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1 month ago

TikTok Lite axes 'addictive as cigarettes' reward-to-watch feature under the EU's watchful eye

The EU suspended TikTok Lite's reward-to-watch feature due to concerns over addictiveness, prompting ByteDance to comply and warning of ongoing scrutiny. [ more ]
1 month ago

TikTok reward-to-watch feature suspended after EU threats to block it

TikTok suspended a rewards program in the EU after facing concerns of addictive features and non-compliance with Digital Service Act laws. [ more ]
The Messenger
6 months ago
Social media marketing

Social Media Giants Like TikTok and Instagram Must Face Youth Addiction Lawsuits, Federal Judge Rules

A federal judge has rejected the motion by top social media companies to dismiss a case alleging their apps are addictive and unsafe for children.
The judge ruled that the social media companies are not immune from the suit's allegations under the First Amendment or Section 230.
At least three dozen states have sued Meta and Instagram, alleging that Meta knowingly made Instagram addictive for children. [ more ]
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