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3 weeks ago
Artificial intelligence

The United States Marines have robot dogs - equipped with firepower

MARSOC is testing robot dogs with AI-targeting guns for potential battlefield deployment. [ more ]
Georgetown Security Studies Review
2 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Prosecuting Asimov's Nightmare: Killer Robots and the Law of War

The United States and China are racing to master AI for military advantage.
There is a need to update legal frameworks to address the implications of AI in warfare. [ more ]
The Nation
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

The Killer Robots Are Here. It's Time to Be Worried.

Drones with lethal force are being developed
Combining AI with robotics for autonomous weapons systems [ more ]
The Walrus
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

How Israel Is Using AI as a Weapon of War | The Walrus

Israel's bombing campaign in Gaza is utilizing AI for tactical responses and target identification.
The use of AI in conflicts raises ethical concerns about collateral damage and civilian protection. [ more ]
Hindustan Times
1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

Israeli army used new AI system to carry out strikes in Gaza, says report

The Israeli army used AI system Lavender for targeting in Gaza, raising concerns about machine-speed warfare with limited accuracy and civilian casualties. [ more ]
The Conversation
1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

Israel accused of using AI to target thousands in Gaza, as killer algorithms outpace international law

The Israeli army utilized an AI system to generate lists of human targets for airstrikes in Gaza.
Reports indicate machine-driven warfare in Gaza with limited accuracy, little human oversight, and high civilian costs. [ more ]
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Here Come the Killer Robots

The United Nations approved a resolution on autonomous weapons, expressing concerns over AI's impact on warfare.
AI is rapidly spreading in the world of war, with countries like the U.S., China, and Russia heavily investing in AI for defense. [ more ]
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