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3 weeks ago
Startup companies

Meati Foods bites into another $100M amid growth to 7,000 retail locations | TechCrunch

Mushrooms are a significant player in the alternative protein industry, with companies like Maia Farms and Meati Foods leading the way in innovative protein production. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Startup companies

Meati Foods bites into another $100M amid growth to 7,000 retail locations | TechCrunch

Mushrooms are a significant area for alternative proteins, with companies like Maia Farms and Meati Foods using innovative approaches for production and attracting substantial funding. [ more ]
2 months ago

Oatly, Banza, and Kind Snacks are driving change within the entire food industry. Here's how

Plant proteins are now well-established in various industries, from burgers to yogurt.
Brands in the alt-protein sector are focusing on diversification, supply chain innovation, and market expansion. [ more ]
4 months ago

Superpunchy One-Pan Eggplant Adobo

Substituting vegetables for meat in recipes can be a delicious and healthy hack.
Coconut milk adds a velvety sweetness to dishes like roasted sweet potatoes with shrimp. [ more ]
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