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1 week ago

She Was More Than the Woman Who Made Julia Child Famous

Judith Jones, a legendary editor, significantly shaped both the culinary and literary landscape in America through her meticulous work and deep impact on various authors. [ more ]
3 months ago

U.K. Publishing Spotlight: Building Bridges Between the U.K. and U.S. Book Businesses

English is a global literary lingua franca, leading to a symbiotic relationship between American and British publishing industries.
There is a mutual exchange of ideas and practices between the U.S. and U.K. publishing industries, reflecting in book sales strategies and online platforms. [ more ]
The Atlantic
1 week ago
Media industry

Publishers Striking AI Deals Are Making a Fatal Error

News organizations should be cautious in dealing with tech companies, as historical trends show aligning too closely can be detrimental. [ more ]
1 week ago

Sunny Hostin says book exec said her beach novels about Black women would fail

Sunny Hostin, a successful daytime TV host and legal expert, faced challenges entering the world of romance novels due to publisher skepticism on the market for Black women-centered stories. [ more ]
4 months ago

Has TikTok Ruined Reading?

BookTok has become a popular platform for promoting books, but some argue that it has negative effects on the book world.
One critique is that BookTok lacks representation of authors and creators of color, reflecting the publishing industry's bias towards primarily white authors. [ more ]
1 year ago

31 Books We Can't Wait to Read in 2023

Focusing on the excitement and anticipation of new books in 2023 amidst the challenges faced in the publishing world during 2022. [ more ]
Gay City News
3 weeks ago

Rainbow Book Fair draws full house at LGBT Center

The Rainbow Book Fair in New York City is the largest LGBTQ book event globally. [ more ]
Android Central
1 week ago
Artificial intelligence

Google's AI overviews in search might kill publishing, and it's going to backfire eventually

Google is replacing 'featured snippets' with AI overviews in search results, causing concern in the publishing industry. [ more ]
1 week ago

7 Things Creators Should Know About Marketing Their Book

Book marketing is a crucial step after finishing writing a book and requires time, effort, and strategic planning. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Artificial intelligence

Wiley shuts 19 scholarly journals amid AI paper mill plague

Publishing house Wiley discontinued 19 journals due to a scandal involving paper mills and manipulation of the publishing process. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Marketing tech

Shadier Than Forbes? Premium Publishers Are Partnering With Content Farms To Make A Quick Programmatic Buck | AdExchanger

Legitimate publishers are found to have partnered with vendors generating ad revenue through recycled MFA articles.
Sincera's investigation found top publishers utilizing subdomains to profit from content they didn't create. [ more ]
The Verge
3 weeks ago
Artificial intelligence

OpenAI strikes licensing deal with the magazine giant behind People

Dotdash Meredith partners with OpenAI for AI models in ad-targeting and content licensing. [ more ]
4 months ago
Marketing tech

Snack Media & Pubstack Extend Partnership & Enhance Publisher Yield with Remarkable CPM Growth

Snack Media strengthens partnership with Pubstack
Integration of Pubstack's Analytics product enhances collaboration [ more ]
4 weeks ago

Rebecca F Kuang: I like to write to my friends in the style of Joan Didion'

Rebecca F Kuang's latest novel, Yellowface, offers a satirical take on identity politics in the publishing industry. [ more ]
LI Press
4 weeks ago
Media industry

Schneps Media Acquires Anton Media

Schneps Media acquired Anton Media Group, expanding its local news reach across Nassau County. [ more ]
The Walrus
1 month ago

Yes, It's Okay to Throw Away a Book | The Walrus

Books hold a special status and are seen as a wholesome purchase even when unread due to the perception of supporting the publishing industry. [ more ]
2 months ago

Children's Job Moves: March 2024

Emma Kantor promoted to senior editor at Publishers Weekly
Multiple promotions within various publishing houses [ more ]
2 months ago

Barrs and Aielli Up at Hachette Books

Promotions at Hachette Books involve multiple individuals taking on new roles and responsibilities.
The promotions span various departments including editorial, marketing, and production. [ more ]
3 months ago

Alessandra Bastagli Tapped to Lead One Signal

Alessandra Bastagli named v-p and publisher of One Signal Publishers
Nicholas Ciani promoted to executive editor at One Signal [ more ]
2 months ago

20 Romantasy Books That'll Get You Hooked On The Genre

Romance remains the highest-grossing genre, with fantasy romance (romantasy) showing significant growth.
Romantasy combines elements of fantasy and romance, gaining popularity on TikTok and among BookTokers. [ more ]
2 months ago

PR Vet Lena Little Launches Eponymous Firm

Experienced professional Lena Little launches independent PR firm focused on authors and books.
Little's impressive background includes working with renowned publishers and authors in the industry. [ more ]
Public Books
4 months ago

Life inside the Fiction Factory: Dan Sinykin on Conglomerate Publishing

Changes in the publishing industry shape the books readers have access to
The traditional narrative of authors driving trends in publishing is not accurate [ more ]
5 months ago

The Sweetest Way to Celebrate a Book Is by Putting It on a Cake

Authors find a secondary satisfaction in seeing and eating a cake version of their book cover.
Book cover cakes have become a popular form of promotion in the publishing industry. [ more ]
2 months ago

Welcome to the London Book Fair, Where Everyone Knows Their Place

The London Book Fair showcases the power map of the publishing industry through its exhibition layout.
The fair serves as a platform for agents, editors, publishers, and industry professionals to engage in deals, observe trends, and understand the industry's power structure. [ more ]
2 months ago

London Book Fair 2024: Many Faces, Old and New

Increased attendance and energy at the 2024 London Book Fair post-Covid.
Excitement and optimism about expansion opportunities and international collaboration in the publishing industry. [ more ]
2 months ago

Japan's Economy Ministry Project Team Strives to Make Bookstores into Cultural Meeting Points in Local Communities

The Economy, Trade and Industry Ministry is establishing a project team to help turn bookstores into cultural hubs in local communities.
The project team aims to engage not only book lovers but also those who rarely read books by creating attractive spaces for reading. [ more ]
2 months ago

These Podcasts Will Inspire You To Finally Write That Book

More than half of aspiring writers have a good idea for a novel, but only 15% have started writing.
Podcasts are increasingly used for learning, inspiring some authors to educate aspiring writers. [ more ]
2 months ago

I didn't get the credit for my bestselling book: the secret life of the celebrity ghost writer

Many individuals unknowingly encounter books ghostwritten by others, possibly leading to unexpected success and recognition.
Ghostwriters play a crucial role in the success of books, even if they remain anonymous. [ more ]
Slate Magazine
3 months ago

She Was the Most Feared Woman in Publishing. What Happened?

Kakutani played a powerful role in the publishing industry as the New York Times' book critic from 1983 to 2017.
She approached book reviewing as a consumer guide, giving honest evaluations of new books. [ more ]
3 months ago

What Makes a Market Tough?

Challenges faced by publishing industry professionals
Limited ability to predict market trends [ more ]
3 months ago

The Barefoot Memoirist: Ina Garten Takes Her Story to a New Publisher

Celebrity chef Ina Garten's memoir, originally slated to be published by Macmillan, will now be published by Crown, an imprint of Penguin Random House.
The change in publisher is unlikely to make a difference to Garten's fans, but it could be a blow to Macmillan, which may lose out on a blockbuster fall book. [ more ]
3 months ago

Children's Publishers on the Lingering Postpandemic Effects

Inflation and the costs of living and books are major concerns for publishers.
School and library sales have declined, potentially due to book bans and legislation. [ more ]
3 months ago
Digital life

Everyone's a sellout now

Publishers want authors with a built-in audience
The internet has made personal branding unavoidable [ more ]
4 months ago

Overlooked No More: Beatrix Potter, Author of The Tale of Peter Rabbit'

With The Tale of Peter Rabbit, Beatrix Potter created one of the world's best-known children's book characters.
Potter's manuscript was initially dismissed by publishers. [ more ]
4 months ago

Keanu and co: how celebrities became bestselling novelists

Richard Osman's debut crime novel 'The Thursday Murder Club' became an immediate bestseller.
Sales of adult fiction by celebrities have significantly increased in recent years. [ more ]
The Bookseller
4 months ago


The Bookseller is a trusted source of news and analysis for the book trade and publishing industry.
It offers breaking news, in-depth features, author interviews, and book charts. [ more ]
4 months ago

Keanu and co: how celebrities became bestselling novelists

Richard Osman's debut crime novel, The Thursday Murder Club, was an immediate bestseller and he has since published three more novels and sold over 10 million books worldwide.
The trend of celebrity novelists is on the rise, with more celebrities writing adult fiction books and achieving success in the publishing industry. [ more ]
I like this point a lot. How are we going to promote positive mental HEALTH activities, like reading, when we don't, as a society, celebrate books fully? Rather, choosing to celebrate every last person who worked on the latest Marvel movie, or Tik Tok flash in the pan.

Imagine a prize was given out for editors, agents, or book jacket designers and a healthy competition grows out of it between people in the book industry. The competition evolves vertically into tech, and horizontally into other analog book forms and book-centric arenas. This reminds me of the type of work Dave Eggars does; does anyone remember the dozens of cover variations for his book "The Every"? We need more of that energy.
The Atlantic
5 months ago

The Invisible Forces Behind the Books We Read

The profound weirdness of our collective ignorance about books becomes evident when you compare the book business with other major culture industries.
People win Oscars for makeup and cinematography and sound design, but there's no Pulitzer or National Book Award for copy editors, agents, or jacket designers.
The Atlantic
5 months ago

The Invisible Forces Behind the Books We Read

The ownership of publishing houses has been a topic of interest due to mergers and acquisitions
Understanding the impact of industry structures on the content of books is challenging [ more ]
The Walrus
5 months ago

How Do You Even Sell a Book Anymore? | The Walrus

Misleading statistic about book sales suggests that half of all trade titles sell fewer than a dozen copies, but this has been debunked.
Actual data shows that about 15% of new books sell under twelve copies, while 51.4% sell between a dozen and 999 units. [ more ]
5 months ago

Meet Christmas Dad the hardest person on Earth to buy for

The concept of 'Waterstones Dad' refers to a middle-aged, politically moderate man whose personality is defined by the books he reads.
The article introduces the concept of 'Christmas Dad,' who represents a diverse demographic and is the target audience for many books released during the holiday season. [ more ]
5 months ago

Meet Christmas Dad the hardest person on Earth to buy for

Waterstones Dad is a stereotype referring to a specific type of man who reads non-fiction books and is politically non-partisan.
Christmas Dad is a loosely defined demographic that represents the real powerhouse demographic during the holiday season. [ more ]
5 months ago

Publisher drops author for using fake accounts to review-bomb' peers

A writer was dropped by her agent and publisher after posting fake reviews on Goodreads.
The author's book, 'Crown of Starlight', will not be published by either the US or UK publishers. [ more ]
5 months ago

Meet Laura Zigman, the Novelist Turned Writers' Therapist

Novelist Laura Zigman is now offering therapy exclusively for writers, focusing on their unique problems and challenges.
Zigman's own experience as a writer and her deep understanding of the publishing industry inform her therapy practice for writers. [ more ]
5 months ago

The Sweetest Way to Celebrate a Book Is by Putting It on a Cake

Authors celebrate their book launches with book cover cakes.
Book cover cakes have become a popular form of promotion and celebration for authors. [ more ]
NBC News
5 months ago

A 'renaissance of gay literature' marks a turning point for publishing

The popularity of LGBTQ fiction has been on the rise, with record sales in recent years.
There is a growing receptiveness among publishers and readers for LGBTQ-themed books. [ more ]
5 months ago

The Best Book Covers of 2023

2023 was a year of survival for the publishing industry, with no growth but also no decline
Book covers of 2023 reflected the anxious zeitgeist with droll wit and wisdom [ more ]
Nieman Lab
5 months ago
Artificial intelligence

The AI copyright watershed comes into view

Generative AI predictions are gaining attention among the public.
The impact of AI on the economic viability of the publishing industry will be a focus in 2024. [ more ]
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