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1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

'You need your own bots' to wage war against rogue AI, warns Varonis VP

AI poses both a significant opportunity and threat to organizations, emphasizing the importance of securing data against rogue AI to prevent breaches. [ more ]
2 months ago
Artificial intelligence

AI Briefing: Hillary Clinton and Google's Eric Schmidt both suggest Section 230 reform

AI poses a significant threat to elections compared to social media use in the past two decades.
Leaders are discussing the need for new guardrails and educating the public to combat AI-generated misinformation. [ more ]
Mail Online
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

AI poses 'extinction-level' threat, warns State Department report

AI is considered an 'extinction-level threat' that can destabilize global security.
A US State Department-funded study recommends a temporary ban on creating advanced AI above a certain computational power. [ more ]
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