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The Drum
1 month ago

The Drum Live: How Tinder is revolutionizing love and marketing

Tinder intertwines product features with inclusive storytelling to support LGBTQ+ community. [ more ]
3 months ago
UX design

Dear Tinder: your UX needs work. Too bad you broke up with me first.

Tinder banned user for including Instagram handle, lacks personalized response to appeal. [ more ]
The Drum
2 months ago

Best Ads of the Week: Tiffany's celebrates heritage & BA captures passengers at 35,000ft

Velveeta launched a limited-time hair dye product inspired by its cheese color.
Tinder's April Fools' Day stunt highlights the issue of ghosting in modern dating culture.
Andrex breaks taboos about bathroom breaks at work with a campaign. [ more ]
The Drum
2 months ago

Ad of the Day: Tinder seeks a 'VP of Ghost Hunting' to revamp dating etiquette

Tinder's April Fools' prank tackles modern dating dilemma of ghosting.
The fake job role created by Tinder emphasizes the importance of communication and closure in dating. [ more ]
3 months ago

Tinder to explain why some EU users have to pay more for the app

Tinder breached EU consumer law by applying personalized prices without informing users.
Commission opened investigation against Tinder over pricing practices. [ more ]
3 months ago

Bumble plans app relaunch and slashes workforces

Bumble plans to lay off 30% of its workforce and relaunch its dating app to appeal to younger users.
Tinder and Bumble are introducing new features to attract younger users, including easier profile creation and AI photo selection. [ more ]
The Drum
1 month ago

The Drum Live: How Tinder is revolutionizing love and marketing

Tinder intertwines product features with inclusive storytelling to support LGBTQ+ community. [ more ]
3 months ago
UX design

Dear Tinder: your UX needs work. Too bad you broke up with me first.

Tinder banned user for including Instagram handle, lacks personalized response to appeal. [ more ]
The Drum
2 months ago

Best Ads of the Week: Tiffany's celebrates heritage & BA captures passengers at 35,000ft

Velveeta launched a limited-time hair dye product inspired by its cheese color.
Tinder's April Fools' Day stunt highlights the issue of ghosting in modern dating culture.
Andrex breaks taboos about bathroom breaks at work with a campaign. [ more ]
The Drum
2 months ago

Ad of the Day: Tinder seeks a 'VP of Ghost Hunting' to revamp dating etiquette

Tinder's April Fools' prank tackles modern dating dilemma of ghosting.
The fake job role created by Tinder emphasizes the importance of communication and closure in dating. [ more ]
3 months ago

Tinder to explain why some EU users have to pay more for the app

Tinder breached EU consumer law by applying personalized prices without informing users.
Commission opened investigation against Tinder over pricing practices. [ more ]
3 months ago

Bumble plans app relaunch and slashes workforces

Bumble plans to lay off 30% of its workforce and relaunch its dating app to appeal to younger users.
Tinder and Bumble are introducing new features to attract younger users, including easier profile creation and AI photo selection. [ more ]
The Drum
6 months ago

Tinder launches first ever brand film in the UK this Boxing Day

As part of its global 'It Starts With a Swipe' campaign, Tinder has launched a brand film in the UK for the first time.
Mail Online
6 months ago
Digital life

The most popular emoji on Tinder in 2023 - and its secret meaning

The most popular emoji on Tinder in 2023 include the 'always on' emoji, yerba mate, prayer beads, and a bouquet of flowers.
These emoji reflect a focus on positivity, optimism, self-improvement, and openness to new experiences. [ more ]
7 months ago

Tinder profiles just got a 'rizz-first' redesign

Tinder introduces new features including profile prompts, basic info tags, quizzes, and a report option for specific details of a profile.
The updates aim to engage Gen Z users and cater to their desire for more authentic connections.
Tinder's Chief Product Officer stated that the new features are a response to the evolving needs of modern daters. [ more ]
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