
“Poets have always known how inadequate language is. The speaker of this poem knows it well.”

Sara Nicholson on Alice Notley for our web series on the poet, whose interview appears in our Spring issue.


The Paris Review
Between the World and the Universe, a Woman Is Thinking - The Paris Review
Alice Notley acknowledges the inadequacy of words in capturing the essence of being: 'I feel ambivalent about words, I know they don't work, I know they aren't it.'
Notley's poem 'The World, All That Live & All That Occur' navigates the unsayable, stretching from 'the world' to 'the Universe,' reflecting on the limitations of language in expressing the profound.
The poem encapsulates a moment of a woman in 1977 NYC reflecting on life, contrasting with a man's action, emphasizing gender dynamics, and contemplating the essence of being.
Despite the humorous inadequacy in articulating 'the one organism,' the poem captures a profound introspective moment, hinting at eternity with Avenue A being metonymic of 'the Universe.'
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