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Investing.com Australia
1 month ago

Here's what 10 analysts have to say about Netflix ad tier By Investing.com

Netflix partners with ad-tech firms to boost automated ad buying. [ more ]
3 months ago
Online marketing

Ad execs enter crucial phase of Google's Privacy Sandbox experimentation

Ad tech firms are testing Google's Privacy Sandbox components without alterations for tracking outcomes.
Publishers should monitor ad prices during testing to understand how changes impact revenue.
Limited ad traffic in testing means it will take time for advertisers to assess campaign effectiveness and adjust budgets. [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy technologies

Privacy Sandbox focus shifts to need for end-to-end, fuller-scale testing

Advertisers, publishers, and ad tech firms need to conduct end-to-end testing to understand the impact of Google's Privacy Sandbox.
Testing whether Privacy Sandbox proposals work throughout the programmatic supply chain is crucial to ensure that the technology works for buyers and sellers. [ more ]
3 months ago
Online marketing

Ad execs enter crucial phase of Google's Privacy Sandbox experimentation

Ad tech firms are testing Google's Privacy Sandbox components without alterations for tracking outcomes.
Publishers should monitor ad prices during testing to understand how changes impact revenue.
Limited ad traffic in testing means it will take time for advertisers to assess campaign effectiveness and adjust budgets. [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy technologies

Privacy Sandbox focus shifts to need for end-to-end, fuller-scale testing

Advertisers, publishers, and ad tech firms need to conduct end-to-end testing to understand the impact of Google's Privacy Sandbox.
Testing whether Privacy Sandbox proposals work throughout the programmatic supply chain is crucial to ensure that the technology works for buyers and sellers. [ more ]
4 months ago
Business intelligence

Walmart-Vizio Deal Exposes Fragility in Measurement Market

Vizio's ACR data is highly valuable for ad-tech firms in the streaming TV industry.
The potential acquisition of Vizio by Walmart raises concerns about the availability of this crucial ACR data. [ more ]
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