 month ago

Possible Ancient Egyptian structure identified beside the Giza pyramids

Discovery of a potential L-shaped structure using ground-penetrating technology near the Great Pyramid of Khufu in Giza, Egypt. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
OMG science

Researchers discover evidence of cancer surgery in skull from Ancient Egypt

Archaeologists found some of the oldest known cases of cancer in two skull remains from ancient Egypt, showing evidence of early oncological surgery. [ more ]
1 month ago
OMG science

Scientists find buried branch of the Nile that may have carried pyramids' stones

Discovery of long-buried Nile River branch near pyramids in Egypt may explain how ancient Egyptians transported stone blocks for construction. [ more ]
1 month ago
OMG science

Found at last: long-lost branch of the Nile that ran by the pyramids

The Nile river once had a tributary, the Ahramat Branch, near the pyramid complex, aiding in transporting materials for construction. [ more ]
Mail Online
1 month ago

Scientists recreate face of Tutankhamun's grandfather for first time

Amenhotep III, a powerful Egyptian pharaoh, had his true likeness revealed using his mummy's skull for the first time in 3,400 years. [ more ]
Mail Online
1 month ago

Mysterious structures discovered near Egypt's Great Pyramid of Giza

Archaeologists discovered potential unknown tomb near Great Pyramid. [ more ]
The Art Newspaper - International art news and events
1 month ago

Possible Ancient Egyptian structure identified beside the Giza pyramids

Discovery of a potential L-shaped structure using ground-penetrating technology near the Great Pyramid of Khufu in Giza, Egypt. [ more ]
The Art Newspaper - International art news and events
4 weeks ago
OMG science

'A milestone in the history of medicine': ancient Egyptian skull shows possible signs of early cancer surgery

Ancient Egyptian skull shows possible early case of cancer surgery. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
OMG science

Did ancient Egyptians use surgery to treat brain cancer?

Ancient Egyptians possibly performed surgical treatments for cancer over 4,000 years ago. [ more ]
The Art Newspaper - International art news and events
4 weeks ago
OMG science

'A milestone in the history of medicine': ancient Egyptian skull shows possible signs of early cancer surgery

Ancient Egyptian skull shows possible early case of cancer surgery. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
OMG science

Did ancient Egyptians use surgery to treat brain cancer?

Ancient Egyptians possibly performed surgical treatments for cancer over 4,000 years ago. [ more ]
1 month ago
OMG science

Lost Branch of the Nile May Solve Long-Standing Mystery of Egypt's Famed Pyramids

The Great Pyramid of Giza was much closer to water during its construction, with a long-lost ancient branch of the Nile nearby, aiding in the transportation of construction materials. [ more ]
2 months ago

Ancient Egyptian Mummies Reveal What Diseases Plagued the Civilization

Ancient Egyptian mummies reveal prevalence of parasitic worms, head lice, malaria, and leishmaniasis.
Nile River played a unique role in spreading vector-borne diseases in ancient Egypt due to its significance as a lifeblood. [ more ]
1 month ago
OMG science

Lost Branch of the Nile May Solve Long-Standing Mystery of Egypt's Famed Pyramids

The Great Pyramid of Giza was much closer to water during its construction, with a long-lost ancient branch of the Nile nearby, aiding in the transportation of construction materials. [ more ]
2 months ago

Ancient Egyptian Mummies Reveal What Diseases Plagued the Civilization

Ancient Egyptian mummies reveal prevalence of parasitic worms, head lice, malaria, and leishmaniasis.
Nile River played a unique role in spreading vector-borne diseases in ancient Egypt due to its significance as a lifeblood. [ more ]
Open Culture
3 months ago
Online learning

An Animated Introduction to the Rosetta Stone, and How It Unlocked Our Understanding of Egyptian Hieroglyphs

The Rosetta Stone featured writing in three different languages: Egyptian Hieroglyphs, Demotic Egyptian, and Ancient Greek.
Decoding the Rosetta Stone took decades, leading to the unlocking of the meaning of Egyptian hieroglyphs and revealing secrets of ancient Egyptian civilization. [ more ]
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