Stacey Gray from Future of Privacy Forum on the Sephora CCPA case ...

Privacy professionals

My observations on @AGRobBonta's first major #C...
First, @Sephora is a strategic choice. The most significant outcome is their 2-yr agreement to honor Global Privacy Control (GPC) signals. It's very important for the AG to get this on the books, because it bolsters CCPA's key (only) redeeming feature: the universal opt-out. 2/

Despite CCPA's underlying weaknesses (advocates have rightly criticized it as an ineffectual notice & choice law), the concept of a decentralized "universal opt-out" browser mechanism has taken hold in the US and been adopted in CO, CT - with great promise. 3/

This suggests to me that cleaning up U.S.-facing websites/apps for integrations (analytics, ad partners, location SDKs etc) simply hasn't been a high priority, but was a relatively straightforward thing to do without threatening revenue; 6/

#adtech, esp. brand publishers, will be paying close attention to this #GPC result and weighing whether to adopt, challenge, or wait and see (recognizing that in two years, #CPRA will be in effect). A settlement =/= judicial decision in setting precedent, but still important. 12/

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