Spoiler alert! The answers to the across clues in today's Mini crossword game are as follows: 1-Across Hint: Gymnastics surfaces; 5-Across Hint: They might be raised by something exciting; 6-Across Hint: More than enough; 8-Across Hint: Highway payment; 9-Across Hint: Food for farm animals.
Find below the answers to the NYT Mini's down clues today, i.e., August 13 1-Down Hint: Actor Jason of 'Dune'; 2-Down Hint: Submit one's résumé; 3-Down Hint: Poker player's giveaway; 4-Down Hint: Direction that's down and a little to the right: Abbr.; 6-Down Hint: 'Hell ___ no fury like ...'
The New York Times Mini Crossword is a fun and engaging puzzle game that offers quick mental challenges each day. If you're new to the game or just looking to brush up on your skills, here's a detailed step-by-step guide to get you started.