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2 days ago
Europe politics

Will the far-right win big in the EU elections? A focus on Germany and Portugal

Far-right parties gaining popularity in Europe ahead of elections. [ more ]
6 days ago
France politics

Macron makes rare state visit to Germany to boost ties, defend democracy

French President Macron aims to strengthen ties with Germany to defend democracy in the face of rising nationalism in Europe. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Europe politics

Far-right EU election gains could boost nationalist parties on home turf

Far-right gains in European elections unlikely to significantly impact parliament dynamics. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Europe politics

Croatia's conservatives embrace far-right party in new government

Croatia's ruling HDZ party formed a right-wing coalition ahead of European elections, excluding minority representation. [ more ]
1 day ago
EU data protection

Spain bans Meta from launching election features on Facebook, Instagram over privacy fears | TechCrunch

Meta's features collecting voter data for European Elections in Spain banned due to local data protection authority's concern for privacy. [ more ]
1 day ago
France politics

Brexit has reduced Britain to tears, Emmanuel Macron's protege claims

Brexit's impact on Britain highlighted by French Prime Minister to deter support for French populists in upcoming elections. [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe politics

Rishi Sunak admits he has failed on pledge to cut NHS waiting lists UK politics live

Kezia Dugdale, the former Scottish Labour leader, admitted to voting for the Scottish National Party (SNP) in the 2019 European elections as a protest against Brexit.
Dugdale's defection from Labour to the SNP in that election highlights the party's electoral humiliations and the ongoing divide over Scottish independence within the Labour party. [ more ]
1 day ago
Europe politics

Charles Michel: The Israeli government is doing everything possible to make it difficult for the Palestinians to have more authority, credibility and legitimacy'

Charles Michel expresses confidence in pro-European forces prevailing in the upcoming European elections despite warnings of extremism. [ more ]
1 week ago
Europe politics

Abstention and EU ignorance will test Portugal's European elections

Portugal had a record abstention rate of 68.6% in the 2019 European elections due to political dissatisfaction.
There is optimism for decreased abstention in the upcoming elections, with a focus on improving understanding and communication from European institutions. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
France politics

Opinion | Europe Is About to Drown in the River of the Radical Right

European leaders express anxiety ahead of parliamentary elections, Macron stresses the need for a powerful Europe. [ more ]
Washington Post
1 month ago
France politics

Europe needs to be stronger, not a U.S. 'vassal,' says France's Macron

Macron advocates for a stronger, more independent European Union with a credible defense policy against Russia and economic superpowers. [ more ]
2 months ago
EU data protection

'What we have achieved in Europe is unique in history,' says Greek PM

The upcoming European elections are pivotal for Europe amidst economic and geopolitical challenges.
Major policy changes in defense, health, climate, and energy are anticipated over the next five years. [ more ]
2 months ago
EU data protection

German defense hawk sets sights on EU job DW 03/12/2024

Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann is set to run as the lead candidate for the pan-European liberal party in the European parliamentary elections.
The Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE) members have confirmed their support for Strack-Zimmermann emphasizing her liberal commitment to the safety of Europe and support for Ukraine. [ more ]
Irish Independent
2 days ago
Europe politics

Mary Lou McDonald says EU member states are better placed than Brussels to make decisions at Sinn Fein European election launch

Sinn Féin leader defines party as 'Euro-critical' not 'Eurosceptic'. [ more ]
3 days ago
Europe politics

EPP-ECR coalition project could flop in Poland

Polish conservative forces may win European elections, but rifts could hinder EU conservative coalition formation. [ more ]
2 months ago
Europe news

Populist parties' divisions jeopardise chances of setting European agenda

Populist and nationalist parties in Europe are deeply divided on key issues, potentially hampering their ability to shape the EU agenda.
The report suggests that mainstream parties should focus on highlighting the weaknesses of Eurosceptic parties and present a compelling geopolitical case for the EU. [ more ]
2 days ago
France politics

OPINION: Will the 'French Keir Starmer' save the country from the far-right? I doubt it

French and British politics have had instances of partial alignment and divergence, with recent movements indicating variations in ideologies and candidates. [ more ]
1 month ago
France politics

Inside France: The French invasion, Rwanda shame and Macron's reckoning

Macron's government faces challenges with potential credit rating downgrade and poor performance in European elections. [ more ]
2 months ago
France politics

Macron to give live TV interview after uproar over Ukraine ground troops comment

Macron's controversial statement on Western ground troops in Ukraine
French political landscape amidst conflict with Russia [ more ]
2 months ago
France politics

Macron's camp blasts far right at EU election campaign launch

Far-right National Rally criticized for anti-Europe stance
Macron's camp aims to counter the rise of the far right in upcoming elections [ more ]
4 months ago
France politics

New French PM seeks to send strong message on law and order

The new French prime minister, Gabriel Attal, visited a police station on his first day in office and promised to deliver security to the French people.
Attal aims to counter the rise of Marine Le Pen's far-right party by appealing to voters who have turned to the far right or abstained from elections. [ more ]
4 months ago
France politics

The Debate - Succession? Macron picks Gabriel Attal as youngest French prime minister

France's youngest-ever president, Emmanuel Macron, has named Gabriel Attal, the country's youngest-ever prime minister.
Attal has held various political roles and is seen as charismatic, but the prime minister position in France does not carry as much power as in other European countries. [ more ]
2 days ago
France politics

PODCAST: Explaining Paris syndrome and how the EU elections will impact France

Exploring the impact of European elections in France, rural zoning changes, wildfire property regulations, and Paris Syndrome on Talking France podcast. [ more ]
3 days ago
France politics

The Guardian view on Macron, Scholz and Europe's future: a question of ambition | Editorial

The rise of nationalist, populist, and Eurosceptic parties is a defining phenomenon in European politics. Macron advocates for a stronger EU to combat illiberal extremism. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
Europe news

Strack-Zimmermann: Far-right would use election success to undermine EU

Defending liberal values is crucial amidst the rise of far-right parties in European elections. [ more ]
2 months ago
Europe news

Analysis: Why far-right still faces hurdles in quest for power in Europe

Traditional parties need to respond to the rise of far-right parties by balancing between electoral turf and forming coalitions.
Far-right parties are gaining more electoral success due to moderating their rhetoric and leveraging societal crises. [ more ]
3 months ago
EU data protection

Far right seeks to exploit EU economic woes to win big in EU election

Soaring food costs, economic stagnation, and deteriorating living standards risk fueling support for far-right parties in European elections.
The rise in populist forces is correlated with economic and financial crises, as the far right exploits feelings of impoverishment and pessimism among voters. [ more ]
4 months ago
Europe news

Which crisis tribe' do you belong to? These five factions will define Europe in 2024 | Ivan Krastev and Mark Leonard

Far-right parties have shifted their tactics and are now focused on remaking and governing the EU rather than leaving it.
Europe is facing multiple crises, including migration, financial, climate, health, and security crises, which have led to a sense of existential threat for many Europeans. [ more ]
4 days ago
Europe politics

I'm a brown, Muslim European. For people like me, these EU elections are terrifying | Shada Islam

A European, brown, and Muslim individual expresses fear and disillusionment with the rise of racist, xenophobic, and Islamophobic politicians in the EU, impacting minorities' mental health and daily lives. [ more ]
1 week ago
Europe politics

Lead candidates for European Commission presidency face off in debate Europe live

The third and last major debate ahead of June's European elections is organized by the EBU at the European Parliament in Brussels. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
France politics

How will the French far-right affect Europe if they win the election?

The French far-right Rassemblement National is expected to win the European elections, potentially reshaping EU politics by weakening pro-EU forces. [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe politics

Hungarian voters sceptical towards EU Elections

Hungarian voters express skepticism towards the impact of voting in European Elections. [ more ]
1 week ago
EU data protection

EU candidates to answer public questions on live debate

The European Broadcasting Union is organizing a live debate with five prominent candidates for the European Commission presidency to discuss key issues such as climate, migration, and security. [ more ]
1 week ago
Germany news

German Reichsbuerger' coup plotters go on trial: Is democracy at stake?

The Reichsbuerger movement's extremist plot to overthrow the German government raises concerns about growing extremism in Europe and highlights the potential threat of radical ideologies gaining influence. [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Josep Borrell: Trump has not won yet, just as Putin has not won yet, but Europe has to wake up'

Borrell addresses global risks like Ukraine war, Middle East crisis, and fear of Europeans.
He warns of extremists simplifying complex issues and emphasizes the importance of upcoming European elections. [ more ]
Irish Independent
1 week ago
New York City

Peter Casey accused of 'stoking division' with election posters outside International Protection Office

A businessman running as an Independent candidate for European Elections faces backlash for placing election posters at a controversial site, criticized for engaging in divisive politics. [ more ]
Irish Independent
1 month ago
Europe politics

Former presidential candidate and businessman Peter Casey to contest EU elections for Midlands-North West

Mr. Casey is contesting a seat in the June European Elections, expressing concerns about Ireland's open border policy, asylum and migration pact, housing crisis, and issues with mica and deflective blocks. [ more ]
1 week ago
Europe politics

European far-right leaders gather ahead of EU elections

Far-right leaders gathered in Madrid to rally against socialism and illegal migration before upcoming European elections. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Germany news

Germany's biggest companies campaign against far right parties ahead of the EU elections

Companies in Germany forming an alliance to combat extremism and populism, encouraging unity and participation in European elections. [ more ]
1 month ago
France politics

EU elections: Jordan Bardella and the art of question dodging

Far-right French politician Jordan Bardella unveils European election agenda targeting Macron after his Europe speech. [ more ]
4 months ago
France politics

The Guardian view on Macron v France's radical right: dangerous liaisons might backfire | Editorial

France's constitutional council annulled a third of Emmanuel Macron's immigration bill, which he may view as a victory.
Macron is playing a risky game by relying on the courts to defend republican values against his own government's legislation. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Europe news

Slovak leader in serious but stable condition after assassination try, hospital says

Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot multiple times in an assassination attempt with suspected political motivation, causing concern over his pro-Russian, anti-Western policies. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Europe politics

Greek moderate conservatives set to win in EU elections

EPP affiliate New Democracy leading Greek polls ahead of EU elections, defying the trend of ruling parties facing losses in Europe. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Germany news

Inside Germany: Tensions high ahead of elections, Spargeldoner and 'Barbaras Rhabarberbar'

Germany faces increasing attacks on politicians ahead of European elections. [ more ]
2 months ago
EU data protection

Robert Habeck: 'We have to be more pragmatic and less bureaucratic'

Germany aims for net-zero carbon emissions by 2045 despite being a major polluter.
Germany's economy faced a decline, with a 0.3% decrease in GDP in 2023. [ more ]
3 months ago
Germany news

Germany: 'DAVA' party woos voters with Turkish roots DW 02/07/2024

Germany's new party, Democratic Alliance for Diversity and Awakening (DAVA), has been accused of being a mouthpiece for Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
DAVA's four candidates have ties to Turkey's governing party and organizations with close relations to Ankara. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Europe politics

Ursula von der Leyen is now a household name and that could be Europe's salvation | Catherine De Vries and Isabell Hoffmann

Public awareness of Ursula von der Leyen's role as European Commission president is at an all-time high, indicating a shift towards greater recognition of EU leadership. [ more ]
2 months ago
Europe politics

Liberals aim to influence EU election debate from the center DW 03/30/2024

Renew Europe group played a significant role in elevating Ursula von der Leyen to the post of European Commission President in 2019.
Renew Europe, represented by influential figures like Emmanuel Macron and Margrethe Vestager, could determine if von der Leyen retains her position after the upcoming European elections. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Europe politics

EU at risk of implosion' as far-right seeks scapegoats, minister warns

The EU faces risks of implosion due to social tensions stirred by short-term political gains. [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe politics

The pro-Putin far right is on the march across Europe and it could spell tragedy for Ukraine | Armida van Rij

Peter Pellegrini's victory in Slovakia reflects the rise of far-right politicians in Europe.
Far-right parties in various European countries are gaining electoral support and potentially increasing their power. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
Germany news

Germany's Scholz calls for unity against far-right after MEP seriously hurt

Chancellor Olaf Scholz urges unity against far-right activism after politician attacked while campaigning in Germany. [ more ]
The Drum
1 month ago

Ad of the Day: Grandparents urge grandchildren to make voices heard at European Elections

Highlighting the importance of voting through an emotionally charged ad for the European Elections. [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe politics

Von der Leyen criticises European far right for being Putin's proxies'

Von der Leyen criticizes far right as Putin's proxies but remains open to working with right-wing nationalists. [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe politics

Ursula von der Leyen vows never to work with Europe's far-right parties

Von der Leyen vows not to work with extremist parties like AfD
Pledge to only work with pro-European, pro-Nato, pro-Ukrainian parties [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe politics

Italian PM Meloni to stand in EU Parliament elections

Brothers of Italy party led by Meloni won Italian elections and aims to replicate success in European elections, focusing on uniting Europe's conservatives. [ more ]
Irish Independent
1 month ago

Helen McEntee needs to look at mandatory sentences for people who attack gardai, Simon Coveney says in wake of Wicklow unrest

Attacking gardaí is attacking the State; protests must not turn violent.
Government should consider mandatory sentencing for those attacking frontline workers. [ more ]
1 month ago
EU data protection

EU Parliament approves final set of environmental regulations amid far-right threats to revoke green laws

The Net Zero Industry Act (NZIA) was the last regulation approved by MEPs before the European elections, reflecting the challenge of balancing European competitiveness and green transition. [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe politics

China spying: Krah stays on as top AfD European candidate DW 04/24/2024

Maximilian Krah to remain Lead Candidate for AfD in European elections despite aide charged with espionage for China. [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe news

Did EU candidate of far-right AfD accept Russian money?

Petr Bystron denies receiving money from a pro-Russian website, calling it a 'defamation campaign.'
Czech authorities possess incriminating recordings but are not releasing them; MEPs seek an urgent inquiry into alleged pro-Kremlin ties. [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe news

Italian antifascist could be released from Hungary jail due to EU election candidacy

Ilaria Salis, an antifascist activist imprisoned in Hungary, accepted a European Parliament candidacy, potentially granting her immunity and freedom. [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe news

Belgium probes Russian 'interference' in EU elections DW 04/12/2024

Russian interference networks detected in European countries ahead of EU elections. [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe news

Belgium investigates alleged Russian payments to MEPs

Russian payments to European parliament members investigated in Belgium to weaken support for Ukraine in Europe. [ more ]
2 months ago
EU data protection

Portugal's electoral outcome sparks concerns over right-wing populism in Europe

European conservatives and Christian Democrats face challenges in upcoming European elections.
The European People's Party (EPP) expands further right and navigates complex alliances with right-wing factions. [ more ]
2 months ago
EU data protection

The Guardian view on the 2024 European elections: a continent at the crossroads | Editorial

Eurosceptic parties gaining ground in European elections
Potential impact of radical-right parties on EU policies [ more ]
2 months ago
EU data protection

Socialists target far right in EU vote campaign launch

Surging support for 'illiberal' right-wing groups predicted in upcoming European elections.
Concerns over the rise of far-right populists and the impact on Europe's core values. [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Farmers clash with riot police in Brussels as EU agriculture leaders meet

Farmers in Brussels protested against high costs and low product prices, demanding action on EU import rules and environmental regulations.
Protests by farmers in Brussels, Madrid, and on the Polish-German border highlighted the ongoing crisis in the agriculture sector. [ more ]
London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com
3 months ago
Europe news

Russia threatens to shoot down NATO planes over the Black Sea which would trigger Article 5

Russia threatening NATO aircraft over Black Sea triggering Article 5
Concerns over Putin's behavior amid difficulties in Ukraine battle [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

French security experts identify Moscow-based disinformation network

French experts have identified a Moscow-based network spreading propaganda and disinformation in western Europe.
The network, named Portal Kombat, includes at least 193 sites disseminating pro-Russian propaganda and targeting those propagating conspiracy theories. [ more ]
Social Media Today
3 months ago

TikTok Outlines Preparations for Upcoming Elections Across Europe

TikTok is preparing for the upcoming European elections by staffing local language election centers for each EU member state.
TikTok is committed to combating misinformation by working with fact-checking organizations and removing deceptive content. [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe politics

EU Greens pick veteran MEPs to lead election campaign

The European Green party has selected Terry Reintke and Bas Eickhout as its lead candidates for the upcoming European elections in June.
They plan to stand up to the far right and fight for a more equal and ecological Europe. [ more ]
4 months ago
EU data protection

What should the EU do to engage young voters?

Youth participation surged in the 2019 European elections, resulting in the highest turnout since 1994.
There is a growing acceptance of young candidates across the political spectrum. [ more ]
4 months ago
EU data protection

Right-wing parties forecast for gains in 2024 EU elections DW 01/25/2024

The upcoming European elections in June are expected to see a 'sharp turn to the right' in the European Parliament, with radical right movements gaining ground.
A populist right coalition could emerge with a majority for the first time, reflecting a decline in support for mainstream parties and growing support for extremist and smaller parties. [ more ]
4 months ago
EU data protection

Anti-European' populists on track for big gains in EU elections, says report

Populist anti-European parties are predicted to make significant gains in the upcoming European elections.
The rise of right-wing parties could threaten key pillars of the EU's agenda, including climate action. [ more ]
4 months ago
France politics

Row over education minister sparks crisis in France's new government

France's new education minister is facing calls to resign after accusations that she lied about the reason for enrolling her children in a private school.
The controversy threatens to undermine President Macron's government before the European elections in June. [ more ]
4 months ago
France politics

Macron makes Gabriel Attal, 34, France's youngest-ever prime minister

Gabriel Attal is the youngest prime minister in France's history at 34 years old.
Attal is popular and seen as a savvy politician, having made a name for himself as education minister. [ more ]
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