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2 months ago
Europe news

Navalny's Heirs Seek a Political Future in Russia

Aleksei Navalny's widow, Yulia Navalnaya, is stepping up as the new leader of the opposition movement in Russia.
Mr. Navalny's team faces the challenge of maintaining political momentum and uniting Russia's fractured opposition without its charismatic leader. [ more ]
2 months ago
Europe news

Kremlin Seeks to Suppress Navalny's Influence, in Death as in Life

The Kremlin's lack of acknowledgment of Navalny's death highlights their strategy of giving him minimal attention.
Russian state media and officials have remained largely silent following Navalny's death. [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

A Times reporter reflects on a conversation with Navalny, an uncommon Russian politician.

Aleksei Navalny does not believe he will be able to run for president in Russia in 2024 due to President Putin's grip on power.
Navalny believes that Putin may stay in office until 2044, with his approval rating still high. [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Biden condemns Putin and his thugs' for Navalny's death.

President Biden holds President Putin personally responsible for Aleksei Navalny's death.
Biden calls for House Republicans to approve military aid to Ukraine in response to Navalny's death. [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

European Leaders Express Shock at News of Navalny's Death

European leaders condemn Putin and hold Russia responsible for Navalny's death.
Angela Merkel's role in communicating with Putin and advocating for Navalny. [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Aleksei Navalny, Putin Critic, Dies in Prison, Russian Authorities Say

Aleksei Navalny, a prominent opposition figure in Russia, has died in prison at the age of 47.
Navalny's death has raised concerns about human rights and political repression in Russia. [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

From a Funeral Image, the Textures of Faith and State in Russia

Russian Orthodox Church ties to Kremlin and opposition figures like Navalny.
Navalny's journey from atheism to Orthodox Christianity and his struggle to reconcile faith with political dissent. [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Navalny's Funeral to Be Held on Friday, Spokeswoman Says

Public funeral for Navalny in Moscow
Russian authorities attempt to prevent public wake and funeral [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

For Navalny's Followers, a Surge of Inspiration' at a Sad Event

The funeral of Aleksei A. Navalny was a moment of unity and inspiration for the opposition in Russia
The event highlighted Mr. Putin's dominance as well as the re-emergence of dissent in the country [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Navalny and the Mirage of a Different Russia

Aleksei Navalny was seen as a potential leader offering a different path for Russia amidst growing international profile.
Navalny was more than just a dissident, building a genuine following and nascent political party with anti-corruption initiatives. [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Inside Aleksei Navalny's Final Months, in His Own Words

Aleksei Navalny found solace in letters during his time in prison.
Despite the lack of details about his death, Navalny's final months reflect his ambition and struggle to stay connected. [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Haley Calls Navalny a Hero,' Saying Trump Must Answer for His Death

Nikki Haley criticizes Trump for lack of response on Navalny's death
Haley highlights Putin's actions and Trump's association with him [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

The Funeral of Aleksei Navalny, in Photos

Russian opposition leader Aleksei Navalny's funeral in Moscow drew thousands of mourners, including foreign diplomats.
Mourners faced heavy police presence and obstacles to organize the burial. [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Navalny Allies Say He Was About to Be Freed in a Prisoner Exchange

A prisoner exchange deal involving Navalny was reportedly close, according to his aides.
Navalny's potential release as part of the deal was tied to the release of two Americans in Russian prison. [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Tuesday Briefing

Yulia Navalnaya vows to continue Aleksei Navalny's fight against Putin's rule.
Navalnaya faces risks in leading the pro-democracy movement after husband's death. [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Monday Briefing

Aleksei Navalny, a prominent Russian opposition leader, died at 47, sparking mourning and questions about the future of the opposition.
Mourning for Navalny involves laying flowers at memorials to Soviet repressions, with arrests reported for those who pay tribute. [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

A Stunned Russian Opposition in Exile Considers a Future Without Navalny

The death of Navalny has shocked Russian dissidents.
Navalny's death might lead to unity within the opposition. [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Risking Arrest, Russians Mourn Navalny in Small Acts of Protest

Mourners in Moscow pay tribute to Aleksei Navalny with flowers, seen as a form of protest against the Russian state.
Many believe Russian state involvement in Navalny's death; pride in people expressing dissent despite crackdown. [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Trump Again Compares Himself to Navalny While Discussing Legal Woes

Former President Donald J. Trump likened his legal issues to the situation of Russian opposition leader Aleksei A. Navalny.
Mr. Trump compared his $450 million penalty to communism or fascism and praised Mr. Navalny's courage. [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Wife, Protector and Now Political Heir: Yulia Navalnaya Rallies Russians

Yulia Navalnaya speaking out against the Russian government after her husband's death
Yulia Navalnaya's determination to continue her husband's cause against President Putin [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Navalny's Death Shocked the World, but Will It Galvanize Opposition to Putin?

The death of Aleksei Navalny has triggered a global wave of grief, anger, and calls for justice.
Navalny's death has drawn comparisons to historical figures like Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King Jr. [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

From Frigid Cells to Mystery Injections, Prison Imperiled Navalny's Health

Aleksei Navalny's death in prison raises concerns about brutal treatment and hazardous conditions in Russian penal colonies. [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Aleksei Navalny's Allies Confirm His Death

Confirmation of Aleksei Navalny's death by political allies
Demand for release of Navalny's body to his family [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Aleksei Navalny's Career: a Timeline

Aleksei Navalny was a prominent Russian activist who died in prison on Friday.
Navalny gained popularity through his anti-corruption blogging and organizing street protests. [ more ]
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