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1 day ago

TikTok denies reports it is creating a US-only algorithm

TikTok is reportedly working on a clone of its recommendation algorithm for U.S. users, potentially leading to operational independence from ByteDance. [ more ]
The Verge
1 day ago

TikTok is reportedly splitting its source code to create a US-only algorithm

TikTok is working on a recommendation algorithm separate from its Chinese version to show US independence. [ more ]
Social Media Today
2 days ago

TikTok's Exploring a US Only Version of its Feed Algorithm

Chinese officials vetoed the potential sale of TikTok's algorithmic code, requiring Government approval. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

How To Go Viral on TikTok: 16 Proven Ideas (2024) - Shopify

TikTok's unique algorithm allows anyone to go viral, essential for ecommerce brands [ more ]
3 weeks ago

What Is TikTok: Everything You Need to Know to Use TikTok (2024) - Shopify

TikTok's explosive growth makes it the most popular social media platform globally with immense user engagement and influence on trends. [ more ]
Miami Herald
3 weeks ago

LA influencers, businesses live or die on TikTok's algorithm. Now they fear for the future

TikTok's algorithm and unique content format support creators like Brandon Hurst in growing their businesses. [ more ]
3 days ago
Web design

Here's what a huge Google leak tells us about search rankings

Google's otherwise secretive algorithm details leaked, revealing insights on search rankings processes. [ more ]
4 months ago
Digital life

Is Google getting worse? This is what leading computer scientists say

Google search results are losing in the war against low-quality SEO spam.
Higher-ranked pages show signs of lower text quality and more monetization with affiliate marketing. [ more ]
Android Authority
3 days ago
Tech industry

Google's precious Search recipe exposed in huge leak

A leak claims to have revealed insights into Google's secret search algorithm, contradicting Google's public statements on the matter. [ more ]
1 week ago

4 Predictions for What Happens If TikTok Gets Banned in the U.S., According to a Harvard Business School Professor

India's ban on TikTok led to unsuccessful copycat platforms and highlighted the importance of TikTok's algorithm for small businesses in developing countries. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Artificial intelligence

AI Lexicon U DW 05/17/2024

Unsupervised machine learning organizes unlabeled data independently, beneficial for exploratory data analysis when specific patterns are unknown. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Social media marketing

YouTube SEO: 10 tactics to rank YouTube videos fast

Master YouTube SEO for more views and better results. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

How Garmin estimates VO2 max - and whether the calculation is accurate - Wareable

Garmin watches can automatically calculate VO2 max, a key metric for aerobic fitness. [ more ]
Wichita Eagle
4 weeks ago
Artificial intelligence

Messing with Facebook's new Meta AI: a fake NFL football rumor and some potty humor | Opinion

Facebook's Meta AI acknowledges and responds to fake news on the platform. [ more ]
2 months ago

Conspiracy, monetisation and weirdness: social media has become ungovernable | Nesrine Malik

Social media content presentation has changed drastically, merging different types on various platforms.
Platforms are now designed to minimize user discretion, leading to less control over the content seen. [ more ]
Social Media Today
2 months ago
Online Community Development

Pinterest Shares Insights into How to Optimize Social Platform Algorithms for Positive Engagement

Pinterest focuses on non-engagement signals to refine algorithms and enhance user experiences.
Over-reliance on direct engagement indicators like Likes can lead to negative outcomes. [ more ]
2 months ago
Social media marketing

How to turn off Instagram's political content filter | TechCrunch

Instagram and Threads won't actively recommend political content, affecting users' exposure to diverse viewpoints.
Users can modify their settings to opt-out of Instagram's political content filters. [ more ]
Document Journal
2 months ago
Digital life

The life and death of online platforms

Indie social media focused on ditching algorithms
Users seeking alternative social media platforms [ more ]
Buffer Resources
4 months ago
Social media marketing

What Is Zero-Click Content and Why Should You Create It?

Zero-click content refers to content that provides valuable information to users without requiring them to leave the platform they're on.
Zero-click content is a valuable strategy for social media because it helps creators beat the platforms at their own game and increases user engagement. [ more ]
1 month ago
OMG science

Killer Asteroid Hunters Spot 27,500 Overlooked Space Rocks

A new algorithm discovered 27,500 solar system bodies, revolutionizing asteroid detection and advancing planetary defense efforts. [ more ]
1 month ago
Data science

Algorithm ranks peer reviewers by reputation - but critics warn of bias

Peer reviewer reputation can be assessed by the number of citations papers they review attract, aiding in identifying high-impact papers. [ more ]
New York Post
1 month ago

Gen Z recreates MySpace as 'Nospace' - there's a 380K-person waitlist

Gen Z is seeking more authentic connections away from algorithm-dominated social media platforms. [ more ]
3 months ago

Why Eating Disorder Content Keeps Spreading

Social media platforms are facing challenges in addressing harmful body image content on their platforms.
Algorithms that curate feeds based on user interests can quickly turn dangerous for vulnerable individuals. [ more ]
Minus Zero
1 month ago
Data science

Flattening Bezier Curves and Arcs

Converting curves to line segments simplifies processing and rendering, solving problems like arc length computations and dash offsets. [ more ]
2 months ago

Scala: A sum of the squares algorithm using map/sum and foldLeft

Using foldLeft in Scala can offer a more efficient alternative to map/sum approach for certain algorithms.
There are multiple ways to implement a sum of the squares algorithm in Scala, showcasing the flexibility and readability of the language. [ more ]
2 months ago
Data science

Turn images into contour maps | Benjamin Dicken

Contour lines are functions connecting points with the same output value in 2D space.
Algorithm discussed generates contour maps from images by drawing circles radiating from a point. [ more ]
The Motley Fool
2 months ago
Artificial intelligence

3 Scorching Hot Growth Stocks That Are Capitalizing on AI | The Motley Fool

AI monetization is essential for companies investing in AI
Meta's success in AI investment and monetization [ more ]
3 months ago
Social media marketing

How To Curate Your Instagram Explore Page - SlashGear

Engage with content and creators that you like to fine-tune your Explore page suggestions on Instagram.
Teach the algorithm what you don't like by selecting 'Not interested' on posts you're not interested in. [ more ]
designboom | architecture & design magazine
3 months ago
Graphic design

robots endlessly sort through photographs in oliver frank chanarin's latest show at KARST

Oliver Frank Chanarin's exhibition, A Perfect Sentence, explores photography in the age of algorithms.
The exhibition features robotic entities that handle and display photographs according to an inscrutable logic. [ more ]
Yahoo Sports
3 months ago
Chicago Cubs

White Sox have 0% chance to make postseason per annual PECOTA projections - Yahoo Sports

PECOTA projects the White Sox to win just 65.5 games this year and says they have a 0% chance of making the playoffs.
The algorithm has the Cubs winning a much more respectable 80.2 games, but still only gives them a 31.2% chance of earning a postseason berth. [ more ]
3 months ago
Soccer (FIFA)

Infantino: Let computers decide transfer fees

FIFA president Gianni Infantino has suggested using an algorithm to set football transfer fees.
The idea is aimed at increasing transparency and helping stakeholders in the transfer system. [ more ]
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Google DeepMind's New AI Matches Gold Medal Performance in Math Olympics

Google DeepMind has developed an algorithm called AlphaGeometry that can solve difficult geometry problems from past International Mathematical Olympiads.
AlphaGeometry successfully solved 25 out of 30 geometry problems, beating previous state-of-the-art algorithms by 15 answers. [ more ]
4 months ago

Two Pointers technique: Trapping Water (Array)

The algorithm for trapping rain water has a time complexity of O(N) and a space complexity of O(1).
The algorithm uses two pointers to track the tallest towers seen from the left and right, and calculates the trapped water based on the minimum of the maximum heights on both sides. [ more ]
Marcin Wanago Blog - JavaScript, both frontend and backend
5 months ago

API with NestJS #139. Using UUID as primary keys with Prisma and PostgreSQL

UUIDs are a unique alternative to numerical sequences as identifiers in databases.
UUIDs are globally unique and can be generated using various algorithms, such as version 4 which uses pseudo-random numbers. [ more ]
5 months ago
Digital life

Finding the source of online division is easy. Fixing it will be much harder

Misinformation and disinformation are not limited to those who are less enlightened or aware.
Many people fall into the trap of going down YouTube or social media rabbit holes and consuming content from unknown sources. [ more ]
6 months ago

Instagram Reels reportedly shows sexual content to users who only follow children

Meta faces allegations of delivering overtly sexual content to accounts following children on Instagram's Reels algorithm.
The Wall Street Journal found that Instagram's algorithm recommended sexual content to accounts following young influencers, including risqué footage of children.
Bumble and Match Group have suspended advertising on Instagram due to placement alongside inappropriate content. [ more ]
6 months ago
Digital life

WSJ News Exclusive | Instagram's Algorithm Delivers Toxic Video Mix to Adults Who Follow Children

Instagram's Reels video service shows users streams of short videos based on their interests.
The Wall Street Journal found that Instagram's algorithm also targeted users with potential interest in inappropriate content involving children. [ more ]
6 months ago

TikTok is America's next major news source

14% of Americans get news through TikTok, with a significant increase among 18-29 year-olds.
TikTok's algorithm personalizes the content on users' feeds based on their interests, making it a popular entertainment platform. [ more ]
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