
RT @Grady_Booch: ‘Silicon Valley routinely calls theft "disruption"’
1 year ago
Artificial intelligence

AI machines aren't hallucinating'. But their makers are | Naomi Klein

Inside the many debates swirling around the rapid rollout of so-called artificial intelligence, there is a relatively obscure skirmish focused on the choice of the word hallucinate.This is the term that architects and boosters of generative AI have settled on to characterize responses served up by chatbots that are wholly manufactured, or flat-out wrong.
Opinion | In Ukraine, Putin Is Fighting, and Losing, His Last War
1 year ago
Europe news

Opinion | We Forget Nuclear Powers Have Lost Wars

In the Brezhnev era of Vladimir Putin's youth, May 9 was an occasion for Soviet militarism, a celebration of weapons and might.It could be forgotten, at least for a moment, that Leonid Brezhnev's war of choice would be fought and lost in Afghanistan less than two decades after he began the May 9 celebrations, much as what is likely Mr. Putin's last war is today being fought and lost in Ukraine.
The A.I.-PR Industrial Complex: Artificial intelligence hype is impressively meaningless.
Slate Magazine
1 year ago
Artificial intelligence

If a Press Release Says "Artificial Intelligence," There's a Good Chance It's Meaningless

This article is from Big Technology, a newsletter by Alex Kantrowitz.You can already see the machine at work.Corporations, politicians, threadbois, and "thought leaders" are probing and prodding, searching desperately for ways to use surging curiosity about all things artificial intelligence to mask problems, gain favor with the public, and monetize attention.
NSA Cybersecurity Director Says ‘Buckle Up’ for Generative AI
1 year ago
Artificial intelligence

NSA Cybersecurity Director Says 'Buckle Up' for Generative AI

At the RSA security conference in San Francisco this week, there's been a feeling of inevitability in the air.At talks and panels across the sprawling Moscone convention center, at every vendor booth on the show floor, and in casual conversations in the halls, you just know that someone is going to bring up generative AI and its potential impacts on digital security and malicious hacking.
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