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2 months ago
UK news

Mother who had preventative chemotherapy urges Kate Middleton to stay positive

Terri Grice, a two-time cancer survivor, urges Kate Middleton to stay positive during her battle with cancer.
Adjuvant chemotherapy is crucial in reducing the risk of cancer recurrence by targeting any stray cancer cells before surgery. [ more ]
2 months ago

Kate Middleton Is Receiving Preventative Chemotherapy. Here's What That Is

Preventative chemotherapy is often adjuvant chemotherapy, aimed at killing microscopic cancer cells and preventing recurrence.
Adjuvant chemotherapy is standard care after surgery to reduce cancer recurrence risk for various types of cancer. [ more ]
2 months ago

What is preventive chemotherapy and how effective is it? The Princess of Wales' treatment explained

Preventive chemotherapy, also known as adjuvant chemotherapy, is used to target any remaining cancer cells after primary treatment.
The therapy aims to reduce the risk of cancer recurrence and spreading, especially when cells are too small to be detected by scans or tests. [ more ]
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