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1 month ago
EU data protection

European Parliament approves platform worker directive | Computer Weekly

The European Parliament approved measures to reclassify gig economy workers as 'employees' for better rights and protections. [ more ]
1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

Tough luck, management folks, AI is coming for your jobs

AI can enhance research project management by augmenting human work for greater scale and efficiency.
Algorithmic management in scientific research can help address managerial challenges for better project outcomes. [ more ]
1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

Tough luck, management folks, AI is coming for your jobs

AI can enhance scientific research projects by managing operations efficiently.
AI as a 'manager' can augment human work in research projects but not replace experts. [ more ]
Harvard Business Review
3 months ago

The Social Cost of Algorithmic Management

Algorithmic management is being used by companies to achieve efficiencies and reduce costs.
Employees managed by algorithm are less likely to help others, according to research findings. [ more ]
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