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1 day ago
Artificial intelligence

What is the EU's AI Office?

The European Commission forms an AI Office to govern AI deployment and support startups in the E.U. [ more ]
2 months ago
Europe politics

Von der Leyen heads to Greenland as EU seeks materials for green transition

Strategic importance of Greenland due to raw materials
EU's interest in Greenland for green transition [ more ]
4 days ago
Europe politics

EU monitors new Meta measures on tackling disinformation ahead of June elections

Meta Platforms introduced new functionalities and safety features to combat disinformation ahead of the EU elections, collaborating with the European Commission. [ more ]
1 week ago
Europe politics

The next Commission will be centre-right, says Nicola Procaccini

The next European Commission is predicted to be more right-wing than the current one, with commissioners expected to be center-right due to government nominations. [ more ]
1 week ago
Europe politics

Von der Leyen spars with rivals on EU budget, Chinese trade war

Candidates diverge on EU budget size and priorities as EU elections approach. [ more ]
The Globe and Mail
1 month ago
Europe politics

Meta's Facebook, Instagram in EU crosshairs for election disinformation

European Commission investigates Meta Platforms for failure to tackle disinformation and deceptive advertising in EU elections. [ more ]
2 months ago
EU data protection

EU parliamentary elections: The process and potential digital policy impacts

EU Elections in June 2024 will impact the European Commission and Council of the EU.
IAPP Managing Director analyzes how EU elections will influence digital policy matters. [ more ]
1 week ago

China considers 25% tariff on foreign cars with large engines

China raises tariffs on foreign cars in response to global actions. [ more ]
2 months ago
Europe news

EU plans to impose tariffs on grain imports from Russia, Belarus

Russia warns of European consumer impact due to proposed tariffs
European Commission plans tariffs on Russian and Belarusian grain to prevent market distortion and support farmers. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Artificial intelligence

AI Lexicon E DW 05/17/2024

Governments and regulatory bodies like the European Commission are emphasizing ethical oversight of AI to ensure compliance with laws and ethical norms. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
EU data protection

EU probes Meta over its provisions for protecting children

The European Commission is investigating Meta for potential breaches of the Digital Services Act, focusing on protection of minors and misinformation. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
EU data protection

EU probes Meta over child protection concerns DW 05/16/2024

European Commission investigating Facebook and Instagram for potential harm to children through addiction and exposure to inappropriate content. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

EU investigates Meta over Facebook and Instagram child safety

The European Commission is investigating Meta for potential breaches of online content rules related to child safety and addictive behaviors. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
EU data protection

EU investigates Facebook owner Meta over child safety and mental health concerns

The European Commission is investigating Meta, the owner of Facebook and Instagram, over concerns of creating addictive behavior among children and damaging mental health. [ more ]
1 month ago
EU data protection

Meta investigated over suspected EU online content breaches

The European Commission is investigating Meta for potential breaches of EU online content rules under the Digital Services Act (DSA). [ more ]
1 month ago

TikTok meets EU deadline over reward-to-watch feature DW 04/23/2024

TikTok submitted a risk assessment report on its TikTok Lite rewards program to the European Commission in response to concerns over mental health risks, particularly for children. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
EU data protection

EU probes Facebook, Instagram over child protection concerns DW 05/16/2024

The European Commission has launched a formal investigation into Facebook and Instagram over concerns of stimulating behavioral addiction in children. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Europe politics

Nicolas Schmit: Socialists and Democrats won't do deals with the far right after EU elections

The EU needs a courageous social agenda to revitalize the Green Deal. [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe politics

Europe live: European Commission presidential candidates battle it out in Maastricht debate

Key decision-makers influencing European Commission presidency decisions. [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe politics

The EU's great green retreat benefits the far right. For the rest of us, it's a looming disaster | Arthur Neslen

EU's green deal reforms are being rolled back due to lobbying and protests.
Political parties are strategically shifting towards a brown agenda for the next European Commission. [ more ]
Ars Technica
2 weeks ago
Tech industry

Report: Microsoft to face antitrust case over Teams

Brussels to issue new antitrust charges against Microsoft for undermining rivals with Teams. [ more ]
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

EU probes Microsoft's 15M stake in AI startup Mistral

The European Commission is investigating Microsoft's investment in Mistral.
Mistral's partnership with Microsoft will bring its models to Azure for developers to access. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Europe politics

Eurovision EU flag ban was mind-blowing', says European Commission

The European Commission strongly criticizes the Eurovision ban on EU flags, calling it regrettable and mind-blowing. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Europe politics

Briton with cancer living in Italy unable to get care he is entitled to after Brexit

Brexit confusion leads to British man in Italy being denied entitled free healthcare. [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe politics

EU and UK citizens: share your views on a resumption of freedom of movement for the young

The European Commission proposed a youth mobility scheme for EU and UK citizens aged 18-30, allowing up to four years of stay in the destination country. [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe politics

Brussels proposes return to pre-Brexit free movement for UK and EU young people

The European Commission proposed negotiations for free movement for 18- to 30-year-olds post-Brexit, potentially eliminating visa restrictions and benefiting youth exchanges. [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe politics

How would a 'youth mobility scheme' between the UK and EU really work?

EU proposing a youth mobility scheme to enable extended stays for individuals aged 18-30 between the EU and the UK post-Brexit. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Europe politics

EU to drop rule-of-law dispute with Poland

The European Commission will withdraw the Article 7 procedure against Poland after the country's efforts to restore judicial independence. [ more ]
2 months ago
EU data protection

Hungary: EU parliament wants probe into unfrozen funds DW 03/14/2024

The decision to release frozen funds to Hungary should be investigated for legality.
The European Court of Justice is called upon to investigate the European Commission's decision on releasing funds to Hungary. [ more ]
3 months ago
EU data protection

EU unblocks frozen funding for Poland DW 02/29/2024

EU released 137 billion to Poland
Poland rolling back media and legal reforms for funding [ more ]
4 weeks ago

iPadOS falls under Apple's Alternative Business Terms in EU

Apple is aligning iPadOS with iOS changes under EC pressure, adding conditions for Core Technology Fee exceptions. [ more ]
4 weeks ago

Apple agrees to open iPadOS to third-party app stores in EU

iPadOS designated as a gatekeeper under Digital Markets Act (DMA), opening to third-party app stores.
Apple will not fight European Commission's decision to open iPadOS and align with iOS policies. [ more ]
2 months ago
EU data protection

Apple, Meta and Alphabet under EU scrutiny | Computer Weekly

The European Commission is investigating Alphabet, Apple, and Meta under the Digital Markets Act for potential non-compliance.
The investigation focuses on rules regarding steering, self-preferencing, and choice screens in platforms like Google Play and the App Store. [ more ]
2 months ago
EU data protection

European Commission Examines Alphabet, Apple & Meta's Walled Gardens Under the DMA

European Commission opens investigations into Alphabet, Apple, and Meta for gatekeeping practices under the Digital Markets Act.
DMA aims to promote fairness and competition among digital products and services, ensuring customers have a choice between providers for online services. [ more ]
2 months ago
Marketing tech

The European Commission to Investigate Alphabet, Apple, and Meta for DMA Non-Compliance; Spotify Testing Video Learning Courses; 2024 Political Ad Spend to Nearly Triple 2016 Spend

The European Commission is investigating Alphabet, Apple, and Meta for DMA non-compliance
Spotify is introducing video learning courses to its platform [ more ]
2 months ago
Privacy professionals

EU begins investigating Meta, Apple and Google under new tech law - SiliconANGLE

The European Commission has launched investigations into Apple Inc., Alphabet Inc., and Meta Platforms Inc. for potential violations of the Digital Markets Act.
The Digital Markets Act affects various aspects of big tech companies' business practices, including competition, privacy, and app payment guidelines. [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe politics

EU chief visits Lebanon amid Syria migrant surge to Cyprus DW 05/02/2024

The European Commission President is planning to provide economic aid to Lebanon in exchange for help in slowing down migration to the EU. [ more ]
1 month ago
EU data protection

EU watchdog questions secrecy around lawmakers' encryption-breaking CSAM scanning proposal | TechCrunch

The European Commission is facing pressure to disclose its interactions with private technology firms regarding a controversial CSAM-scanning proposal. [ more ]
1 month ago
EU data protection

EU launches action against 20 airlines for greenwashing

The European Commission is taking action against airlines for false environmental claims. [ more ]
The Verge
1 month ago
Europe politics

EU probe targets Facebook and Instagram amid spike in Russian disinformation

The European Commission has initiated a formal investigation into Meta's moderation practices regarding political content and disinformation on Facebook and Instagram. [ more ]
3 months ago
EU data protection

MEPs question European Commission's 'pay or OK' response

MEPs question Meta's 'pay or OK' model legality
Concerns over clarity of European Commissioner's response [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe politics

Von der Leyen criticises European far right for being Putin's proxies'

Von der Leyen criticizes far right as Putin's proxies but remains open to working with right-wing nationalists. [ more ]
1 month ago

The EU will force Apple to open up iPadOS

Apple's iPad now falls under EU's DMA rules, facing compliance requirements in the next six months. [ more ]
1 month ago
Tech industry

Spotify claims Apple wants 'tax' for in-app pricing tweak

Apple rejected Spotify update informing users of payment options outside App Store. [ more ]
IPWatchdog.com | Patents & Intellectual Property Law
2 months ago
EU data protection

Apple's EUR 1.8 Billion Fine Foreshadows Increased EU Regulatory Activity Under Digital Markets Act

Gatekeepers must comply with DMA provisions by March 6.
EU Commission fined Apple over App Store app restrictions. [ more ]
The Verge
2 months ago
Tech industry

Spotify will show pricing options outside its iOS app in the EU - if Apple lets it

Spotify cancels in-app purchases in the EU, opts to provide pricing info and subscription links.
European Commission's ruling against Apple leads to Spotify's change in strategy. [ more ]
The Drum
2 months ago
EU data protection

Experts deem Apple's $2bn fine over Spotify complaint empty optics - or DMA plan rebuke

European Commission fined Apple $2bn for anti-competitive App Store practices.
Apple's anti-steering provisions negatively affect music streaming competition. [ more ]
2 months ago
Tech industry

Who's winning the PR war: Apple or Spotify?

Apple was fined $2 billion by the European Commission for antitrust violations related to favoring Apple Music over rivals like Spotify.
The fine marks a significant win for Spotify and impacts the relationship app developers have with Apple, introducing potential changes in the industry. [ more ]
1 month ago

Euro cloud group blasts Broadcom over VMware licensing

CISPE criticizes Broadcom's concessions as failing to address core concerns about VMware licensing issues. [ more ]
1 month ago

EU sets TikTok ultimatum over 'addictive' new app feature DW 04/22/2024

The European Commission is threatening to suspend TikTok Lite rewards programme if health risks assessment is not provided within 24 hours. [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe politics

Italy's Mario Draghi calls for radical change in Europe

Italy's Prime Minister Mario Draghi is being endorsed for the European Commission's President for his ability to strengthen and unify Europe. [ more ]
1 month ago

Europe gives TikTok 24 hours to explain its latest app

The European Commission requested TikTok to explain risk assessment procedures for its new app rewarding users, focusing on potential impact on minors' protection and addictive behavior. [ more ]
1 month ago
EU data protection

EU questions DSA compliance of TikTok Lite

The European Commission requested a risk assessment from TikTok for compliance with the Digital Services Act. [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe politics

Ursula von der Leyen can run, but can she also hide? | Paul Taylor

Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, is avoiding public engagements and debates regarding her re-election. Political controversy surrounds her appointment of an envoy, prompting calls for a new appointment process. [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe politics

Ursula von der Leyen's controversial EU envoy pick quits at last minute

A row over the appointment of Ursula von der Leyen's special envoy for small businesses has ended after pressure from MEPs and European commissioners. [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe politics

Von der Leyen's SME Envoy appointment disputed

President Ursula von der Leyen faced criticism for appointing a German MEP as Envoy for SMEs amidst favoritism accusations.
Various MEPs and political groups have challenged the appointment, calling for a reconsideration based on selection criteria. [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe politics

Von der Leyen's re-election chances hit over 17k-a-month job for ally

Accusations of favoritism in appointing a fellow party member to a lucrative position have raised transparency concerns.
High-ranking EU politicians have expressed discontent over the nomination process for a special adviser, potentially impacting von der Leyen's second term bid. [ more ]
2 months ago
Europe politics

EU: The global impact of Ursula von der Leyen's reelection DW 03/05/2024

Ursula von der Leyen has shifted the EU towards a more 'geopolitical' force.
There has been a hardening of the EU's stance towards China during von der Leyen's tenure. [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe politics

Can Ursula von der Leyen snag a second term in EU's top job? DW 02/25/2024

Ursula von der Leyen announced her bid for another five-year term as the European Commission president, aiming to continue her work on EU 'climate neutrality' and Ukraine's potential accession.
Despite facing unexpected crises during her term, Von der Leyen is viewed positively for her performance in the challenging role as the head of the EU executive branch. [ more ]
The Verge
1 month ago

Apple opens the App Store to retro game emulators

Apple is allowing retro game emulators in the App Store, requiring compliance with laws to prevent piracy.
Apple is updating rules on super apps like WeChat, requiring mini-games to use HTML5 instead of native apps. [ more ]
2 months ago
EU data protection

A view from Brussels: EDPS sends signal on data transfers

The European Data Protection Supervisor issued orders against the European Commission related to data flows with Microsoft 365 outside the EU/EEA.
Corrective measures include Microsoft ensuring data disclosure compliance with EEA standards. [ more ]
2 months ago
EU data protection

European Commission breached privacy laws with Microsoft software use

The European Commission breached data protection laws by not ensuring equivalent data protection measures for data transferred outside the EU/EEA.
The European Data Protection Supervisor imposed corrective measures on the Commission, instructing them to cease certain data flows by December 9, 2024. [ more ]
2 months ago
EU data protection

EDPS finds European Commission's use of Microsoft 365 violates GDPR

The European Data Protection Supervisor found the European Commission's use of Microsoft 365 violated GDPR provisions.
The Commission allegedly did not ensure proper protection of personal data transferred outside the EEA with Microsoft 365. [ more ]
2 months ago
EU data protection

European Commission broke data protection law with Microsoft

The European Commission has been reprimanded for violating data protection regulations related to using Microsoft 365.
The European Data Protection Supervisor found the EC failed to provide appropriate safeguards for transferring personal data outside the EU / EEA and specify data collection purposes in the contract with Microsoft. [ more ]
2 months ago
Marketing tech

How the DMA is Reshaping Ad Tech for Better or Worse

The DMA targets online gatekeepers to promote fair competition.
The DMA enforces fines and rules to prevent favoritism and maintain a level playing field. [ more ]
2 months ago
EU data protection

A view from Brussels: GDPR 'still in the making' 8 years later

The European Commission will publish a report on the application of GDPR.
Various stakeholders have submitted feedback on GDPR implementation. [ more ]
2 months ago
Europe news

EU proposes easing environmental rules on farmers to defuse protests

The European Commission proposed easing rules on leaving land fallow or rotating crops to support farmers.
Proposals aim to offer farmers more flexibility in adhering to environmental rules while still receiving EU agriculture fund payments. [ more ]
2 months ago
Europe news

EU moves towards using 27bn in profit from frozen Russian assets for Ukraine

EU plans to confiscate 27bn in Russian assets for Ukraine's war effort
European Commission proposing to use frozen Russian assets for funding Ukraine [ more ]
2 months ago
EU data protection

European Commission accused of bankrolling dictators' by MEPs after Tunisia deal

EU funds accused of reaching dictators' hands
MEPs concerned about EU deals with African countries [ more ]
2 months ago
Artificial intelligence

EU dials up scrutiny of major platforms over GenAI risks ahead of elections | TechCrunch

EU requesting information on generative AI risks from tech giants like Google, Meta, Microsoft
Stress tests planned to assess platforms' readiness for generative AI risks before European Parliament elections [ more ]
2 months ago
EU data protection

Hungary: Unfrozen funds to be investigated in EU court DW 03/14/2024

The European Court of Justice will investigate the European Commission's decision to release funds to Hungary.
The released funds were part of a sum previously withheld due to concerns over Hungary's violation of 'rule of law principles.' [ more ]
2 months ago
Europe news

COMPARE: Where in Europe now has the lowest birth rate?

Birth rates in Europe dropped significantly since the 1960s, with only 3.88 million babies born in 2022. France had the highest birth rate in 2022 at 1.79 live births per woman. [ more ]
2 months ago

Tinder to explain why some EU users have to pay more for the app

Tinder breached EU consumer law by applying personalized prices without informing users.
Commission opened investigation against Tinder over pricing practices. [ more ]
3 months ago
EU data protection

EU to release funds for Palestinian aid organization UNRWA DW 03/02/2024

The European Commission suspended payments to UNRWA due to allegations of staff involvement in an attack in Israel. Talks between Israel and Hamas are ongoing for a ceasefire and the release of hostages. [ more ]
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