This is fascinating. I didn’t realize that dehydration led to cell collapse but that makes total sense.

OMG science
Scientists Reveal How Tardigrades Can Survive Decades Without Water
Now, scientists have revealed new details about how tardigrades survive near complete dehydration for long durations, even decades, which is an extraordinary superpower considering that water is the key ingredient for life.
Indeed, tardigrades are nicknamed water bears because they are aquatic animals, making it all the more puzzling that they can persist without this vital substance for years at a time.
The team revealed that these proteins can form protective substances akin to gels that contribute to the exceptional physical stability in a dehydrated state seen in tardigrades, a finding that may have implications for human medical treatments and technologies, according to a study published in the journal PLOS Biology on Tuesday.
Water loss in typically living cells causes these biological units to lose their structural integrity, making them prone to collapse, but in tardigrades, CAHS proteins take over to maintain cellular stability in a dehydrated state.
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