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3 weeks ago
Web design

USPTO Adapts to CAFC's New Guidelines: What Design Patent Examiners Need to Know

USPTO aligns practices with flexible approach on design patent obviousness after LKQ v. GM decision. [ more ]
IPWatchdog.com | Patents & Intellectual Property Law
3 weeks ago
UX design

Impact of Full Federal Circuit's Design Patent Decision is Far from Obvious

The 'flexible approach' in LKQ Corp. v. GM case may impact design patent validity challenges, potentially empowering challengers in arguing obviousness. [ more ]
5 days ago
Web design

Design Patent Examination Updates

The decision in LKQ v. GM has made it easier to find design patents obvious. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Web design

USPTO Adapts to CAFC's New Guidelines: What Design Patent Examiners Need to Know

USPTO aligns practices with flexible approach on design patent obviousness after LKQ v. GM decision. [ more ]
IPWatchdog.com | Patents & Intellectual Property Law
3 weeks ago
UX design

Impact of Full Federal Circuit's Design Patent Decision is Far from Obvious

The 'flexible approach' in LKQ Corp. v. GM case may impact design patent validity challenges, potentially empowering challengers in arguing obviousness. [ more ]
5 days ago
Web design

Design Patent Examination Updates

The decision in LKQ v. GM has made it easier to find design patents obvious. [ more ]
IPWatchdog.com | Patents & Intellectual Property Law
4 weeks ago
Data science

Why are the FDA and USPTO Ignoring Requests for Info on I-MAK?

Senator Tillis questions FDA and USPTO on data supporting drug pricing proposals, emphasizes need for accurate information. [ more ]
IPWatchdog.com | Patents & Intellectual Property Law
1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

Other Barks and Bites for Friday, May 17: Senate AI Working Group Releases AI Policy Roadmap; Voice Actors Accuse AI Company of Stealing Their Voices; USPTO Accidentally Publishes Patent Application Titles

AI company accused of stealing voice actors' voices for millions of voiceover productions. [ more ]
IPWatchdog.com | Patents & Intellectual Property Law
1 month ago

USPTO Proposes National Strategy to Incentivize Inclusive Innovation

The USPTO announced a National Strategy for Inclusive Innovation to promote STEM participation and support underrepresented communities in inventorship and commercialization. [ more ]
1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

Discerning Signal from Noise: Navigating the Flood of AI-Generated Prior Art

Generative AI can flood patent systems with speculative prior art, prompting potential revisions in examination standards. [ more ]
IPWatchdog.com | Patents & Intellectual Property Law
1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

Commerce Department Announces NIST and USPTO Action on AI

USPTO published an RFC on AI's impact on patent law, including PHOSITA concept and examination guidance.
The Department of Commerce announced actions on AI safety, security, and distinguishing human versus AI-produced content. [ more ]
Global IP & Technology Law Blog
1 month ago

The USPTO Proposes Steep RCE Fees. Will Patent Prosecution and Appeal Strategies Change?

USPTO proposed substantial patent fee increases for continuing applications and RCEs, affecting patent prosecution strategies. [ more ]
IPWatchdog.com | Patents & Intellectual Property Law
4 weeks ago
Data science

Why are the FDA and USPTO Ignoring Requests for Info on I-MAK?

Senator Tillis questions FDA and USPTO on data supporting drug pricing proposals, emphasizes need for accurate information. [ more ]
IPWatchdog.com | Patents & Intellectual Property Law
1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

Other Barks and Bites for Friday, May 17: Senate AI Working Group Releases AI Policy Roadmap; Voice Actors Accuse AI Company of Stealing Their Voices; USPTO Accidentally Publishes Patent Application Titles

AI company accused of stealing voice actors' voices for millions of voiceover productions. [ more ]
IPWatchdog.com | Patents & Intellectual Property Law
1 month ago

USPTO Proposes National Strategy to Incentivize Inclusive Innovation

The USPTO announced a National Strategy for Inclusive Innovation to promote STEM participation and support underrepresented communities in inventorship and commercialization. [ more ]
1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

Discerning Signal from Noise: Navigating the Flood of AI-Generated Prior Art

Generative AI can flood patent systems with speculative prior art, prompting potential revisions in examination standards. [ more ]
IPWatchdog.com | Patents & Intellectual Property Law
1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

Commerce Department Announces NIST and USPTO Action on AI

USPTO published an RFC on AI's impact on patent law, including PHOSITA concept and examination guidance.
The Department of Commerce announced actions on AI safety, security, and distinguishing human versus AI-produced content. [ more ]
Global IP & Technology Law Blog
1 month ago

The USPTO Proposes Steep RCE Fees. Will Patent Prosecution and Appeal Strategies Change?

USPTO proposed substantial patent fee increases for continuing applications and RCEs, affecting patent prosecution strategies. [ more ]
5 months ago

How USPTO built a culture of trust in its automation efforts

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has proven successful in using automation to quickly remediate identified system glitches and potential security vulnerabilities, according to an agency official.
IPWatchdog.com | Patents & Intellectual Property Law
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Other Barks and Bites for Friday, December 1: Senators Discuss AI and Intellectual Property; EU Report Finds 86 Million Fake Items Were Detained Last Year; USPTO Releases New China IP Rights Toolkit

The USPTO released a revised edition of its China Intellectual Property Rights Toolkit, which provides information on recent changes to China's IP laws and government structure.
USPTO Director Kathi Vidal vacated a PTAB decision that found certain patent claims unpatentable, stating that the Board should have considered evidence of patentability. [ more ]
6 months ago
Web design

GUI Guidelines: The Old Rules are New Again

The USPTO released supplemental guidance for examination of design patent applications related to computer-generated electronic images.
The USPTO reaffirmed its prior interpretation of the phrase 'design for an article of manufacture' and did not expand its interpretation as many had hoped. [ more ]
Above the Law
7 months ago
UX design

New Design Patent Bar Welcomes More Creative Lawyers To The IP World

The USPTO is introducing a new bar exam for design patent practitioners, allowing professionals with creative and artistic backgrounds to practice patent law.
Applicants for the design patent bar must have a degree in industrial design, product design, architecture, applied arts, graphic design, fine/studio arts, or art teacher education.
The expansion of the admission criteria aims to encourage broader participation in patent law and keep up with evolving technology. [ more ]
Above the Law
7 months ago
UX design

New Design Patent Bar Welcomes More Creative Lawyers To The IP World

The USPTO is introducing a new bar exam for design patent practitioners, allowing professionals with creative and artistic backgrounds to practice patent law.
Applicants for the design patent bar must have a degree in industrial design, product design, architecture, applied arts, graphic design, fine/studio arts, or art teacher education.
The expansion of the admission criteria aims to encourage broader participation in patent law and keep up with evolving technology. [ more ]
Above the Law
7 months ago
UX design

New Design Patent Bar Welcomes More Creative Lawyers To The IP World

The USPTO is introducing a new bar exam for design patent practitioners, allowing professionals with creative and artistic backgrounds to practice patent law.
Applicants for the design patent bar must have a degree in industrial design, product design, architecture, applied arts, graphic design, fine/studio arts, or art teacher education.
The expansion of the admission criteria aims to encourage broader participation in patent law and keep up with evolving technology. [ more ]
7 months ago
UX design

Design Patent Bar Now Reality

The USPTO is establishing a separate design patent practitioner bar, allowing a wider audience to become patent practitioners.
The new rules introduce additional qualifications focused on visual arts credentials.
The design patent practitioner bar will be separate from the regular patent bar. [ more ]
7 months ago
UX design

Design Patent Bar Now Reality

The USPTO is establishing a separate design patent practitioner bar, allowing a wider audience to become patent practitioners.
The new rules introduce additional qualifications focused on visual arts credentials.
The design patent practitioner bar will be separate from the regular patent bar. [ more ]
7 months ago
UX design

Design Patent Bar Now Reality

The USPTO is establishing a separate design patent practitioner bar, allowing a wider audience to become patent practitioners.
The new rules introduce additional qualifications focused on visual arts credentials.
The design patent practitioner bar will be separate from the regular patent bar. [ more ]
IPWatchdog.com | Patents & Intellectual Property Law
7 months ago
UX design

Build a Consumer Base with Innovation; Protect Sales with Design Patents

The USPTO issued its one millionth design patent on September 26, 2023.
The Office has seen a 20% growth in design patent applications over the last five years. [ more ]
IPWatchdog.com | Patents & Intellectual Property Law
7 months ago
UX design

Build a Consumer Base with Innovation; Protect Sales with Design Patents

The USPTO issued its one millionth design patent on September 26, 2023.
The Office has seen a 20% growth in design patent applications over the last five years. [ more ]
IPWatchdog.com | Patents & Intellectual Property Law
7 months ago
UX design

Build a Consumer Base with Innovation; Protect Sales with Design Patents

The USPTO issued its one millionth design patent on September 26, 2023.
The Office has seen a 20% growth in design patent applications over the last five years. [ more ]
IPWatchdog.com | Patents & Intellectual Property Law
7 months ago
Artificial intelligence

This Week in Washington IP: IPWatchdog Hosts SEP Masters, the State of Veteran Entrepreneurship, Rule Changes at the PTAB

Senate Committee on Small Business hears from entrepreneurs who served in the U.S. military
House Subcommittee on Communications discusses the implications of AI technology on U.S. communications
USPTO evaluates how women can be empowered to become entrepreneurs and holds a webinar to discuss changes at PTAB [ more ]
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