
3 months ago

This diet swap can cut your carbon footprint and boost longevity

Plant-based diet can benefit health and reduce carbon footprint by swapping red meat for plant protein.
Small changes like reducing red meat consumption can lead to positive health effects and carbon footprint reduction. [ more ]
3 months ago
OMG science

Joe Biden says climate change deniers are "Neanderthals" - that's not fair to Neanderthals

President Biden referred to climate change deniers as 'Neanderthals' during a speech, highlighting scientific evidence on climate change.
It is crucial to acknowledge that modern humans, not Neanderthals, are accountable for climate change, driven primarily by carbon dioxide emissions. [ more ]
5 months ago

To Cut Back on Drinking, Try Damp January

Choosing to drink less instead of abstaining entirely can be a more sustainable approach to changing drinking behavior.
Reducing alcohol consumption can lead to better sleep, clearer skin, more energy, and lower health risks. [ more ]
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