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Fast Company
1 week ago
Artificial intelligence

AI is getting theatrical

Generative AI is starting to be used in live theater productions, sparking a debate on the future of AI in creative arts. [ more ]
5 months ago
Artificial intelligence

AI is going to transform Hollywoodbut it won't be a horror story

Fable Simulation, a company that specializes in generative AI tools, created a deepfake South Park episode to showcase their new product.
The episode raised concerns about the use of AI in Hollywood and the potential for synthetic entertainment created by robots and computer-generated stars. [ more ]
The Economic Times
3 weeks ago
Artificial intelligence

Creators wielding AI reimagine creativity on a budget

Artists like Anirudh Ravichander are using AI to reimagine Bollywood songs, saving costs and pushing creativity in music production. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Artificial intelligence

A chilling prospect': should we be scared of AI contestants on reality shows?

The Circle introduces an AI chatbot disguised as a contestant named Max, blurring the line between reality and artificial intelligence in the realm of entertainment. [ more ]
The Drum
2 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Let's think ethically about how to use AI with voice artists (not instead of them)

Ethical use of AI in voice artistry is possible
Engaging voice artists for ethical AI use is crucial [ more ]
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