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Irish Independent
1 week ago

Meet the Moncrieff sisters: 'Our parents' divorce strengthened our relationship - it unifies you'

Siblings Keelin and Saoirse Moncrieff promote alcohol-free social opportunities for Gen Z. [ more ]
1 week ago

What Do Students at Elite Colleges Really Want?

Elite college students increasingly prioritize corporate careers over activism. [ more ]
The Atlantic
1 week ago

The New Sound of Sexual Frustration

Billie Eilish's album sustains a mood of longing relevant for today's generation. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

The links between social media, influencers, and consumerism: How to be more intentional with what you're buying

Understanding the shopping habits of Generation Z is essential for all consumers to be aware of emerging trends, especially around social media shopping. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

The links between social media, influencers, and consumerism: How to be more intentional with what you're buying

Gen Z has the highest social media shopping rate; inherent dangers with social media shopping trends. [ more ]
Scary Mommy
2 weeks ago

Gen Z Parties Totally Differently Than We Did

Gen Z parties differently than previous generations, focusing more on small gatherings, socializing through phones, and using weed and edibles as party choices. [ more ]
Fast Company
2 weeks ago

The luckiest generation? Why Gen Z is entering the workforce at the perfect time

Gen Z is experiencing a faster bounce-back in the labor market compared to previous generations, with stronger wage growth. [ more ]
1 month ago
Remote teams

Meta, Google Use This Strategy to Motivate Younger Employees | Entrepreneur

Only about a third of workers reported being engaged with their work last year - and engagement among Gen Zers and millennials is on the decline.
A 'structured program' embraced by global tech players like Meta, Google, Zappos and more is helping young employees stay on track. [ more ]
London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com
1 month ago

Is Bitcoin only popular amongst youths?

Bitcoin attracts various age groups with promises of financial freedom and investment diversification, driven by tech-savviness and desire for autonomy. [ more ]
2 months ago

The number of U.S. adults who identify as LGBTQ+ doubled in 12 years, new poll shows

The number of American adults identifying as LGBTQ+ has more than doubled in 12 years, with the latest Gallup poll showing 7.6% align with the community.
The increase in LGBTQ+ identification is particularly prominent among Generation Z and millennials, with each successive younger generation about twice as likely to identify as LGBTQ+. [ more ]
3 months ago

6 Ways To Engage Gen Z And Millennials On Your Team

Millennials and Gen Z are less engaged at work.
Younger generations seek purpose, remote work, and employer identification. [ more ]
4 months ago
Tech industry

Watch Me Lose My Job on TikTok

Tech workers are sharing their layoff experiences on social media, including TikTok videos, which have gone viral.
This trend is driven by Generation Z and millennials who are accustomed to sharing every aspect of their lives on social media. [ more ]
4 months ago

9 Ways To Build a Secure Financial Future as a Single Parent in Modern Times | Entrepreneur

Increasing number of households headed by single parents, particularly among younger generations
Financial implications of raising a child alone pose challenges for single parents [ more ]
ABA Journal
1 month ago

Less litigation, more practical skills in law school needed, junior associates say

Law school graduates need more practical skills for practice, not just theoretical knowledge. [ more ]
Le Monde.fr
1 month ago

Can TikTok overtake Google as a search engine?

TikTok is becoming a dominant search engine for users, overtaking platforms like Google and YouTube. [ more ]
1 month ago
Web design

Learning what colors suit you: How a business has been revived thanks to social media

Color analysis, driven by the concept of 4 seasons, has gained popularity on TikTok, attracting Generation Z consumers and expanding to various industries. [ more ]
1 month ago

Council Post: Strategies For Authentic Connection And Marketing Success: Speaking Gen Z In Your Marketing

To effectively engage with Generation Z, businesses must adopt a nuanced approach that resonates with the multifaceted nature of their digital lives. [ more ]
4 months ago

How Gen Z is Impacting Business and Marketing Decisions | Entrepreneur

Generation Z holds $150 billion in global buying power and digital marketers are adapting their strategies to reach this unique generation.
To effectively engage with Gen Z, marketers must understand their mindset, prioritize authenticity and inclusivity, and align with their values. [ more ]
Mail Online
1 month ago

How to upgrade your outdated acronyms to keep up with Gen Z

Generation Z perceives certain popular abbreviations as 'old'. [ more ]
1 month ago

Kardashian children are sharing skincare routines': experts on gen Z's ageing fixation

Younger generations, like Generation Z and Generation Alpha, are obsessed with halting aging effects through skincare products and unique trends like quirky-shaped straws. [ more ]
PinkNews | Latest lesbian, gay, bi and trans news | LGBTQ+ news
1 month ago

How to empower Black Gen Z talent at work

Employers need to support and include Black Gen Z in the workplace through mentorship, opportunities, and understanding. [ more ]
1 month ago
SF real estate

The Top 10 Surprising Metros Where Generation Z Is Buying Up Homes

Generation Z is financially savvy, successfully buying homes in affordable metros despite high prices and competition. [ more ]
1 month ago

Lil Yachty's Instagram Stunt Proves the Power of Inclusivity

Lil Yachty promoted Close Friends feature through Instagram campaign to reach Generation Z.
Inclusive marketing resonates when it is community-rooted and relatable. [ more ]
2 months ago
Digital life

Facebook brought back what some say is its most annoying feature: poking | CBC News

Poke feature on Facebook resurging among the younger generation, with a 13-fold spike in usage recently.
Poking is distinct from other forms of social media interactions like DMs, comments, or likes, with new enhancements added by Facebook. [ more ]
2 months ago

5 Big Sex Issues Gen Z-ers Bring Up In Therapy All The Time

Generation Z is less sexually active compared to older generations.
Increased smartphone use, stress, mental health struggles, and expression through virtual means are some reasons for Gen Z's sexual behavior. [ more ]
New York Post
2 months ago
Digital life

Kids' phone-based existence is 'inhuman' - and 10 times worse than any middle-school horrors: author

Social media has led to a surge in mental health issues among Generation Z, especially girls.
Jonathan Haidt's book highlights the negative impact of smartphones and social media on childhood. [ more ]
The Atlantic
2 months ago
Digital life

The Terrible Costs of a Phone-Based Childhood

Rates of depression and anxiety in adolescents have dramatically increased since the early 2010s.
Members of Generation Z are experiencing higher levels of anxiety, depression, and related disorders compared to previous generations. [ more ]
3 months ago
Public health

Gen Z and millennials want to have a chat about mental health. With politicians

Maryland House Delegate Joe Vogel introduced legislation to relieve student debt for mental health professionals working in public schools.
Vogel, a member of Generation Z, is running for Congress and prioritizing addressing the mental health crisis facing young people today. [ more ]
Mail Online
2 months ago

Number of Gen Z who say they are gay or bisexual doubles to 22%

Each younger generation is twice as likely as one before it to identify as LGBTQ+
Bisexuality is the most common LGBTQ+ identification among Generation Z [ more ]
2 months ago

9 Education Marketing Strategies to Reach Gen Z and Gen Alpha

Institutions must adapt marketing strategies to engage Gen Z and Gen Alpha.
Gen Z and Gen Alpha prioritize digital fluency, innovation, and authenticity in educational experiences. [ more ]
2 months ago

UK teens believe they will have harder lives than their parents, research finds

British teenagers pessimistic about future compared to parents
Money, jobs, and climate crisis key concerns for British teenagers [ more ]
2 months ago
Mental health

What's up with Generation Z?

Gen Z is experiencing a notable increase in mental health issues compared to previous generations.
Research shows high levels of mental health problems among young people, with potential causes being explored. [ more ]
3 months ago
Media industry

Gen Z ushering in post-truth media age', says former No 10 communications chief

Gen Z prefers social media for news despite trust issues
Traditional media still dominant among older age groups [ more ]
Scary Mommy
4 months ago

Gen Z Teens Are Covering Their Noses In Family Photos In New Trend

Millennials captured moments on camera without worrying about their parents sharing them on social media, while Gen Z kids are concerned about their privacy.
Gen Z kids have started participating in the 'nose cover' trend, where they cover their faces in photos they don't want to be a part of. [ more ]
3 months ago
Digital life

Why Gen Z Is Surprisingly Susceptible to Financial Scams

Younger adults more susceptible to online scams than older generations due to tailored schemes and trust in social media.
Financial scams exploit a generation facing economic challenges, such as inflation and high housing costs. [ more ]
New York Post
3 months ago
Digital life

The real reason why Gen Z leaves phones on 'Do Not Disturb': 'Disrespectful AF'

Generation Z uses Do Not Disturb feature to avoid phone call anxiety.
90% of Gen Zers are anxious about speaking on the phone. [ more ]
New York Post
3 months ago

Experts say this parenting technique is best for Gen Z teens - here's what to do

Gen Zers are often resistant to unsolicited advice, but it can be helpful if parents validate their perspective and support their autonomy.
Parents can effectively support their children by creating a two-way street of communication and respecting their sovereignty. [ more ]
3 months ago

Brooklyn Drug Overdoses on the Rise: What Parents Need to Know

Generation Z is eschewing alcohol consumption in favor of drug misuse.
Parents are less familiar with the signs and risks of drug abuse compared to alcohol abuse.
Opioids are a common drug of choice among teens in Brooklyn. [ more ]
4 months ago

EXCLUSIVE: Pinterest Partners with Coachella to Connect with Gen Z

Pinterest is targeting Generation Z users by partnering with Coachella to help users plan their festival looks.
Gen Z makes up over 40% of Pinterest's global monthly active users and is the most engaged demographic on the platform.
Pinterest is focusing on offline and experiential marketing to connect with its consumers and stay culturally relevant. [ more ]
4 months ago
Mental health

The 6 Most Common Issues Gen Zers Bring Up In Therapy

Generation Z is seeking therapy more than any other age cohort.
Common issues brought up by Gen Zers in therapy include anxiety and the pressure of finding a job. [ more ]
4 months ago
Social justice

Gen Z boys and men more likely than baby boomers to believe feminism harmful, says poll

Boys and men from generation Z are more likely to believe that feminism has done more harm than good.
A significant portion of young men have an unfavorable view of controversial figure Andrew Tate. [ more ]
4 months ago
Left-wing politics

Poll Finds Gen Z Voters Are More Likely to Identify as LGBTQ Than Republican

Generation Z adults are more likely to identify as LGBTQ than to say they are Republicans.
Gen Z voters are less religious than Americans overall. [ more ]
4 months ago
UX design

Gen Z Attention Spans? Meet the UX Design Hacks That Win Them Over

Generation Z's unique expectations and behaviors are reshaping UX and interface design.
Generation Z's reliance on digital connectivity and integration of virtual and physical experiences present challenges for designers. [ more ]
4 months ago
UK news

Royal Navy forced to recruit for tob job on social media

The Royal Navy advertised for a top job on social media due to internal struggles to fill the position.
Former defence secretary Ben Wallace warns of a recruitment crisis in the armed forces due to Generation Z not signing up. [ more ]
4 months ago
UK news

Armed forces recruitment crisis because Gen Z aren't joining, Ben Wallace warns

Britain's armed forces are facing a recruitment crisis due to a lack of interest from Generation Z.
Former defence secretary Ben Wallace believes that Britain needs to change its recruitment strategies to attract new soldiers.
The Royal Navy has experienced a decline in recruits, which has led to the decommissioning of two warships. [ more ]
5 months ago
US politics

Young Iowa Republicans Raise Their Voices. Will Their Party Listen?

Vivek Ramaswamy is the only Republican primary candidate prioritizing an appeal to young voters.
Younger voters in Iowa are open to other candidates who they believe can more easily beat Biden than Trump. [ more ]
5 months ago

9 Predictions for How We'll Eat in 2024

No one can predict with certainty what we will eat and drink in the new year, but multitudes try.
PinkNews | Latest lesbian, gay, bi and trans news | LGBTQ+ news
5 months ago

More young people than ever choose 'queer' over labels like 'gay' or 'lesbian'

More Gen Z individuals are rejecting binary labels like 'gay' and 'lesbian' in favor of more fluid labels like 'queer'.
A study found that 5% of Gen Z identified as queer, compared to 1% of Gen X and Millennials. [ more ]
6 months ago

Council Post: How To Attract Skilled Trade Talent In A Market Shortage

Attracting and retaining skilled workers in the trades is becoming more difficult as older generations retire and younger generations lack the necessary skills or interest.
Companies must engage in an ongoing process to attract and retain top talent, including building relationships, creating a strong employer brand, and offering competitive compensation packages.
Understanding the unique learning style of Generation Z, who will make up a large portion of the workforce by 2025, is crucial for attracting and engaging them. [ more ]
6 months ago

Council Post: A New Generation Of Consumers Requires A New Approach To E-Commerce Marketing

Generation Z and Generation Alpha have distinct online spending habits.
Both generations are highly familiar with the internet and are cautious online consumers. [ more ]
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