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MedCity News
3 weeks ago

Mental Health Inequities Could Cost $1.3 Trillion in 2040. How Can the Industry Prevent This? - MedCity News

The U.S. spends billions on avoidable mental health costs, projected to reach trillions by 2040, but integrating mental health with primary care could save money and increase life expectancy. [ more ]
New York Post
3 weeks ago

Introducing peanuts early reduces kids' allergy risk: new study

Feeding infants peanut products early can reduce peanut allergies by 71% by age 5. [ more ]
1 month ago

Weight-loss jabs shouldn't be quick-fix solution for governments, says expert

Governments may use weight-loss drugs as a cop-out instead of implementing hard policy choices to tackle obesity. [ more ]
1 month ago

Tick Tactics: Understanding and avoiding ticks

Ticks, especially blacklegged ticks, are expanding their presence, bringing concerns about Lyme disease risk and necessitating awareness of prevention methods. [ more ]
1 month ago

Ayurveda Cheat Codes to Beat Allergies

Prevention and management of allergies through the practices of classical yoga and Ayurveda. [ more ]
1 month ago

How to Exercise for Lower Blood Pressure

Regular exercise, particularly yoga and cardiovascular workouts, can help prevent and lower high blood pressure, reducing strain on the heart and blood vessels. [ more ]
MedCity News
3 weeks ago

Mental Health Inequities Could Cost $1.3 Trillion in 2040. How Can the Industry Prevent This? - MedCity News

The U.S. spends billions on avoidable mental health costs, projected to reach trillions by 2040, but integrating mental health with primary care could save money and increase life expectancy. [ more ]
New York Post
3 weeks ago

Introducing peanuts early reduces kids' allergy risk: new study

Feeding infants peanut products early can reduce peanut allergies by 71% by age 5. [ more ]
1 month ago

Weight-loss jabs shouldn't be quick-fix solution for governments, says expert

Governments may use weight-loss drugs as a cop-out instead of implementing hard policy choices to tackle obesity. [ more ]
1 month ago

Tick Tactics: Understanding and avoiding ticks

Ticks, especially blacklegged ticks, are expanding their presence, bringing concerns about Lyme disease risk and necessitating awareness of prevention methods. [ more ]
1 month ago

Ayurveda Cheat Codes to Beat Allergies

Prevention and management of allergies through the practices of classical yoga and Ayurveda. [ more ]
1 month ago

How to Exercise for Lower Blood Pressure

Regular exercise, particularly yoga and cardiovascular workouts, can help prevent and lower high blood pressure, reducing strain on the heart and blood vessels. [ more ]
6 months ago

What to eat to prevent and control type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a metabolic disorder characterized by insulin resistance and a decrease in insulin secretion.
A healthy eating pattern is important for managing and preventing diabetes. [ more ]
7 months ago

Study: Regularly Drinking Coffee Reduces COVID-19 Infection Risk

Drinking coffee every day may reduce the risk of COVID-19 infection and the severity of infections.
The effects of coffee were consistent across different types and variants of the virus.
Previous studies have also shown a link between coffee consumption and a lower risk of developing COVID-19. [ more ]
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