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Sacramento Bee
1 month ago

California bond could raise $10 billion for housing. Can it survive a state borrowing grab?

Voters may face more bond funding measures despite past reluctance. [ more ]
1 month ago
SF real estate

L.A.'s 'Mansion Tax' Put a Damper on Luxury Sales-but Raised $215M for Housing Initiatives

Higher real estate transfer tax in LA aims to fund affordable housing but impacts luxury home sales negatively.
The new tax policy, called Measure ULA, has raised $215 million but falls short of the projected $672 million annually. [ more ]
1 month ago

Don't send California homeless funding off cliff' many cry as budget cuts loom

Advocates call for ongoing commitment to homeless funding amid proposed budget cuts in California.
California faces significant deficit causing potential cuts in affordable housing funding and delays in housing programs. [ more ]
5 months ago
San Francisco

SF Supervisors Pass Crucial Housing Ordinance Urged by State, But With Changes State Might Reject

The SF Board of Supervisors met a state deadline to remove constraints on housing production, but amendments they added could still cost SF money.
The amendments added protect rent-controlled and older housing from demolition, which some supervisors are pleased with. [ more ]
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