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3 months ago

Berlin international film festival disinvites AfD politicians from gala

The Berlin International Film Festival (Berlinale) has uninvited five far-right politicians from the opening gala, citing the party's alleged mass deportation plans.
The decision to uninvite the politicians comes after recent revelations about the AfD's anti-democratic positions and individual politicians.
The inclusion of the AfD in the festival's invitation quotas has sparked debate about its potential threat to Germany's democratic constitution. [ more ]
4 months ago
Germany news

AfD plans to turn Germany into authoritarian state, vice-chancellor warns

Germany's vice-chancellor and economics minister has warned that the far-right AfD party poses a danger to democracy and aims to transform Germany into an authoritarian state similar to Russia.
There are calls to ban the AfD party, but caution is advised as a failed attempt could cause massive damage and must only be pursued if it can 100% stand up in court.
The AfD has been shifting to the right and has seen an increase in popularity, outpolling government parties in some cases. [ more ]
4 months ago
Germany news

The AfD's true colours: inside the 26 January Guardian Weekly

Germany's Alternative fur Deutschland (AfD) party, known for its anti-euro and right-wing stance, has been met with protests and calls for a ban after revelations of meetings with neo-Nazi groups.
Support for the AfD remains steady, making any attempts to prohibit the party a significant political risk. [ more ]
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