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Practical Ecommerce
4 days ago
Web design

Who's Responsible for Web Accessibility?

Ecommerce platforms like Shopify have inherent accessibility strengths but face challenges in ensuring full web accessibility compliance due to themes, add-ons, custom code, and content creators' impact. [ more ]
3 months ago
Video games

Minecraft Adds Official Mods This Month As A Test, Third-Party Mods Still Supported

Minecraft is introducing add-ons to the Marketplace for players to customize their worlds.
Non-Marketplace mods will still be supported, allowing players to use third-party sources within EULA compliance. [ more ]
4 months ago
Tech industry

The True Price of Apple's $3,500 Vision Pro Is Closer to $4,600

The true cost of owning Apple's Vision Pro virtual reality goggles is much higher than the initial price of $3,500.
The price shoots up with the add-ons and accessories, making the total cost around $4,600 or even higher. [ more ]
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