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1 day ago
New York City

U.S. Agriculture Official Says Menendez Told Him to Stop Interfering'

Senator Menendez allegedly used political influence for personal gain, as testified by a USDA official during his bribery trial. [ more ]
1 day ago
US news

Extraordinary Circumstances, Ordinary Due Process

The criminal trial of former President Trump in Manhattan was a normal functioning of the legal system under extraordinary circumstances. [ more ]
2 days ago
Left-wing politics

Billionaire donors rally back to Trump

Elite GOP donors are returning to support Trump in fundraising efforts, closing the gap with President Biden. [ more ]
2 days ago

The newest election battlefield for abortion: State supreme courts

State supreme court justice races now central in the abortion debate, with record funding and increased attention on the issue. [ more ]
2 days ago
OMG science

Inside Trump's Plan to Bulldoze American Climate Policy

Key Takeaway: Trump promised regulatory rollbacks for $1 billion campaign contributions, leading to high-ranking Democrats launching investigations. Scientist warns Project 2025 agenda could be disastrous for climate progress. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

Why, for Some, Crypto Is the Defining Political Issue of Our Times

Voting based solely on crypto is discouraged, but acknowledging its importance in politics is crucial. [ more ]
The Nation
2 months ago

How GOP Megadonor Jeffrey Yass Can Clean Up on TikTok's Forced Sale

Billionaire Jeffrey Yass influenced Trump's stance on TikTok ban
Yass's connections to Trump and TikTok raise questions about political influence [ more ]
2 months ago

Inside Trump's TikTok flip-flop

Trump expresses concerns over the potential banning of TikTok impacting Facebook's business.
TikTok's influence on younger voters is a key driver behind political considerations. [ more ]
2 days ago
Left-wing politics

Trump talks accelerate Musk's political power surge

Elon Musk holds significant political influence through social media control, wealth, and connection to Trump, impacting American politics. [ more ]
1 week ago
New York City

Elon Musk Ramps Up Anti-Biden Posts on X

Elon Musk has been increasingly critical of President Biden on his platform X, marking a shift in social media platform ownership and political influence. [ more ]
2 days ago

Trump does a 180-degree turn on crypto

Former President Trump has become a strong supporter of cryptocurrency, setting a new tone in the industry's political landscape. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

Donald Trump pledges crypto support - and will accept it as a campaign donation

Donald Trump openly supporting cryptocurrency and accepting donations in it for his campaign. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

Cryptocurrency Super PACs Are Sweeping 2024 Elections

When someone claims to have invented new money with cryptocurrency, skepticism is wise due to the unusual characters and manipulated perceptions in the industry. [ more ]
New York Post
2 days ago
Left-wing politics

The left and their scare tactics aren't fooling the Supreme Court

Democrats target Justice Alito over his wife flying flags, trying to influence SCOTUS cases for Biden's benefit. [ more ]
The Atlantic
3 days ago

The Industry That Ate America

The revolving door of lobbying in Washington can lead to redemption despite past scandals and convictions. [ more ]
City Limits
4 days ago
NYC politics

New York State's Matching Funds Program Debuts. What Does it Mean for This Year's Election?

The New York State Board of Elections reported 329 candidates registered for the state-level public campaign finance program to counter big money influence. [ more ]
1 week ago

Super PAC funded by Michael Bloomberg helped pay for Congressional District 16 recount

Michael Bloomberg's Super PAC funded a congressional district race recount with over $100,000, suggesting his strong financial influence in elections. [ more ]
Slate Magazine
1 month ago

The Crypto Bros Are Back-and They Have a Dangerous Political Goal

The cryptocurrency sector, despite recent setbacks, is regaining strength and forming political alliances to potentially become a significant force in the 2024 elections. [ more ]
5 days ago
Left-wing politics

The Trouble With the Left's Efforts to Apply 'Leverage'

Progressive activists threaten to withhold support over Israel policy, an ineffective tactic against Biden, risking less influence. [ more ]
2 months ago
Black Lives Matter

How Peer Pressure Affects Voting

Black Americans more likely to identify as Democrats when interviewed by Black interviewers
Black Americans have historically voted Democrat due to social pressure and behavioral norms [ more ]
3 months ago
US politics

What to Watch for in Michigan's Primaries

President Biden's decision to prioritize Michigan in the Democratic Party's calendar increased the state's political influence.
A push to protest Biden's support for Israel in Michigan threatens the ease of his primary campaign. [ more ]
5 days ago

The White House defends the Fed's independence in the face of Trump's threats

The future of U.S. monetary policy is influenced by the presidential elections and potential threats to the Federal Reserve's independence. [ more ]
1 week ago

Opinion: Parents must end the teachers unions' stranglehold on education

The article highlights the historical impact of Brown v. Board of Education, criticizes teachers unions for prioritizing their agenda over students' education, and advocates for universal school choice to empower parents and improve the education system. [ more ]
Sacramento Bee
1 week ago

Californians wanted animal protections for pigs. Midwest farmers want Congress to fry it

California law requires humane conditions for pigs before becoming pork.
House Republicans aim to prevent California from influencing how other states raise livestock. [ more ]
LGBTQ Nation
1 week ago

Influential MAGA hate pastor uses social media target LGBTQ+ kids & teachers - LGBTQ Nation

Family members and associates of former President Donald Trump are connecting with Pastor Tim Thompson, who opposes LGBTQ+ rights and leads a political action committee against public education. [ more ]
LGBTQ Nation
2 months ago

The rainbow flag was an international beacon of hope. Republicans killed it.

The United States became the world's leader in making the LGBTQ+ community visible through a Republican amendment in the federal budget in 1970.
The impact of Pride Day, originated from the Christopher Street Gay Liberation Day in 1970, spread globally, with Pride flags now flying in conservative countries where being gay is illegal. [ more ]
Above the Law
1 week ago

Trump Inspires His Political Supporters To Threaten Judges' Lives

Former president Donald Trump's actions have led to increased threats towards judges handling high-profile cases. [ more ]
1 month ago

Echoing Their Client, Trump's Lawyers Pursue an Absolutist Defense

Donald Trump's legal strategy intertwines with his political persona, emphasizing his character over criminal allegations. [ more ]
1 month ago
New York City

Fairness, a Trump Obsession, Is Central to Jury Selection in His Trial

Donald Trump views the world through a lens of fairness for himself and his supporters. [ more ]
Washington Post
1 month ago

Trump fails to delay N.Y. criminal trial for a third time this week

Donald Trump's lawyers failed to delay his New York criminal trial, claiming the judge was not qualified.
Trump, facing various charges in multiple jurisdictions, is the first ex-president to face criminal prosecution. [ more ]
The Atlantic
2 months ago
US Elections

It's Not Ronald Reagan's Party Anymore

Mike Pence's refusal to endorse Trump could influence other Republicans to distance themselves from him.
Pence's actions may impact Trump's chances in the upcoming election by potentially causing some Reaganite Republicans to stay home or vote for someone else. [ more ]
2 months ago

Could Trump Save TikTok?

TikTok users and lawmakers are opposing a bill to ban TikTok in the U.S.
Donald Trump unexpectedly supports TikTok, potentially influencing the political stance on the issue. [ more ]
1 week ago

Could brands and influencers sway this year's elections?

Influencers can significantly influence voting decisions, particularly among young people. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

The Crypto Industry's Influence on U.S. Elections is Bigger Than Ever, Industry Insiders Say

The crypto industry is actively shaping key Congressional elections and lobbying for a favorable regulatory framework. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
US Elections

Florida is a prime example of Trump's vise grip on state Republican parties

Barron Trump's role as a Florida delegate was largely symbolic, showing Trump's control over the Republican party at state levels. [ more ]
2 months ago
US Elections

Young conservatives have grown up in Trump's Republican Party. Now, it's time to vote

Young conservative supporters continue to be drawn to former President Donald Trump, admiring his refusal to back down and his conservative values.
Many young conservatives feel a strong connection to Trump, regarding him as their Republican experience and a refreshing alternative to traditional political figures. [ more ]
3 months ago
US Elections

US: Senator Mitch McConnell to leave top Republican post DW 02/28/2024

Mitch McConnell announces stepping down as Senate leader while serving out term
McConnell seen as instrumental in Republican Party's transformation under Trump administration [ more ]
Brooklyn Paper
3 weeks ago

Council Member Inna Vernikov sued for defamation by Russian-language media mogul * Brooklyn Paper

Southern Brooklyn Council Member Inna Vernikov is being sued for defamation by media mogul Gregory Davidzon. [ more ]
The Nation
3 weeks ago

Vinson Cunningham's Searching Novel of Faith and Politics

The emergence of a new genre of media after Bill Clinton's victory in 1992, focused on capturing the campaign's energy and the transition to governance. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Europe politics

EU to drop action against Poland on 'rule of law' concerns DW 05/06/2024

The EU has dropped Article 7 proceedings against Poland over rule of law concerns following actions by the new centrist government to address the issues. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

UK response to Gaza and Kashmir conflicts will influence ethnic minority election vote in London, survey finds

60% of Pakistani Londoners consider a political party's stance on Kashmir as vital for their vote. [ more ]
The Nation
1 month ago
Europe news

The Ukraine Aid Package Heightens the Risk of Escalation

Bipartisanship prevailed in passing the Ukraine aid package, showcasing unity on foreign policy matters. [ more ]
The Nation
3 months ago
Left-wing politics

Biden's Cold War Nostalgia Is Dooming His Presidency

Biden's reverence for past political figures.
Jackson's influence on Biden's political evolution. [ more ]
1 month ago

'Buy, Bully, Bamboozle': Report Shows App Companies Threaten Democracy - Streetsblog New York City

App delivery companies use political influence and tactics to hinder worker-led improvements, maintaining control and profit at the expense of workers. [ more ]
New York Post
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

Biden vexes commoners with yet another election money grab

President Biden's fundraising event caused significant disruptions in Westchester County, raising questions about the impact on residents. [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe news

Russian Orthodox Church suspends Navalny memorial priest DW 04/24/2024

The Russian Orthodox Church demoted Priest Dmitry Safronov for presiding over Navalny's memorial, aligning with Putin's agenda. [ more ]
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

Kennedy family members' embrace carries deeper meaning for Biden

Joe Biden's admiration for the Kennedys influenced him to pursue a career in politics and public service. [ more ]
Anchorage Daily News
1 month ago

As Meta flees politics, campaigns rely on new tricks to reach voters

Meta, previously promoting political engagement, now reducing focus on politics on Facebook and Instagram, impacting digital campaigns for the 2024 election. [ more ]
Fast Company
1 month ago

The TikTok ban misses the big picture: America's social media literary problem

Proposed legislation in the U.S. aims to force ByteDance to sell TikTok's American holdings to a U.S. company due to national security concerns. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
1 month ago

The U.S. might ban TikTok. Record labels are cutting ties. What's music's Plan B?

Isimeme Udu's TikTok upload changed her life, leading to a successful music career.
TikTok's status as a hitmaking force in the music industry is threatened by potential bans and restrictions. [ more ]
2 months ago

Congress is right to want to curtail TikTok's power and influence | Nita Farahany

TikTok's political influence was demonstrated when it mobilized users to impact Congress.
The addictive nature of TikTok, fueled by its algorithms, raises concerns about exploitation and manipulation. [ more ]
Inside Higher Ed | Higher Education News, Events and Jobs
1 month ago

Arizona law allows students to opt out of funding certain clubs

Students in Arizona's public universities can now opt out of supporting certain organizations with their fees. [ more ]
1 month ago
New York City

Day 2 of Trump's Criminal Trial: Five Takeaways

The process of jury selection in Donald J. Trump's criminal trial poses challenges due to potential biases and political demographics. [ more ]
2 months ago
US politics

In Trump Cases, Supreme Court Cannot Avoid Politics

The Supreme Court is struggling to stay apolitical in cases involving Trump.
Attempts at unity and consensus in key rulings involving Trump have not prevented political influence. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

Harris hammers Trump on abortion in surprise Los Angeles appearance

Vice President Kamala Harris criticizes Arizona's strict abortion ban and blames former President Trump for overturning Roe vs. Wade. [ more ]
Above the Law
1 month ago

Under Pressure To Retire, Sonia Sotomayor Ought To Tell Detractors To 'Go Pound Sand'

The effort to push Sotomayor to retire represents a shift in the traditional understanding of Supreme Court appointments.
Sotomayor is being pressured to retire to allow Joe Biden to appoint her successor while he is president. [ more ]
1 month ago
UK politics

Margaret Thatcher set Britain's decline in motion so why can't politics exorcise her ghost? | Andy Beckett

Thatcherism continues to influence modern British conservatism, with key figures in both major parties acknowledging her impact. [ more ]
Electronic Frontier Foundation
1 month ago
Privacy professionals

Virtual Reality and the 'Virtual Wall'

Virtual reality aids in understanding border surveillance.
U.S.-Mexico border surveillance involves advanced technology like AI. [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe news

Did EU candidate of far-right AfD accept Russian money?

Petr Bystron denies receiving money from a pro-Russian website, calling it a 'defamation campaign.'
Czech authorities possess incriminating recordings but are not releasing them; MEPs seek an urgent inquiry into alleged pro-Kremlin ties. [ more ]
2 months ago
Europe politics

Liberals aim to influence EU election debate from the center DW 03/30/2024

Renew Europe group played a significant role in elevating Ursula von der Leyen to the post of European Commission President in 2019.
Renew Europe, represented by influential figures like Emmanuel Macron and Margrethe Vestager, could determine if von der Leyen retains her position after the upcoming European elections. [ more ]
1 month ago

Lummis: Crypto Will Erupt as Big Issue in Senate Races Including Banking Chair Brown's

Crypto could be a key topic in Senate races determining the Senate Banking Committee leadership.
Public forums in elections are critical for questioning candidates on their digital asset stance. [ more ]
London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com
1 month ago

New money into VCTs falls 18% though remains third highest on record

New money invested in VCTs reached £882 million, the third highest amount recorded, despite a decrease from the previous year.
VCTs are attractive due to tax efficiency, support for young businesses, and the current economic climate encouraging investment in alternative options. [ more ]
The New Yorker
1 month ago

Stephen Breyer to the Supreme Court Majority: You're Doing It Wrong

Supreme Court nominations can be influenced by personal connections and storytelling.
Understanding the nuances of interaction and connection can sway vital decisions. [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe news

Do Russians Believe Putin's Propaganda?

Conspiracy theories around terror attacks fuel propaganda against Ukraine and the West.
Russian government manipulation influences public opinion, even in the face of contradictory evidence. [ more ]
2 months ago

Opinion: The Latest Salvo In The Anti-LGBTQ+ Range Wars: Criminalizing Teachers

1. Invention of societal threats to maintain political influence. 2. Growing anti-LGBTQ+ legislation nationwide. [ more ]
2 months ago
Black Lives Matter

Survey: Percentage of Americans "unaffiliated" with a religion rises again

26% of Americans are unaffiliated with a religion, up from 2013.
General public, especially younger Americans, is moving away from religions endorsing certain policies. [ more ]
2 months ago
Black Lives Matter

Praying for Armageddon: How evangelicals affect the Middle East

Influence of Evangelical Christians on US foreign policy is examined.
Unveiling the consequences of fusion between evangelicals and US politics. [ more ]
2 months ago
New York City

Why Everyone in New Jersey Politics Is Talking About the Line'

Ballot design in New Jersey favors candidates endorsed by local political leaders.
Legal challenge seeks to redesign ballots for fair elections. [ more ]
2 months ago
Europe news

Serbian Leader Says Kushner Deal Is Not an Effort to Influence Trump

President of Serbia denies steering real estate project to Jared Kushner for political influence.
Opposition in Serbia raises concerns about Kushner's involvement in redevelopment project. [ more ]
The Mercury News
2 months ago

Elias: You're less likely to be shot in California than in red states

Republican-led states have higher gun death rates compared to Democratic-led states.
California and New York, both Democratic-led states, have lower gun death rates compared to Republican-led states. [ more ]
2 months ago
Germany news

In Germany, Fighting the Far Right Poses a Conundrum for Democracy

German politicians are grappling with how to address the surging popularity of the far-right party, AfD, which is seen as a threat to democracy.
There is concern in Germany about history repeating itself with the rise of a far-right party and efforts are being made to prevent the AfD from gaining significant influence in the government. [ more ]
New York Post
2 months ago
New York City

Dem Martha's Vineyard fund-raiser lands coveted spot on NY Board of Regents

Non-local fund-raiser secures influential state Board of Regents spot over candidates with more local support.
Assembly Speaker's influence in selecting Board of Regents members bypasses traditional local powerbroker influence. [ more ]
The Nation
2 months ago
Social justice

Nebraska's New Racist "Stand Your Ground" Law Puts Us All in Danger

The memory of Trayvon Martin is invoked as gun violence threats and racism persist. Stand your ground laws are linked to rising gun deaths and racist violence. [ more ]
Sacramento Bee
3 months ago

Gavin Newsom denies Panera minimum-wage carve out, says chain is not exempt from new law

California Governor clarifies Panera Bread will not be exempt from new minimum wage laws despite allegations of special treatment for a major donor.
The new $20-per-hour minimum wage for fast food workers applies to bakery restaurants, but the details of the exemption are still being debated. [ more ]
3 months ago
UK politics

GB News has paid more than 660,000 to Tory MPs since its launch

GB News paid Conservative MPs significantly more than Labour MPs for appearances and salaries.
Concerns arise over the control of the channel by hedge fund owner and potential impact on political discourse. [ more ]
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Deepfake democracy: Behind the AI trickery shaping India's 2024 election

AI is being used for deceptive tactics in Indian elections
Deepfakes are a growing concern in shaping election outcomes [ more ]
3 months ago
US politics

Republican Attacks on Biden's Climate Law Raise Concerns Ahead of Election

Clean energy investments in the US have surged above $200 billion since a new climate bill was signed by President Biden.
Republican concerns over potential changes to the climate bill, particularly tax credits for electric vehicles, may impact clean energy investments. [ more ]
3 months ago
San Francisco

Inside tech billionaires' push to reshape San Francisco politics: a hostile takeover'

Tech billionaires and venture capitalists have built a political-influence machine in San Francisco to shape the city's policies.
Prominent tech and venture capital leaders have invested at least $5.7m into reshaping San Francisco's policies in the past six years.
They have created a network of interlocking non-profits, dark-money groups, and political action committees to obscure the true scale of their involvement. [ more ]
Mission Local
3 months ago
San Francisco

BigMoneySF: Explore the major players paying out to remake San Francisco

There are various donor groups in San Francisco that exert political influence.
Many of these donors have links to real estate and come from old money. [ more ]
3 months ago
New York City

In the Land of George Santos, Machine Politics Fuels a G.O.P. Revival

The Nassau County Republican machine is reviving its political influence in the New York City suburbs
The organization has been successful in recent years, winning major offices and filling positions with party regulars [ more ]
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