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2 weeks ago
Europe news

Russia-Ukraine war: List of key events, day 824

Wars in Ukraine continue, with recent bombings causing casualties and tensions escalating between Russia and Ukraine, including nuclear threat implications. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Europe news

Ukraine updates: Russian strike on Kharkiv DIY store kills 4 DW 05/25/2024

Ukrainian President Zelenskyy stated over 200 people were in the hardware store during the attack. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Europe news

Russia-Ukraine war: List of key events, day 818

Citizens in Ukraine and Russia continue to suffer from the ongoing war, with attacks causing casualties and destruction in various regions. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
Europe news

Russia-Ukraine war: List of key events, day 813

President Zelenskyy visited Kharkiv stating control over Russian advance, with some civilians used as shields. NATO confident in Ukrainian forces' capability, with intense Russian assaults in Donetsk. [ more ]
London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com
4 weeks ago
Europe news

Russian troops advance on Ukraine's second largest city and the 'outlook is bleak'

President Zelensky cancels foreign trips as Russian troops advance on Ukraine's second largest city, amid bleak outlook. [ more ]
4 weeks ago

Intensifying war increasing threat to Ukraine economy, EBRD warns

EBRD cuts growth forecast for regions due to Ukraine war impact. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Europe news

Russia-Ukraine war: List of key events, day 824

Wars in Ukraine continue, with recent bombings causing casualties and tensions escalating between Russia and Ukraine, including nuclear threat implications. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Europe news

Ukraine updates: Russian strike on Kharkiv DIY store kills 4 DW 05/25/2024

Ukrainian President Zelenskyy stated over 200 people were in the hardware store during the attack. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Europe news

Russia-Ukraine war: List of key events, day 818

Citizens in Ukraine and Russia continue to suffer from the ongoing war, with attacks causing casualties and destruction in various regions. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
Europe news

Russia-Ukraine war: List of key events, day 813

President Zelenskyy visited Kharkiv stating control over Russian advance, with some civilians used as shields. NATO confident in Ukrainian forces' capability, with intense Russian assaults in Donetsk. [ more ]
London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com
4 weeks ago
Europe news

Russian troops advance on Ukraine's second largest city and the 'outlook is bleak'

President Zelensky cancels foreign trips as Russian troops advance on Ukraine's second largest city, amid bleak outlook. [ more ]
4 weeks ago

Intensifying war increasing threat to Ukraine economy, EBRD warns

EBRD cuts growth forecast for regions due to Ukraine war impact. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Major League Baseball

Red Sox second basemen among 5 MLB position groups that are killing their teams

Wins Above Replacement (WAR) impacts MLB player evaluation, but context is crucial. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Ruby on Rails

Doctor Who: Boom review: All hail the conquering hero

The new season of Doctor Who shows Steven Moffat's genius in crafting a genuine classic episode amidst some idiosyncrasies. [ more ]
1 month ago

Instead of a scream': the Palestinian artist who does a Gaza drawing every day

Expressing resilience through daily drawings during war and sharing on social media highlighted in article. [ more ]
1 month ago
New York City

Middle East Crisis: Israel Observes a Solemn Memorial Day

Israel observes Memorial Day with added significance following recent attacks. [ more ]
1 month ago
World news

Egypt says it will join South Africa's genocide case against Israel at ICJ

Egypt will formally join South Africa's case against Israel at ICJ due to worsening attacks on Gaza. [ more ]
1 month ago

With Schools in Ruins, Education in Gaza Will Be Hobbled for Years

The devastating impact of war on education in Gaza Strip. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Major League Baseball

Red Sox second basemen among 5 MLB position groups that are killing their teams

Wins Above Replacement (WAR) impacts MLB player evaluation, but context is crucial. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Ruby on Rails

Doctor Who: Boom review: All hail the conquering hero

The new season of Doctor Who shows Steven Moffat's genius in crafting a genuine classic episode amidst some idiosyncrasies. [ more ]
1 month ago

Instead of a scream': the Palestinian artist who does a Gaza drawing every day

Expressing resilience through daily drawings during war and sharing on social media highlighted in article. [ more ]
1 month ago
New York City

Middle East Crisis: Israel Observes a Solemn Memorial Day

Israel observes Memorial Day with added significance following recent attacks. [ more ]
1 month ago
World news

Egypt says it will join South Africa's genocide case against Israel at ICJ

Egypt will formally join South Africa's case against Israel at ICJ due to worsening attacks on Gaza. [ more ]
1 month ago

With Schools in Ruins, Education in Gaza Will Be Hobbled for Years

The devastating impact of war on education in Gaza Strip. [ more ]
3 months ago

Police published overview of organised crime situation in 2022

The war in Ukraine is leading to increased crime in Germany and Berlin.
Russian and Ukrainian gangs are involved in the increased crime. [ more ]
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