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2 weeks ago

Farm Credit Canada to offer more direct venture capital funding

FCC is shifting focus to more direct venture capital funding in agriculture to meet industry needs. [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe politics

Hard right makes hay with European farmers' anger ahead of June elections

Farmers in the EU, like Jos Ubels, are facing increasing pressure due to climate change regulations and competition from cheap imports. [ more ]
Ars Technica
2 months ago
OMG science

Some states are now trying to ban lab-grown meat

Selling cell-cultured meat products may result in jail time and fines.
Legislators in multiple states are pushing to ban lab-grown meat to protect the agriculture industry. [ more ]
3 months ago
Public health

Farmers in Crisis, Long Overlooked, Are Finally Getting Mental Health Support

The stresses of running a struggling family farm have led many farmers to consider therapy.
Financial uncertainty, physical isolation, and climate change-related crop yield unpredictability are contributing to a mental health crisis among farmers. [ more ]
3 months ago

Rupert Murdoch's son-in-law and the soil carbon revolution

Soil carbon sequestration as a solution to decarbonizing agriculture industry
Challenges and discrepancies in the science of soil carbon sequestration [ more ]
3 months ago
France politics

Angry French Farmers storm into Paris agriculture fair ahead of Macron visit

French farmers protested at Paris farm fair against President Macron's cost, regulations
Tensions rise as farmers clashed with police and disrupted Macron's visit at the International Agriculture Fair in Paris. [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

They're drowning us in regulations': how Europe's furious farmers took on Brussels and won

Farmers across Europe are protesting against regulations and bureaucracy that they believe are drowning them in their industry.
The farmers are seeking support and action from their respective governments to address their grievances. [ more ]
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