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Ars Technica
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

The real research behind the wild rumors about OpenAI's Q* project

OpenAI has made a technical breakthrough with a new AI model called Q* that can solve math problems it hasn't seen before.
The firing of OpenAI CEO Sam Altman has been linked to concerns over the powerful AI discovery by some staff members. [ more ]
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

These Clues Hint at the True Nature of OpenAI's Shadowy Q* Project

The name Q* may be a reference to Q-learning and the A* search algorithm.
OpenAI's use of computer-generated data suggests the possibility of training algorithms with synthetic data.
Q* could involve using large amounts of synthetic data and reinforcement learning to solve specific tasks. [ more ]
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

AGI: What is Artificial General Intelligence, the next (and possible final) step in AI

OpenAI staff researchers raised concerns about a powerful AI that could threaten humanity, which led to the temporary firing of CEO Sam Altman.
OpenAI has a project called Q* (Q-Star) that some believe could be a breakthrough in the search for Artificial General Intelligence (AGI).
AGI refers to artificial intelligence that surpasses humans in most valuable tasks and is capable of processing information at a human-level or beyond. [ more ]
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

OpenAI Refuses to Comment on Secretive Q* AI

OpenAI has been secretly working on a next-generation AI model called Q*, which can answer grade school-level math prompts.
Speculation has risen about the relationship between Q* and Sam Altman's dismissal as OpenAI CEO.
While OpenAI has confirmed the existence of Q*, they have refused to comment further or provide details on its capabilities. [ more ]
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Should we be afraid of Q*, OpenAI's mysterious AI system?

The next generation of AI agents is starting to take shape with OpenAI's new agent, internally known as Q*
Q* is a major step toward OpenAI's goal of achieving artificial general intelligence
The board at OpenAI was concerned about rushing the release of Q* without proper safety measures [ more ]
The Atlantic
7 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Why Won't OpenAI Say What the Q* Algorithm Is?

OpenAI's development of technology and its direction on future generations are still largely unknown.
Staff researchers at OpenAI had raised concerns about a supposedly dangerous breakthrough related to an algorithm called Q*. [ more ]
Ars Technica
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

The real research behind the wild rumors about OpenAI's Q* project

OpenAI has made a technical breakthrough with a new AI model called Q* that can solve math problems it hasn't seen before.
The firing of OpenAI CEO Sam Altman has been linked to concerns over the powerful AI discovery by some staff members. [ more ]
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

These Clues Hint at the True Nature of OpenAI's Shadowy Q* Project

The name Q* may be a reference to Q-learning and the A* search algorithm.
OpenAI's use of computer-generated data suggests the possibility of training algorithms with synthetic data.
Q* could involve using large amounts of synthetic data and reinforcement learning to solve specific tasks. [ more ]
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

AGI: What is Artificial General Intelligence, the next (and possible final) step in AI

OpenAI staff researchers raised concerns about a powerful AI that could threaten humanity, which led to the temporary firing of CEO Sam Altman.
OpenAI has a project called Q* (Q-Star) that some believe could be a breakthrough in the search for Artificial General Intelligence (AGI).
AGI refers to artificial intelligence that surpasses humans in most valuable tasks and is capable of processing information at a human-level or beyond. [ more ]
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

OpenAI Refuses to Comment on Secretive Q* AI

OpenAI has been secretly working on a next-generation AI model called Q*, which can answer grade school-level math prompts.
Speculation has risen about the relationship between Q* and Sam Altman's dismissal as OpenAI CEO.
While OpenAI has confirmed the existence of Q*, they have refused to comment further or provide details on its capabilities. [ more ]
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Should we be afraid of Q*, OpenAI's mysterious AI system?

The next generation of AI agents is starting to take shape with OpenAI's new agent, internally known as Q*
Q* is a major step toward OpenAI's goal of achieving artificial general intelligence
The board at OpenAI was concerned about rushing the release of Q* without proper safety measures [ more ]
The Atlantic
7 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Why Won't OpenAI Say What the Q* Algorithm Is?

OpenAI's development of technology and its direction on future generations are still largely unknown.
Staff researchers at OpenAI had raised concerns about a supposedly dangerous breakthrough related to an algorithm called Q*. [ more ]
Mail Online
6 months ago
Tech industry

Amazon takes on ChatGPT with rival AI chatbot, Q

Amazon has unveiled its AI chatbot called 'Q' for employees in various fields.
Q can answer specific questions, summarize meetings, and locate information from company documents.
Q is currently available for users of Connect in the US and will expand to other services and countries soon. [ more ]
7 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Amazon launches Q, a business chatbot powered by generative artificial intelligence

Amazon is launching a business chatbot called Q, powered by generative AI, as a response to rivals in the chatbot market.
Q can synthesize content, streamline communications, and assist with tasks like generating blog posts.
Amazon is not seen as a leader in AI research, ranking at the bottom in a transparency index of top AI models. [ more ]
Mail Online
6 months ago
Tech industry

Amazon takes on ChatGPT with rival AI chatbot, Q

Amazon has unveiled its AI chatbot called 'Q' for employees in various fields.
Q can answer specific questions, summarize meetings, and locate information from company documents.
Q is currently available for users of Connect in the US and will expand to other services and countries soon. [ more ]
7 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Amazon launches Q, a business chatbot powered by generative artificial intelligence

Amazon is launching a business chatbot called Q, powered by generative AI, as a response to rivals in the chatbot market.
Q can synthesize content, streamline communications, and assist with tasks like generating blog posts.
Amazon is not seen as a leader in AI research, ranking at the bottom in a transparency index of top AI models. [ more ]
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