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The New Yorker
2 weeks ago

Andre Alexis Reads Alice Munro

A special tribute to Alice Munro by André Alexis, discussing her story 'Before the Change'. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

Martin Amis memorial to be held in London

A celebration of Martin Amis's life and works is planned in London, showcasing the impact he had on literature and beyond. [ more ]
The New Yorker
2 weeks ago

Andre Alexis Reads Alice Munro

A special tribute to Alice Munro by André Alexis, discussing her story 'Before the Change'. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

Martin Amis memorial to be held in London

A celebration of Martin Amis's life and works is planned in London, showcasing the impact he had on literature and beyond. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

What we're reading: writers and readers on the books they enjoyed in May

Carys Davies' novel, Clear, set in the mid-19th century on a remote Scottish island, showcases her adept storytelling and historical immersion. [ more ]
1 month ago

On my radar: Claire Messud's cultural highlights

Messud's latest novel is This Strange Eventful History, published in 2023 by Fleet. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

What we're reading: writers and readers on the books they enjoyed in May

Carys Davies' novel, Clear, set in the mid-19th century on a remote Scottish island, showcases her adept storytelling and historical immersion. [ more ]
1 month ago

On my radar: Claire Messud's cultural highlights

Messud's latest novel is This Strange Eventful History, published in 2023 by Fleet. [ more ]
Oregon ArtsWatch | Oregon Arts & Culture News
2 weeks ago

LitWatch June: Bigfoot Poetry Festival, Portland Book Week, and the Rose City Book & Paper Fair

Books have the power to transport individuals to different worlds and create lasting experiences within them. [ more ]
Scary Mommy
3 weeks ago

Barnes & Noble Wants To Give Your Kid A Free Book This Summer

Barnes and Noble Summer Reading program offers free books for kids when they complete their summer reading list. [ more ]
1 month ago

Leila Slimani: Salman Rushdie's books made me feel I could become a writer'

The power of literature in shaping one's identity and worldview. [ more ]
San Francisco Bay Times
1 month ago

Lit Snax 5.9.24 - San Francisco Bay Times

Heti's unconventional method created a mesmerizing prose poem. [ more ]
1 month ago

7 Books That Expanded My View Of The World

May signifies hope and optimism, tied to personal growth through impactful books. [ more ]
1 month ago

What we're reading: writers and readers on the books they enjoyed in April

Reading while traveling provides a unique opportunity for reflection and exploration. [ more ]
Oregon ArtsWatch | Oregon Arts & Culture News
2 weeks ago

LitWatch June: Bigfoot Poetry Festival, Portland Book Week, and the Rose City Book & Paper Fair

Books have the power to transport individuals to different worlds and create lasting experiences within them. [ more ]
Scary Mommy
3 weeks ago

Barnes & Noble Wants To Give Your Kid A Free Book This Summer

Barnes and Noble Summer Reading program offers free books for kids when they complete their summer reading list. [ more ]
1 month ago

Leila Slimani: Salman Rushdie's books made me feel I could become a writer'

The power of literature in shaping one's identity and worldview. [ more ]
San Francisco Bay Times
1 month ago

Lit Snax 5.9.24 - San Francisco Bay Times

Heti's unconventional method created a mesmerizing prose poem. [ more ]
1 month ago

7 Books That Expanded My View Of The World

May signifies hope and optimism, tied to personal growth through impactful books. [ more ]
1 month ago

What we're reading: writers and readers on the books they enjoyed in April

Reading while traveling provides a unique opportunity for reflection and exploration. [ more ]
Conde Nast Traveler
2 weeks ago

Airplane Mode: What to Read, Watch, and Listen to on a Flight to Argentina

Prep for a flight to Argentina with Borges's poetry and Bioy Casares's novel, and enjoy Conan O'Brien's podcast on the country. [ more ]
The New Yorker
1 month ago

Amy Woolard Reads Charles Wright

Amy Woolard, a civil-rights attorney and poet, reads and shares poems on 'New Yorker Poetry' podcast. [ more ]
Conde Nast Traveler
2 weeks ago

Airplane Mode: What to Read, Watch, and Listen to on a Flight to Argentina

Prep for a flight to Argentina with Borges's poetry and Bioy Casares's novel, and enjoy Conan O'Brien's podcast on the country. [ more ]
The New Yorker
1 month ago

Amy Woolard Reads Charles Wright

Amy Woolard, a civil-rights attorney and poet, reads and shares poems on 'New Yorker Poetry' podcast. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

Let Keanu Reeves punch and shoot his way onto your summer reading list

Keanu Reeves explores literature with novel The Book of Elsewhere. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

Five of the best escapist books

Reading provides an escape to find hope, kindness, liberty, and pure escapism in beautifully written books that offer joy and immersion. [ more ]
The Paris Review
2 weeks ago

Anne Elliot Is Twenty-Seven - The Paris Review

Feeling a connection to a character's age in literature can evoke personal reflections and emotions over time. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

Who was Franz Kafka and why is he more popular than ever? DW 05/29/2024

Kafka's outsider status influenced his work and life experiences significantly. [ more ]
1 month ago

What Ethan Hawke's Wildcat' Gets Right About Flannery O'Connor

The legacy of Flannery O'Connor remains enigmatic due to the unconventional and intense themes she portrayed in her stories. [ more ]
The Nation
1 month ago

Gabriel Garcia Marquez's E

Literature transcends the author and belongs to language and tradition. [ more ]
1 month ago

Paul Auster, Author of 'The New York Trilogy,' Dead at 77

Paul Auster, acclaimed novelist and screenwriter, known for works like 'The New York Trilogy,' passed away at 77 after battling lung cancer. [ more ]
1 month ago

Paul Auster, 77, prolific writer known for The New York Trilogy' | amNewYork

Paul Auster, a prolific and innovative writer, passed away at the age of 77. He left a significant literary legacy appreciated worldwide. [ more ]
New York Post
1 month ago

Paul Auster, bestselling author of 'New York Trilogy,' dead at 77

Celebrated novelist Paul Auster passed away at 77 due to lung cancer, leaving behind a significant literary legacy. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

Who was Franz Kafka and why is he more popular than ever? DW 05/29/2024

Kafka's outsider status influenced his work and life experiences significantly. [ more ]
1 month ago

What Ethan Hawke's Wildcat' Gets Right About Flannery O'Connor

The legacy of Flannery O'Connor remains enigmatic due to the unconventional and intense themes she portrayed in her stories. [ more ]
The Nation
1 month ago

Gabriel Garcia Marquez's E

Literature transcends the author and belongs to language and tradition. [ more ]
1 month ago

Paul Auster, Author of 'The New York Trilogy,' Dead at 77

Paul Auster, acclaimed novelist and screenwriter, known for works like 'The New York Trilogy,' passed away at 77 after battling lung cancer. [ more ]
1 month ago

Paul Auster, 77, prolific writer known for The New York Trilogy' | amNewYork

Paul Auster, a prolific and innovative writer, passed away at the age of 77. He left a significant literary legacy appreciated worldwide. [ more ]
New York Post
1 month ago

Paul Auster, bestselling author of 'New York Trilogy,' dead at 77

Celebrated novelist Paul Auster passed away at 77 due to lung cancer, leaving behind a significant literary legacy. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

Godwin by Joseph O'Neill review mining for goals

Football narratives are nostalgic and parochial, lagging behind the current global reality of the sport. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

Caleb Carr, author of "The Alienist", dies at 68

Carr, bestselling author of The Alienist, passed away at 68. His new memoir explores his deep connection with his rescue cat. [ more ]
1 month ago

On my radar: Shami Chakrabarti's cultural highlights

A recommended Pulitzer prize-winning play by Sanaz Toossi and praise for Salman Rushdie's new memoir. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

Caleb Carr, author of "The Alienist", dies at 68

Carr, bestselling author of The Alienist, passed away at 68. His new memoir explores his deep connection with his rescue cat. [ more ]
1 month ago

On my radar: Shami Chakrabarti's cultural highlights

A recommended Pulitzer prize-winning play by Sanaz Toossi and praise for Salman Rushdie's new memoir. [ more ]
The Paris Review
3 weeks ago

"What a Goddamn Writer She Was": Remembering Alice Munro (1931-2024) - The Paris Review

Alice Munro's 'Family Furnishings' is a powerful story that continues to resonate and evolve with each reading, revealing deeper insights into life and writing. [ more ]
The Paris Review
3 weeks ago

Inside Alice Munro's Notebooks - The Paris Review

Alice Munro's process included using longhand notebooks for drafting and honing her stories before typing them out fully. [ more ]
1 month ago

Appreciating Alice Munro, Who Brought Innovation to Short Fiction

Alice Munro's stories are praised for blending ordinary people with extraordinary themes and exploring time and memory. [ more ]
1 month ago

Her stories are life itself': Yiyun Li on the genius of Alice Munro

Alice Munro's short stories should be reread over time to truly appreciate their depth and intricacies. [ more ]
1 month ago

Canadian Nobel-winning author Alice Munro dies aged 92

Alice Munro, known for short stories focusing on human frailties, passed away at 92, leaving a profound impact on literature. [ more ]
Slate Magazine
1 month ago

One of Our Great Authors Just Died. This Is the Book That Explains Why People Loved Her So Much.

Munro's Nobel Prize validated 'New Yorker short story' genre, dismissing conventional plot; acclaimed for transcending limitations in quiet, realistic, domestic fiction. [ more ]
The Paris Review
3 weeks ago

"What a Goddamn Writer She Was": Remembering Alice Munro (1931-2024) - The Paris Review

Alice Munro's 'Family Furnishings' is a powerful story that continues to resonate and evolve with each reading, revealing deeper insights into life and writing. [ more ]
The Paris Review
3 weeks ago

Inside Alice Munro's Notebooks - The Paris Review

Alice Munro's process included using longhand notebooks for drafting and honing her stories before typing them out fully. [ more ]
1 month ago

Appreciating Alice Munro, Who Brought Innovation to Short Fiction

Alice Munro's stories are praised for blending ordinary people with extraordinary themes and exploring time and memory. [ more ]
1 month ago

Her stories are life itself': Yiyun Li on the genius of Alice Munro

Alice Munro's short stories should be reread over time to truly appreciate their depth and intricacies. [ more ]
1 month ago

Canadian Nobel-winning author Alice Munro dies aged 92

Alice Munro, known for short stories focusing on human frailties, passed away at 92, leaving a profound impact on literature. [ more ]
Slate Magazine
1 month ago

One of Our Great Authors Just Died. This Is the Book That Explains Why People Loved Her So Much.

Munro's Nobel Prize validated 'New Yorker short story' genre, dismissing conventional plot; acclaimed for transcending limitations in quiet, realistic, domestic fiction. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

She Was More Than the Woman Who Made Julia Child Famous

Judith Jones, a legendary editor, significantly shaped both the culinary and literary landscape in America through her meticulous work and deep impact on various authors. [ more ]
The Atlantic
3 weeks ago

A Different Kind of Female Protagonist

Two new literary works highlight complex and flawed female protagonists. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

What to expect at the 10th Bay Area Book Festival

The Bay Area Book Festival features top-tier speakers and new attractions like a day for writers and a Native California stage, with almost everything free. [ more ]
2 years ago
Data science

Confessions of a Race Writer

To be a race writer is to inherit the struggles of millions of people, regardless of personal experience or knowledge. [ more ]
1 month ago

Two new novels investigate what makes magic, what is real and imagined

Exploring memory, magical realism, and abandonment in new novels from Diego Gerard Morrison and Julia Alvarez. [ more ]
1 month ago

Metamorphoses by Karolina Watroba; A Cage Went in Search of a Bird; Diaries review Franz Kafka as more than just a prophet of malaise

Kafka is often reduced to an adjective describing complex bureaucracy, but his work and identity defy simple categorization. [ more ]
1 month ago

A 19th-century bookbinder struggles with race and identity in 'The Library Thief'

In The Library Thief, Kuchenga Shenje explores race, identity, categorization, and societal expectations through a historical fiction lens. [ more ]
San Francisco Bay Times
1 month ago

This Is What an Old Lesbian Looks Like, Part 2 - San Francisco Bay Times

Finding oneself through literature is crucial for many LGBTQ+ individuals seeking representation and connection. [ more ]
1 month ago

Paul Auster's Best Books: A Guide

Auster's work explores fluid identity and writer's life through metafiction and intricate narratives. [ more ]
2 years ago
Data science

Confessions of a Race Writer

To be a race writer is to inherit the struggles of millions of people, regardless of personal experience or knowledge. [ more ]
1 month ago

Two new novels investigate what makes magic, what is real and imagined

Exploring memory, magical realism, and abandonment in new novels from Diego Gerard Morrison and Julia Alvarez. [ more ]
1 month ago

Metamorphoses by Karolina Watroba; A Cage Went in Search of a Bird; Diaries review Franz Kafka as more than just a prophet of malaise

Kafka is often reduced to an adjective describing complex bureaucracy, but his work and identity defy simple categorization. [ more ]
1 month ago

A 19th-century bookbinder struggles with race and identity in 'The Library Thief'

In The Library Thief, Kuchenga Shenje explores race, identity, categorization, and societal expectations through a historical fiction lens. [ more ]
San Francisco Bay Times
1 month ago

This Is What an Old Lesbian Looks Like, Part 2 - San Francisco Bay Times

Finding oneself through literature is crucial for many LGBTQ+ individuals seeking representation and connection. [ more ]
1 month ago

Paul Auster's Best Books: A Guide

Auster's work explores fluid identity and writer's life through metafiction and intricate narratives. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

How Constance Debre Crafted the Modern Female Fuckboy Novel

A novel featuring a protagonist with a direct and fearless voice, embodying honesty and self-discovery. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

Hey, Zoey by Sarah Crossan review the perfect girlfriend'

Intelligent sex robots concept is not new, dating back centuries. [ more ]
Brooklyn Eagle
3 weeks ago

Our world in photos: May 22

Canada defeated the Czech Republic 4-3 in a thrilling match at the Ice Hockey World Championships in Prague. [ more ]
Metro Silicon Valley | Silicon Valley's Leading Weekly
3 weeks ago

A Vagabond Voyage Begins on Santana Row's Left Bank

Meditation can be triggered in unexpected places like enjoying olives at a French restaurant, leading to a deeper contemplation of thoughts and connectivity. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Germany news

Booker winner Jenny Erpenbeck: An East German perspective DW 05/22/2024

Jenny Erpenbeck, a renowned German author, is more recognized internationally than in her home country due to potential cultural biases. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

Prize-winning Bulgarian writer brings 'The Physics of Sorrow' to U.S. readers

The Physics of Sorrow by Georgi Gospodinov explores weight, past, sorrow, and literature in a captivating and intricate manner. [ more ]
The New York Review of Books
3 weeks ago

Reading, Reading, Reading | Peter C. Baker

Haushofer's novel 'The Wall' delves into existential questions about life's purpose and the act of writing, blending parable-like atmosphere with detailed realism. [ more ]
Scary Mommy
4 weeks ago

What You Should Read Next Based On Your Favorite Taylor Swift Era

Taylor Swift's influence extends beyond music into fashion, lifestyle, and literary preferences. [ more ]
The New Yorker
1 month ago

Helen Vendler's Generous Mind

Helen Vendler was a highly influential poetry scholar who believed that the study of poetry and living life were interconnected. [ more ]
Scary Mommy
4 weeks ago

What You Should Read Next Based On Your Favorite Taylor Swift Era

Taylor Swift's influence extends beyond music into fashion, lifestyle, and literary preferences. [ more ]
The New Yorker
1 month ago

Helen Vendler's Generous Mind

Helen Vendler was a highly influential poetry scholar who believed that the study of poetry and living life were interconnected. [ more ]
4 weeks ago

Salman Rushdie: The Guernica' speaks of our time, the bombs are still falling'

The article highlights author Salman Rushdie's visit to the Prado Museum and his experience after surviving a brutal attack. [ more ]
1 month ago

The Essential Joan Didion

The real Joan Didion, beyond her iconic image, focused on depicting the human compulsion to construct narratives for survival through skepticism and outsider's perspective. [ more ]
4 weeks ago

Salman Rushdie: The Guernica' speaks of our time, the bombs are still falling'

The article highlights author Salman Rushdie's visit to the Prado Museum and his experience after surviving a brutal attack. [ more ]
1 month ago

The Essential Joan Didion

The real Joan Didion, beyond her iconic image, focused on depicting the human compulsion to construct narratives for survival through skepticism and outsider's perspective. [ more ]
Open Culture
4 weeks ago

Hear Leo Tolstoy Read From His Last Major Work in Four Languages, 1909

Leo Tolstoy believed in providing moral and spiritual guidance through accessible literature for the masses, prioritizing this over his great works of fiction. [ more ]
The New York Review of Books
4 weeks ago

Triumphs of Skepticism | Clair Wills

Belief in the presence of the dead can be comforting and meaningful. [ more ]
2 months ago

San Francisco writers say 'I'm Sorry' at the Make Out Room

The "Happy Endings" show features local writers sharing essays, poems, and stories in response to cheeky prompts. [ more ]
1 month ago

Hari Kunzru: I am just as enchanted by The Great Gatsby now as when I first read it as an A-level student'

Reading various authors influenced the writer's passion for literature, ultimately shaping their desire to be a writer. [ more ]
1 month ago

Come And Sit By 'The Fire Next Time' With Defector Reads A Book | Defector

The Fire Next Time by James Baldwin invokes admiration for his writing clarity, vulnerability, and strength. [ more ]
1 month ago

Where to start with: Franz Kafka

Kafka's lesser-known writings have reached wide audiences, making it overwhelming for new readers to know where to start. [ more ]
1 month ago

Hari Kunzru: I am just as enchanted by The Great Gatsby now as when I first read it as an A-level student'

Reading various authors influenced the writer's passion for literature, ultimately shaping their desire to be a writer. [ more ]
1 month ago

Come And Sit By 'The Fire Next Time' With Defector Reads A Book | Defector

The Fire Next Time by James Baldwin invokes admiration for his writing clarity, vulnerability, and strength. [ more ]
1 month ago

Where to start with: Franz Kafka

Kafka's lesser-known writings have reached wide audiences, making it overwhelming for new readers to know where to start. [ more ]
The New York Review of Books
1 month ago

Reading, Reading, Reading | Peter C. Baker

The Wall by Marlen Haushofer raises questions about the purpose of writing and existence, explored through its narrator's journal entries in a postapocalyptic setting. [ more ]
1 month ago
Data science

A glimpse into AI-generated TV

Questioning ownership of personal voice. [ more ]
Mail Online
1 month ago

John Milton's secret notes reveal he was a prude

Milton annotated a book, condemning a lewd anecdote as inappropriate, showcasing his prudishness. [ more ]
Open Culture
1 month ago

The First Recording of Allen Ginsberg Reading "Howl" (1956)

Banned Books Week raises awareness about the continuous challenges, suppression, and banning of books despite modern beliefs. [ more ]
Mail Online
1 month ago

John Milton's secret notes reveal he was a prude

Milton annotated a book, condemning a lewd anecdote as inappropriate, showcasing his prudishness. [ more ]
Open Culture
1 month ago

The First Recording of Allen Ginsberg Reading "Howl" (1956)

Banned Books Week raises awareness about the continuous challenges, suppression, and banning of books despite modern beliefs. [ more ]
Portland Monthly
1 month ago

Miranda July Talks 'All Fours' with Writer Chelsea Bieker

Miranda July intricately weaves vulnerability and intention into her work, creating a deep connection with readers. [ more ]
1 month ago

The Hypocrite by Jo Hamya review sharp generational shame game

Authors fear exposing parents to their work, as seen in Jo Hamya's book, The Hypocrite, where a daughter publicly criticizes her father's behavior in a play. [ more ]
Portland Monthly
1 month ago

Miranda July Talks 'All Fours' with Writer Chelsea Bieker

Miranda July intricately weaves vulnerability and intention into her work, creating a deep connection with readers. [ more ]
1 month ago

The Hypocrite by Jo Hamya review sharp generational shame game

Authors fear exposing parents to their work, as seen in Jo Hamya's book, The Hypocrite, where a daughter publicly criticizes her father's behavior in a play. [ more ]
Open Culture
1 month ago

George Orwell's Political Views, Explained in His Own Words

To truly understand George Orwell's beliefs, it's essential to look at his own words rather than interpretations by others. [ more ]
Document Journal
1 month ago

Taking care with the weird, wild, and political literatures of Hard to Read

Reflecting on a winter conversations program honoring Cecilia Gentili, focusing on community, activism, and storytelling in the midst of grief [ more ]
1 month ago

The Missing Thread; Table for Two; Cinema Speculation reviews

The classical world reassessed through influential females. [ more ]
1 month ago

Shirley Conran's legacy is not only the filthy bits, but sisterhood too | Rachel Cooke

Shirley Conran's lace shorts symbolize the significance of women's writing and the challenges they faced in the 20th century. [ more ]
1 month ago

This is much more intimate': Colm Toibin on writing a sequel to Brooklyn, 15 years on

Colm Toibin, famous for disapproving sequels, surprises fans with a follow-up novel after 15 years. [ more ]
1 month ago

Brooklyn's bard: Paul Auster's tricksy fiction captivated a generation

Paul Auster is synonymous with Brooklyn, especially known for 'The New York Trilogy' published in 1987. [ more ]
1 month ago

This is much more intimate': Colm Toibin on writing a sequel to Brooklyn, 15 years on

Colm Toibin, famous for disapproving sequels, surprises fans with a follow-up novel after 15 years. [ more ]
1 month ago

Brooklyn's bard: Paul Auster's tricksy fiction captivated a generation

Paul Auster is synonymous with Brooklyn, especially known for 'The New York Trilogy' published in 1987. [ more ]
1 month ago

Suffering through a breakup and other misunderstandings of almost relationships'

Literature explores the complexities of non-serious relationships, showing that even socially acceptable situations can lead to painful emotions like anxiety and distrust. [ more ]
1 month ago

David Shapiro, Who Gained Fame in Poetry and Protest, Dies at 77

David Shapiro, a prominent poet aligned with the New York School, known for his highly lyrical and personal work, passed away at 77. [ more ]
The Atlantic
1 month ago

No Subject

Andrew Motion is a celebrated UK Poet Laureate known for his poetry collections and biographies, having received prestigious awards and honors for his contributions to literature. [ more ]
1 month ago

As National Poetry Month comes to a close, 2 new retrospectives to savor

Marie Howe and Jean Valentine are celebrated for their impactful and essential poetry collections, with Howe particularly known for her genuine and thought-provoking work. [ more ]
1 month ago

David Shapiro, Who Gained Fame in Poetry and Protest, Dies at 77

David Shapiro, a prominent poet aligned with the New York School, known for his highly lyrical and personal work, passed away at 77. [ more ]
The Atlantic
1 month ago

No Subject

Andrew Motion is a celebrated UK Poet Laureate known for his poetry collections and biographies, having received prestigious awards and honors for his contributions to literature. [ more ]
1 month ago

As National Poetry Month comes to a close, 2 new retrospectives to savor

Marie Howe and Jean Valentine are celebrated for their impactful and essential poetry collections, with Howe particularly known for her genuine and thought-provoking work. [ more ]
1 month ago

Pierre Boulle: The spy who invented Planet of the Apes,' a world with intelligent gorillas and humans with lazy brains

Pierre Boulle, a highly translated but often forgotten French author, wrote iconic works like 'The Bridge over the River Kwai' and 'Planet of the Apes.' [ more ]
1 month ago
US news

'Night Watch,' 'King: A Life,' among 2024 Pulitzer Prize winners

The Pulitzer Prize winners and finalists for various categories were announced, with a notable change in eligibility criteria for future awards. [ more ]
1 month ago

Two poems, four years in detention: the Chinese dissident who smuggled his writing out of prison

Literary works may be scrutinized and remembered more by security agents than by the public or creators. [ more ]
The Paris Review
1 month ago

Book as Enemy - The Paris Review

Literature is not reality; fiction should be evaluated separately from real-world implications such as smoking bans. [ more ]
The Nation
1 month ago

Leslie Jamison and the Travails of Millennial Divorce

The dissolution of a marriage provides rich material for writers, blending elements of passion, regret, and storytelling into a coherent narrative. [ more ]
1 month ago

Read Your Way Through Montreal

Montreal is a city of extremes, offering a unique blend of grandiose maximalism and gritty, punk scenes. [ more ]
The New Yorker
1 month ago

Briefly Noted Book Reviews

The book 'Shakespeare's Sisters' sheds light on four overlooked female writers from Shakespeare's time. [ more ]
1 month ago

The big picture: author Paul Auster in his element

Paul Auster's dedication to his craft was profound and evident in his workspace and choice of tools. [ more ]
1 month ago

Paul Auster, Prolific and Experimental Man of Letters and Filmmaker, Dies at 77

Paul Auster, a renowned writer and filmmaker known for inventive narratives, has passed away at 77.
Auster's works were admired overseas for his cosmopolitan worldview and erudite style, though he didn't achieve major commercial success in the U.S. [ more ]
1 month ago

Bestselling novelist Paul Auster, author of The New York Trilogy, dies at 77

Paul Auster, a best-selling author known for his exploration of existential questions and postmodern American literature, has passed away at the age of 77. [ more ]
1 month ago

The big picture: author Paul Auster in his element

Paul Auster's dedication to his craft was profound and evident in his workspace and choice of tools. [ more ]
1 month ago

Paul Auster, Prolific and Experimental Man of Letters and Filmmaker, Dies at 77

Paul Auster, a renowned writer and filmmaker known for inventive narratives, has passed away at 77.
Auster's works were admired overseas for his cosmopolitan worldview and erudite style, though he didn't achieve major commercial success in the U.S. [ more ]
1 month ago

Bestselling novelist Paul Auster, author of The New York Trilogy, dies at 77

Paul Auster, a best-selling author known for his exploration of existential questions and postmodern American literature, has passed away at the age of 77. [ more ]
Irish Independent
1 month ago

Rick O'Shea: The new book I'll recommend to everyone I meet... and more poets who write stunning prose

The Alternatives by Caoilinn Hughes is highly impactful and memorable, leaving a lasting impression on readers. [ more ]
The Art Newspaper - International art news and events
1 month ago

Bicentenary appeal seeks to move Byron memorial to prominent site in London's Hyde Park

The appeal to move Lord Byron's late-Victorian memorial highlights the ongoing effort to honor the poet's legacy. [ more ]
The Art Newspaper - International art news and events
1 month ago

Poetic pose: Lord Byron the image-conscious Romantic in five portraits

Lord Byron became famous overnight at the age of 24 after the publication of the first two cantos of Childe Harold's Pilgrimage. [ more ]
The Art Newspaper - International art news and events
1 month ago

Bicentenary appeal seeks to move Byron memorial to prominent site in London's Hyde Park

The appeal to move Lord Byron's late-Victorian memorial highlights the ongoing effort to honor the poet's legacy. [ more ]
The Art Newspaper - International art news and events
1 month ago

Poetic pose: Lord Byron the image-conscious Romantic in five portraits

Lord Byron became famous overnight at the age of 24 after the publication of the first two cantos of Childe Harold's Pilgrimage. [ more ]
1 month ago

Five of the best books about eating

Food in books has a powerful impact on readers, invoking memories and inviting self-reflection on why and how we engage with literary food descriptions. [ more ]
1 month ago

A poet searches for answers about the short life of a writer in 'Traces of Enayat'

Literature can deeply impact and inspire individuals, leading to personal journeys and endeavors to honor forgotten writers. [ more ]
1 month ago

Caleb Azumah Nelson: James Baldwin ignited something in me that's still burning today'

Identifying with local authors can inspire and embolden individuals to pursue writing and express themselves authentically through literature. [ more ]
1 month ago

A poet searches for answers about the short life of a writer in 'Traces of Enayat'

Literature can deeply impact and inspire individuals, leading to personal journeys and endeavors to honor forgotten writers. [ more ]
1 month ago

Caleb Azumah Nelson: James Baldwin ignited something in me that's still burning today'

Identifying with local authors can inspire and embolden individuals to pursue writing and express themselves authentically through literature. [ more ]
1 month ago

A literary voice for the ages': Paul Auster remembered by Ian McEwan, Joyce Carol Oates and more

Paul Auster was a post-modernist European-American writer with a honed prose and self-consciousness in his writing. [ more ]
1 month ago

What we learn about Kafka from his uncensored diaries

Brod ignored Kafka's wish to burn his writings; distorted Kafka's image by editing diaries. New translations reveal a more authentic, complex Kafka. [ more ]
Mail Online
1 month ago

Lost work of the Brothers Grimm found hidden in Poland library

The discovery of 27 original volumes by the Brothers Grimm in Poland's University Library may shed light on how they chose themes for their famous stories. [ more ]
1 month ago

'The Letters of Emily Dickinson' Book Review: A Poetic Collection | KQED

The Letters of Emily Dickinson provide an intimate look into her life, offering readers insights into her daily activities, relationships, and thoughts. [ more ]
1 month ago

A Middle School Book Club Makes Good Trouble, on a National Scale

Established book club Good Books Young Troublemakers for middle graders aims to introduce potentially controversial and diverse content, expanding nationwide. [ more ]
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