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1 month ago
Left-wing politics

Scoop: GOP chair weighs Psaki subpoena in Afghanistan probe

Threat to subpoena former White House press secretary Jen Psaki for an interview related to the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. [ more ]
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

Psaki's new book falsely recounts Biden's watch check in ceremony for fallen soldiers

Psaki's new account contradicts images and accounts of Biden looking at his watch during the Afghanistan ceremony, impacting attempts to undermine his empathetic leadership brand by Trump and allies. [ more ]
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

Scoop: GOP chair weighs Psaki subpoena in Afghanistan probe

Threat to subpoena former White House press secretary Jen Psaki for an interview related to the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. [ more ]
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

Psaki's new book falsely recounts Biden's watch check in ceremony for fallen soldiers

Psaki's new account contradicts images and accounts of Biden looking at his watch during the Afghanistan ceremony, impacting attempts to undermine his empathetic leadership brand by Trump and allies. [ more ]
Harper's Magazine
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

For Joe Biden, by John R. MacArthur

Support for Biden despite criticism on policies.
Recognition of successful military withdrawal from Afghanistan. [ more ]
The Nation
3 months ago
Left-wing politics

Requiem for the Biden of the Afghanistan Withdrawal

Biden's foreign policy moment criticized for aiding Israeli war crimes
Biden's withdrawal from Afghanistan received mixed responses [ more ]
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