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3 months ago
UK news

SAS has power over Afghan sanctuary claims despite investigation

Special forces impede Afghan troops' relocation to UK despite potential witness evidence
Ministry of Defence rejects Afghan special forces soldiers' applications for sanctuary in the UK [ more ]
4 months ago
UK news

Labour demand government update MPs on plight of Afghan special forces

Labour has called on the British government to update MPs on the situation of Afghan special forces soldiers who fought with the British army and were abandoned by the government.
Around 400 soldiers from two specialist units will have their settlement applications reviewed, allowing them to bring their families to the UK if successful. [ more ]
5 months ago
UK news

Minister grilled on plight of Afghan special forces paid by Britain

The UK has abandoned Afghan special forces units who served alongside British troops and refused to provide them with sanctuary in the UK.
The Afghan commandos were previously paid directly by the UK government. [ more ]
6 months ago
UK news

Majority of Britons want Afghan veterans to remain in UK, poll finds

A majority of voters believe Afghan special forces unit members should be given sanctuary in the UK.
The UK government has been criticized for not including these soldiers in resettlement programs. [ more ]
4 months ago
UK news

Labour demand government update MPs on plight of Afghan special forces

Labour has called on the British government to update MPs on the situation of Afghan special forces soldiers who fought with the British army and were abandoned by the government.
Around 400 soldiers from two specialist units will have their settlement applications reviewed, allowing them to bring their families to the UK if successful. [ more ]
5 months ago
UK news

Minister grilled on plight of Afghan special forces paid by Britain

The UK has abandoned Afghan special forces units who served alongside British troops and refused to provide them with sanctuary in the UK.
The Afghan commandos were previously paid directly by the UK government. [ more ]
6 months ago
UK news

Majority of Britons want Afghan veterans to remain in UK, poll finds

A majority of voters believe Afghan special forces unit members should be given sanctuary in the UK.
The UK government has been criticized for not including these soldiers in resettlement programs. [ more ]
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