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1 month ago

Man charged with terrorism offences after Syria trip

A man charged with terrorism offences after returning to the UK from Syria. [ more ]
1 month ago

Hounslow man charged with intent to commit terror after allegedly travelling to Syria

Man charged with intent to commit terror after allegedly travelling to Syria. [ more ]
Slate Magazine
3 months ago
Europe news

What the Deadliest Terrorist Attack in Russia in 20 Years Means for Putin and His Grip on Power

ISIS continues to pose a threat even after losing its stronghold in Mosul.
ISIS targeted Russia as a specific enemy due to its support of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. [ more ]
London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com
7 months ago
Privacy professionals

Security sources warn six terror suspects used small boats to enter the UK who are 'planning an attack'

Terror suspects have entered the UK using small boats to cross the English Channel
Suspects are believed to have travelled from Syria and are planning to attack government buildings across the UK [ more ]
1 month ago

Man charged with terrorism offences after Syria trip

A man charged with terrorism offences after returning to the UK from Syria. [ more ]
1 month ago

Hounslow man charged with intent to commit terror after allegedly travelling to Syria

Man charged with intent to commit terror after allegedly travelling to Syria. [ more ]
Slate Magazine
3 months ago
Europe news

What the Deadliest Terrorist Attack in Russia in 20 Years Means for Putin and His Grip on Power

ISIS continues to pose a threat even after losing its stronghold in Mosul.
ISIS targeted Russia as a specific enemy due to its support of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. [ more ]
London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com
7 months ago
Privacy professionals

Security sources warn six terror suspects used small boats to enter the UK who are 'planning an attack'

Terror suspects have entered the UK using small boats to cross the English Channel
Suspects are believed to have travelled from Syria and are planning to attack government buildings across the UK [ more ]
1 month ago

Nezouh review magic realism amid the ruins of Damascus under siege

The film Nezouh blends magical realism with the story of a family living under siege in Syria. [ more ]
1 month ago

The World | In Barbados, public outcry over a potential land deal

Stories from Syria, Barbados land deal, Toronto car theft epidemic. [ more ]
2 months ago
Black Lives Matter

Anti-Assad Syrians lead protests against prison torture by rebel group

People in northwestern Syria protest against Hay'et Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), former al-Qaeda affiliate, for alleged torture of prisoners to death.
Protests across Idlib reflect opposition to HTS, calling attention to the group's brutality and advocating for justice and freedom. [ more ]
2 months ago
Black Lives Matter

Several killed in Israeli strike on Iranian consulate in Damascus: Reports

Several individuals killed in Israeli strike on Iranian consulate in Damascus, including IRGC commander Mohammad Reza Zahedi.
Attack in Damascus follows recent Israeli air strikes in Aleppo, signaling escalation in Israel's operations against Iran-backed groups in Syria. [ more ]
2 months ago
Germany news

Syrian passports: How German money funds war crimes in Syria DW 03/28/2024

Adam Yasmin organized demonstrations for democracy in Syria as a teenager, was arrested, then fled to Germany.
Yasmin refused to obtain a Syrian passport for German citizenship, citing traumatic past experiences with the Syrian government. [ more ]
3 months ago
World news

Violence in Syria is on the rise while aid is flagging as the civil war enters its 14th year

Syria's civil war violence increasing
Devastating impact on civilians [ more ]
1 month ago

Nezouh review magic realism amid the ruins of Damascus under siege

The film Nezouh blends magical realism with the story of a family living under siege in Syria. [ more ]
1 month ago

The World | In Barbados, public outcry over a potential land deal

Stories from Syria, Barbados land deal, Toronto car theft epidemic. [ more ]
2 months ago
Black Lives Matter

Anti-Assad Syrians lead protests against prison torture by rebel group

People in northwestern Syria protest against Hay'et Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), former al-Qaeda affiliate, for alleged torture of prisoners to death.
Protests across Idlib reflect opposition to HTS, calling attention to the group's brutality and advocating for justice and freedom. [ more ]
2 months ago
Black Lives Matter

Several killed in Israeli strike on Iranian consulate in Damascus: Reports

Several individuals killed in Israeli strike on Iranian consulate in Damascus, including IRGC commander Mohammad Reza Zahedi.
Attack in Damascus follows recent Israeli air strikes in Aleppo, signaling escalation in Israel's operations against Iran-backed groups in Syria. [ more ]
2 months ago
Germany news

Syrian passports: How German money funds war crimes in Syria DW 03/28/2024

Adam Yasmin organized demonstrations for democracy in Syria as a teenager, was arrested, then fled to Germany.
Yasmin refused to obtain a Syrian passport for German citizenship, citing traumatic past experiences with the Syrian government. [ more ]
3 months ago
World news

Violence in Syria is on the rise while aid is flagging as the civil war enters its 14th year

Syria's civil war violence increasing
Devastating impact on civilians [ more ]
6 months ago
World news

An Israeli Airstrike In Syria Kills A High-Ranking Iranian General

BEIRUT (AP) - An Israeli airstrike Monday in a Damascus neighborhood killed a high-ranking Iranian general, Iranian state media said.
6 months ago
Black Lives Matter

Syria's al-Assad and supporting Hamas, for political gain or optics?

Syria's reconciliation with Hamas does not have significant implications
Syria's role in the resistance axis with Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran remains important [ more ]
7 months ago

My soul and beating heart': Orphaned Syrian children find new family

Syrian couples unable to have children are finding joy in fostering
Fostering is a common practice in Syria
Child Houses in northwestern Syria provides temporary care for abandoned or separated children [ more ]
7 months ago
World news

What role does Syria play in the Hamas-Israel conflict? DW 11/15/2023

Activists are outraged at Syrian President Bashar Assad's presence at a summit in Saudi Arabia discussing the Hamas-Israel conflict.
Arab leaders criticized Israel for war crimes in Gaza and normalization agreements with other Middle Eastern countries.
The death toll in Gaza following Israeli bombings is disputed, with estimates ranging from over 11,000 to potentially much higher. [ more ]
7 months ago
World news

Russia, al-Assad step up Syria bombing amid world focus on Israel-Gaza war

Russian and Syrian regime attacks in northwest Syria have killed 66 civilians and displaced 120,000 people since October.
The attacks have focused on cities and villages in Idlib and Aleppo, resulting in deaths and injuries of civilians, including children.
Syrian regime forces have shifted their attention to targeting civilian vehicles using guided missiles. [ more ]
7 months ago
World news

Russian and US air strikes attack targets in Syria

Russia and Syria are escalating attacks in Idlib while the world's attention is on Gaza.
Russian air strikes in Idlib have killed 34 rebel fighters and injured 60.
The US has bombed Iran-backed groups in Syria, with Russia criticizing Washington for lack of coordination. [ more ]
7 months ago
World news

Russia, al-Assad step up Syria bombing amid world focus on Israel-Gaza war

Russian and Syrian regime attacks in northwest Syria have killed 66 civilians and displaced 120,000 people since October.
The attacks have focused on cities and villages in Idlib and Aleppo, resulting in deaths and injuries of civilians, including children.
Syrian regime forces have shifted their attention to targeting civilian vehicles using guided missiles. [ more ]
7 months ago
World news

Russian and US air strikes attack targets in Syria

Russia and Syria are escalating attacks in Idlib while the world's attention is on Gaza.
Russian air strikes in Idlib have killed 34 rebel fighters and injured 60.
The US has bombed Iran-backed groups in Syria, with Russia criticizing Washington for lack of coordination. [ more ]
7 months ago
World news

US and Iran-backed groups trade fire in Syria. Will it get worse?

Iran-backed groups have attacked US forces in Syria and Iraq more than 50 times since the start of the Gaza war.
The attacks have caused minor damage and no US soldiers have been killed.
The US has warned that the attacks must stop and has launched retaliatory strikes against purportedly Iran-linked sites in Syria. [ more ]
7 months ago
World news

At least eight pro-Iran fighters killed in fresh US strikes on Syria

US carried out strikes in eastern Syria in response to attacks on American forces.
At least eight pro-Iran fighters were killed in the strikes.
This is the third time in less than three weeks that the US military has targeted locations in Syria tied to Iran. [ more ]
7 months ago
World news

US announces fresh strikes on Iran-linked sites in Syria

The US conducted airstrikes on Iran-linked sites in Syria in response to attacks on American forces.
This is the third time in less than three weeks that the US military has targeted locations in Syria tied to Iran. [ more ]
7 months ago
World news

U.S. Carries Out Another Round of Airstrikes on Iran-Linked Targets

The United States conducted airstrikes against facilities used by Iran in Syria in retaliation for attacks against American forces.
The strikes were meant to deter Iran and its supported militias in Syria and Iraq.
The Biden administration has rejected more aggressive bombing options to avoid provoking a wider conflict. [ more ]
7 months ago
World news

At least eight pro-Iran fighters killed in fresh US strikes on Syria

US carried out strikes in eastern Syria in response to attacks on American forces.
At least eight pro-Iran fighters were killed in the strikes.
This is the third time in less than three weeks that the US military has targeted locations in Syria tied to Iran. [ more ]
7 months ago
World news

US announces fresh strikes on Iran-linked sites in Syria

The US conducted airstrikes on Iran-linked sites in Syria in response to attacks on American forces.
This is the third time in less than three weeks that the US military has targeted locations in Syria tied to Iran. [ more ]
7 months ago
World news

U.S. Carries Out Another Round of Airstrikes on Iran-Linked Targets

The United States conducted airstrikes against facilities used by Iran in Syria in retaliation for attacks against American forces.
The strikes were meant to deter Iran and its supported militias in Syria and Iraq.
The Biden administration has rejected more aggressive bombing options to avoid provoking a wider conflict. [ more ]
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