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The Atlantic
2 days ago
US Elections

The Jury, Not the Prosecutor, Decides Who's Guilty

Alvin Bragg's motives do not affect Trump's potential crimes. [ more ]
1 month ago
NYC politics

Trump Goes From Court to Campaign, Blames Bragg For NYC Crime

Former President Trump accuses prosecutor of prioritizing him over violent criminals. [ more ]
Washington Post
22 hours ago
US news

Trump verdict vindicates N.Y. prosecutor who quietly pursued a risky path

Alvin Bragg, Manhattan DA, successfully prosecuted Donald Trump for falsifying business records, demonstrating commitment to justice amidst political scrutiny. [ more ]
New York Post
2 weeks ago
New York City

DA Alvin Bragg lets NYC crime run rampant as he pursues empty case against Trump

District Attorney Alvin Bragg's focus on Trump trial comes at the expense of addressing dangerous crimes in NYC. [ more ]
710 WOR
3 months ago
NYC politics

NY Republicans: D.A. Bragg Should Be Removed From Office | 710 WOR

Senate Republicans call for the removal of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg
Bragg faces criticism for releasing suspects in the Times Square attack without bail [ more ]
New York Post
3 months ago
New York City

NYPD officers 'fed up' with Alvin Bragg after Manhattan DA lets cop beating migrants go without bail: 'A complete joke'

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg is facing criticism for not seeking bail for migrants charged with assaulting NYPD officers in Times Square.
Police officers argue that this decision sends a message that it is acceptable to attack cops and that Bragg is not prioritizing public safety. [ more ]
New York Post
3 months ago
NYC politics

Hochul called on to remove Bragg after soft-on-crime DA let migrant mob walk free despite caught-on-camera cop beating

New York Republican lawmakers are calling for the removal of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg after migrants accused of attacking NYPD officers were released without bail.
Critics claim Bragg has been lenient on criminals and selective in enforcing laws, putting the public's safety at risk. [ more ]
New York Post
3 months ago
NYC politics

The chaos wrought by DA Bragg, pro-criminal laws and violent illegal migrants

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg is facing criticism for not seeking bail for migrants accused of attacking police officers in Times Square.
Critics argue that the no-bail law and restrictions on cooperation between law enforcement agencies and immigration officials contributed to the release of the suspects. [ more ]
Just The News
3 months ago
NYC politics

Manhattan DA Bragg offers explanation for releasing those involved in NYPD attack with no bail

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg did not request bail for the individuals involved in the attack on NYPD officers to ensure proper suspects are identified.
Bragg's office is looking into new video footage to identify the role each individual played in the attack. [ more ]
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