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2 days ago
Data science

What is science? Tech heavyweights brawl over definition

Research must be published to be considered science [ more ]
3 days ago
Artificial intelligence

AI risks harming scientific research, study warns

Overdependence on opaque AI systems in research can make findings less reliable and trustworthy. [ more ]
1 week ago
Artificial intelligence

AI Is a Black Box. Anthropic Figured Out a Way to Look Inside

Understanding the inner workings of artificial neural networks, especially language models, remains a challenge even for their creators. [ more ]
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

AI2's new open-source LLM may reset the definition of open AI'

AI2 has released a new large language model (OLMo 7B) and made all software components and training data available on GitHub and Hugging Face.
The goal is to give the AI research community full visibility into the model, enabling them to advance natural language processing and improve existing models.
This move aims to address the challenge of attributing specific outputs by an LLM to training data, allowing researchers to understand and evaluate model behavior. [ more ]
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

ODSC's AI Weekly Recap: Week of January 19th

MIT researchers introduce AI method built from pre-trained language models
Apple reorganizes AI team to merge San Diego and Texas employees [ more ]
Brooklyn Eagle
1 week ago
Artificial intelligence

NY governor announces international AI partnership with SUNY, CUNY and university in Ireland

New partnership between University College Cork, SUNY, and CUNY to advance AI research and international collaboration in education, emphasizing experiential and collaborative student learning. [ more ]
The Economic Times
1 week ago
Artificial intelligence

A former OpenAI leader says safety has 'taken a backseat to shiny products' at the AI company

Safety should be a priority in AI research, not overshadowed by developing new technologies. [ more ]
The Economic Times
1 week ago
Artificial intelligence

A former OpenAI leader says safety has 'taken a backseat to shiny products' at the AI company

Safety needs to be the top priority over developing advanced AI models according to a former OpenAI leader. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Artificial intelligence

OpenAI says it's building a tool to let content creators 'opt out' of AI training | TechCrunch

OpenAI developing Media Manager tool for creators to control content use in AI. [ more ]
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

ChatGPT is behaving weirdly (and you're probably reading too much into it)

Users experienced unexpected responses from ChatGPT leading to confusion and concern.
OpenAI acknowledged the issue and is investigating the unexpected behavior of ChatGPT. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Artificial intelligence

AI Lexicon W DW 05/17/2024

Calls for increasing women's participation in AI research and development to mitigate bias and foster diversity. [ more ]
Fast Company
2 weeks ago
Artificial intelligence

'I feel betrayed': Schumer's much-awaited AI road map gets panned by watchdogs

Schumer's AI roadmap proposes $32 billion in annual AI spending by 2026. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Artificial intelligence

Isambard-AI, the UK's most powerful and sustainable supercomputer, is now up and running

The UK's Isambard-AI supercomputer, one of the fastest globally, will drive AI research, including in language models, healthcare, robotics, automated drug discovery, and climate research. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Artificial intelligence

Bristol goes live with UK AI supercomputer | Computer Weekly

The University of Bristol's Islamabad-AI supercomputer is part of a national AI research resource funded by the UK government. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Artificial intelligence

ODSC's AI Weekly Recap: Week of May 10th

ODSC curates impactful AI developments each week. [ more ]
Stanford HAI
3 weeks ago
Artificial intelligence

Jared Moore | The Realities and Illusions of AI

The clash of artificial intelligence with human stupidity is explored in The Strength of the Illusion, questioning AI's values. [ more ]
2 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Tether to Establish AI Unit, Starts Recruitment Drive

Tether expands into artificial intelligence with a new unit
Roles for a head of AI research and an AI engineer listed [ more ]
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Labor Department experiments with AI in unemployment systems

The U.S. Labor Department is experimenting with using artificial intelligence to assist employees in handling claims and delivering benefits.
The goal is to use AI to sort and route claims information to staff, rather than replacing human intelligence. [ more ]
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Empire AI

New York Governor Kathy Hochul plans to invest $275 million in AI research through the Empire AI program.
A physical center will be built upstate and the state will create its own cloud computing infrastructure for AI research. [ more ]
The Verge
3 weeks ago
Artificial intelligence

Better Siri is coming: what Apple's research says about its AI plans

Apple is focusing on improving Siri by developing smaller, more efficient AI models to run on-device in iOS 18. [ more ]
Ars Technica
4 weeks ago
Artificial intelligence

AI in space: Karpathy suggests AI chatbots as interstellar messengers to alien civilizations

Large language models (LLMs) could potentially be modified to operate in space for communication with extraterrestrial life, a lighthearted proposal by AI researcher Andrej Karpathy. [ more ]
1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

AI hallucinations will be solvable within a year, ex-Google AI researcher says-but that may not be a good thing

AI experts predict solving AI hallucination soon. [ more ]
1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

Anthropic researchers wear down AI ethics with repeated questions | TechCrunch

Large language models can be influenced to provide sensitive information through 'many-shot jailbreaking.'
Models with large context windows excel when primed with numerous examples of a task, potentially leading to unintended behaviors. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
Artificial intelligence

China tops the U.S. on AI research in over half of the hottest fields: report

CSET's research found global AI research doubled from 2017-2022, with computer vision, natural language processing, and robotics leading the way. [ more ]
The Verge
1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

Kylie Robison Joins The Verge as Senior AI Reporter

Kylie Robison joins The Verge as senior AI reporter to lead AI coverage, working closely with policy and tech teams. [ more ]
1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

What is sovereign AI and why does Australia lag in this area?

Australia needs to focus on developing sovereign artificial intelligence capabilities to enhance productivity and economic growth. [ more ]
2 months ago
Artificial intelligence

MIT Researchers Advance AI's Peripheral Vision

AI research by MIT focusing on human-like peripheral vision
Enhancing AI's ability to simulate human vision [ more ]
1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

Big banks are in a race to get AI right

AI investment and experimentation set some banks ahead, like JPMorgan Chase, Capital One, and Royal Bank of Canada. [ more ]
Washington Post
2 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Silicon Valley is pricing academics out of AI research

Fei-Fei Li urges President Biden to fund a national AI research repository to bridge the resource gap
Scholars face challenges obtaining expensive computing power and data needed for AI research due to high costs and partnership reliance with tech firms. [ more ]
2 months ago
Artificial intelligence

xAI Opens Grok as an Open-Source Model

Open sourcing xAI's Grok chatbot on GitHub and Hugging Face.
Grok chatbot is notable for its vast 314 billion parameters. [ more ]
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Breaking down Gemma, Google's new open-source AI model

Google introduced new Gemma language models smaller than its Gemini Ultra model, optimized for laptops and desktop workstations.
Gemma models are accessible through Hugging Face and provide pretraining weights, inference code, and fine-tuning code. [ more ]
Creative Bloq
2 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Nvidia's new text-to-3D model shows how fast generative AI is advancing

Nvidia unveils LATTE3D
LATTE3D allows near-real-time text-to-3D generation [ more ]
2 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Treat ChatGPT as a colleague to fuel creativity, AI researcher says - Marketplace

Generative AI tools are gaining traction in businesses.
Limited research on AI's measurable impact on team performance. [ more ]
2 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Apple is getting serious about AI | CNN Business

Apple announces multimodal AI models called MM1
Apple may partner with Google for AI engine [ more ]
2 months ago
Artificial intelligence

AI researchers now reviewing their peers with AI assistance

Generative AI is used to review machine learning work of peers in academia.
Authors found an increase in large language model (LLM) usage in peer reviews submitted close to deadlines. [ more ]
2 months ago
Artificial intelligence

What real bodies can show artificial minds

Embodied cognition is considered crucial for advanced AI.
Virtual models of animals are being created to study how the body mediates between the brain and the world. [ more ]
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

FRT Episode 142: The Future of Human-Centered AI and Policy Development

The Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (HAI) is leading discussions on important AI topics.
Key focus areas in AI for 2024 and international frameworks are crucial for the future of AI. [ more ]
Inside Higher Ed | Higher Education News, Events and Jobs
2 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Artificial general intelligence and higher education

AGI development is progressing rapidly with organizations like OpenAI, Magic AI, and Google working on advanced models.
Researchers anticipate AGI systems to have abilities such as abstract thinking, background knowledge, common sense, cause and effect, and transfer learning. [ more ]
2 months ago
Artificial intelligence

200 AI researchers urge OpenAI, Google, Meta to allow safety checks

AI researchers call for independent evaluation of AI models
Concerns about restrictions hindering critical research [ more ]
Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

HAI Postdoctoral Fellowship with Professor Roxana Daneshjou, Department of Biomedical Data Science

Interdisciplinary collaboration is essential for this position
Programming experience in AI development is required [ more ]
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Tech companies go dark about AI advances. That's a problem for innovation. | Semafor

AI research evolved in academia then transferred to tech companies
Google, Meta, and OpenAI differ in sharing advanced AI research publicly [ more ]
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Scoop: N.Y. governor wants to criminalize deceptive AI

California and New York are using legislation and executive action to incentivize AI research while implementing regulations to address AI harms.
New York Governor Kathy Hochul has proposed new laws to criminalize the dissemination of fabricated media, unauthorized use of someone's voice in advertising, misuse of AI, and digitally manipulated false images. [ more ]
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

UK pledges $126M for AI research and training

The U.K. is investing over ÂŁ100 million in AI research centers, upskilling regulators, and research projects.
The U.K. is lagging behind in AI regulations and recently failed to reach a consensus on a voluntary code for AI use of copyrighted material. [ more ]
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Feds kick off National AI Research Resource with pilot program live today | TechCrunch

The National AI Research Resource (NAIRR), a coalition of U.S. agencies and private partners, is launching to provide public-access tools for AI scientists and engineers.
The initiative aims to democratize AI technology and make resources available to qualified researchers, in an effort to keep the U.S. competitive with other countries in the AI space. [ more ]
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Yann LeCun On How An Open Source Approach Could Shape AI

Yann LeCun was awarded the Turing Award in 2018 for his work on deep neural networks.
LeCun and his team at Meta are now focused on building new AI products. [ more ]
The Verge
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Inside Meta's big AI reorg

FAIR, Meta's AI research team, will now sit in its product organization.
Joelle Pineau and Yann LeCun will report to Meta's chief product officer, Chris Cox. [ more ]
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Mark Zuckerberg is the latest billionaire who wants to create artificial general intelligence

Meta is reorganizing its AI teams to focus on creating artificial general intelligence (AGI) and improving the metaverse.
The company is merging its Fundamental AI Research (FAIR) team and its team focused on generative AI experiences. [ more ]
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

100m boost in AI research will propel transformative innovations

Nine new AI research hubs in the UK will deliver innovative AI technologies.
The hubs will focus on various applications of AI, such as healthcare and power-efficient electronics. [ more ]
Open Data Science - Your News Source for AI, Machine Learning & more
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Higher Education Institutions Look to Add AI Into Lessons

AI is being embraced by universities and colleges in higher education after a period of suspension
Multiple institutions are investing millions of dollars into AI research and implementation in their curriculums [ more ]
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

AI2 open sources text-generating AI models -- and the data used to train them | TechCrunch

The Allen Institute for AI (AI2) has released open language models (OLMo) and a large public dataset (Dolma) for text-generating AI.
The OLMo models come with code, training data, and evaluation metrics, making them more truly open than other models. [ more ]
NSF - National Science Foundation
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Democratizing the future of AI R&D: NSF to launch National AI Research Resource pilot

The National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource (NAIRR) pilot has been launched in the U.S.
The pilot aims to provide access to advanced computing, datasets, models, software, training, and user support to researchers and educators. [ more ]
IPWatchdog.com | Patents & Intellectual Property Law
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

AI Research Pilot Launched by NSF with USPTO as Partner

The U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) is launching the National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource (NAIRR) pilot as directed by President Biden's Executive Order on AI in October 2023.
The pilot will provide access to advanced computing, datasets, models, software, training, and user support to U.S.-based researchers and educators. [ more ]
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

The U.S. Just Took a Crucial Step Toward Democratizing AI Access

The National Science Foundation is launching a pilot program called NAIRR to provide AI researchers with access to expensive infrastructure and resources.
Companies like Nvidia, Microsoft, OpenAI, Anthropic, and Meta are contributing resources to the pilot program. [ more ]
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

US project aims to help academia build next-gen AI models

The US National Science Foundation has launched the National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource (NAIRR) to help academics access computing power, data, and tools for AI research.
More than 20 companies and organizations, including Google, Nvidia, OpenAI, and Amazon, have pledged to share their resources with researchers accepted into the program. [ more ]
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

AI Survey Exaggerates Apocalyptic Risks

The results of a survey suggest that AI researchers believe there is a 5% chance of AI wiping out humanity.
There are concerns that the survey results may be biased towards an alarmist perspective due to the funding sources and framing of questions. [ more ]
Mail Online
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Top researchers quantify chances of AI causing human extinction

Five percent of AI experts believe AI will lead to collapse, while 10 percent believe there's a 25 percent chance it will destroy the human race.
Possible causes cited by experts include AI enabling threatening groups, authoritarian rulers using AI for control, and AI worsening economic inequality. [ more ]
The Verge
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Joe Biden's big AI science project gets pledges from Microsoft, Nvidia and others

The National Science Foundation and other government agencies are partnering with AI developers to launch a pilot program called NAIRR.
NAIRR provides access to AI models, computing power, datasets, software, and training for US-based AI researchers. [ more ]
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

ODSC's AI Weekly Recap: Week of January 12th

Baidu's chatbot Ernie Bot has gained over 100 million users
New research aims to understand multi-attacks against image classification systems [ more ]
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

AI upends long held belief that all fingerprints are unique

Fingerprint ridges on different fingers of the same person can have the same angles and curvature at the center.
A deep contrastive network was used to study commonalities in fingerprints and achieved an accuracy of 77% in identifying if prints were from the same person. [ more ]
Stanford HAI
5 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Meet 12 Asteroid Shots in AI

The Stanford Institute for Human-Centered AI funds innovative projects that leverage AI to address scientific or societal challenges.
One of the funded projects uses AI to explore the social lives of concepts to better understand culture and identify effective interventions. [ more ]
4 months ago

Scammy AI-Generated Books Are Flooding Amazon

AI researcher Melanie Mitchell discovered an AI-generated imitation of her book on Amazon, highlighting the problem of low-quality AI-generated ebooks on the platform.
Deepfake-detection software confirmed that the knock-off version of Mitchell's book was 99% likely AI-generated, angering Mitchell and raising concerns about unsuspecting customers buying these books. [ more ]
Secret NYC
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

A 'State-Of-The Art' AI Computing Center Will Be Created In Upstate New York

New York Governor Kathy Hochul announced the creation of Empire AI, a state-of-the-art computing center to support AI research and development.
The consortium aims to bridge the gap between large tech companies and individual researchers, public interest organizations, and small companies in accessing expensive computing resources for AI systems. [ more ]
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Lawmakers request extra $10M for NIST AI research

Four senators are calling for additional funding to establish the U.S. Artificial Intelligence Safety Institute.
They argue that more money is needed to support NIST's research in setting universal safety standards for AI. [ more ]
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

In Defense of AI Hallucinations

Chatbots often produce hallucinations, or made-up facts, in their responses.
Hallucinations can be seen as prompts for human creativity and a barrier against machines taking over. [ more ]
New York Post
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Could AI cause human extinction? Experts reveal how likely that really is

A majority of AI researchers believe there is a 5% chance of human extinction or other catastrophic outcomes from AI.
Researchers anticipate AI's chances of completing certain tasks within a decade to be 50% or higher, but more complex tasks will take longer. [ more ]
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

AI Researcher Salary: Eye-watering pay of top tech job revealed

AI researchers can earn staggering salaries of over $750,000 per year at top AI companies.
OpenAI and Anthropic offer the highest starting salaries for AI researchers, up to $865,000 and $855,000 respectively. [ more ]
Ars Technica
5 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Big Tech is spending more than VC firms on AI startups

Big tech companies have vastly outspent venture capital groups with investments in generative AI startups this year, as established giants use their financial muscle to dominate the much-hyped sector.
5 months ago
Artificial intelligence

AI expert warns against telling your secrets to chatbots such as ChatGPT

Confiding in ChatGPT about work gripes or political preferences could come back to bite users, according to an artificial intelligence expert.
5 months ago
Artificial intelligence

AI scientist Fei-Fei Li: 'Maths is pretty clean. Humans are messy'

China-born technologist speaks out on Silicon Valley's 'bro' culture
Mission to keep AI safe for humanity [ more ]
5 months ago
Business intelligence

Livestock, medtech and horticulture key AI opportunities for Australia, report finds

Australia can cement its position as a global leader in AI by turning research into commercial opportunities
Australia produces a small percentage of global AI patents [ more ]
The Nation
5 months ago
Artificial intelligence

The Pentagon's Rush to Deploy AI-Enabled Weapons Is Going to Kill Us All

OpenAI's leadership dispute reflects a battle between those in favor of unrestricted AI research and those concerned about the potential dangers of AI development.
Similar debates over AI are happening in government offices and the United Nations regarding the development of autonomous weapons systems. [ more ]
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

OpenAI's Chaos Linked to Super Powerful New AI It Secretly Built

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman was thrown out of the company and then reinstated less than a week later, sparking speculation
One theory suggests that OpenAI was working on a highly advanced AI called Q* that spooked the board
The existence of Q* and concerns about commercializing it may have led to Altman's firing [ more ]
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

OpenAI faces open revolt | Computer Weekly

Staff at OpenAI are threatening to quit unless the co-founder is brought back in.
Microsoft has hired the departing CEO and chairman of OpenAI.
Investors are pressuring OpenAI for changes. [ more ]
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Why Microsoft looks like the real winner in the OpenAI drama

Microsoft has hired former OpenAI executives Sam Altman and Greg Brockman to lead a new advanced AI research team.
Microsoft's partnership with OpenAI raises questions about how the company will work with both OpenAI and its own AI division. [ more ]
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Microsoft Hires Sam Altman and OpenAI's New CEO Vows to Investigate His Firing

Microsoft has hired Sam Altman and Greg Brockman, two key figures from OpenAI, to lead its new advanced AI research team.
There was tension and speculation surrounding the departures of Altman and Brockman from OpenAI.
Despite the rift, Microsoft and OpenAI are committed to their partnership. [ more ]
6 months ago

First Mover Americas: Crypto Friendly Javier Milei Wins Argentine Presidency

Javier Milei wins the presidential election in Argentina with 56% of the votes.
Former OpenAI CEO Sam Altman and other staff members join Microsoft's advanced AI research team.
Santander Private Banking International offers high-net-worth clients trading and investing in bitcoin and ether. [ more ]
Stanford HAI
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

BLASTNet - The First Large Machine Learning Dataset for Fundamental Fluid Dynamics

AI researchers at Stanford are collecting data from computational fluid dynamics to create a dataset for rocket science, oceanography, and climate modeling.
They hope to use this dataset to advance these scientific fields in the same way web-scale data advanced language processing.
This project demonstrates the potential of AI and data collection to revolutionize scientific research. [ more ]
#AI research
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Improving ChatGPT's Ability to Understand Ambiguous Prompts

Large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT are driving innovative research and applications.
Retrieval augmented generation (RAG) enhances the accuracy of generated responses by integrating external knowledge.
The open source project Akcio utilizes the RAG approach to create a robust question-answer system. [ more ]
Stanford HAI
6 months ago
Data science

BLASTNet - The First Large Machine Learning Dataset for Fundamental Fluid Dynamics

AI researchers at Stanford are using data from computational fluid dynamics to advance rocket science, oceanography, and climate modeling.
They aim to create a single dataset that can revolutionize these fields similar to how web-scale data revolutionized language.
The project could lead to breakthroughs in understanding complex fluid dynamics and improving predictions in various domains. [ more ]
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

What Would the Chatbot Say?

GPT-4, a large language model by OpenAI, demonstrated emergent behavior by creating a primitive image of a unicorn when asked to draw one
Emergent behavior is the ability of AI models to exhibit unexpected abilities beyond their training
Researchers are studying how these emergent abilities occur in language models [ more ]
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Going Beyond ChatGPT: What Does the Future Hold for Generative AI and and Chatbots?

Tech companies are investing in AI research and integrating AI into their products
Semantic search with vector databases and democratization of AI are emerging AI tools [ more ]
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Follow the Latest Developments

Sam Altman-OpenAI's fired CEO will lead a new AI research team at Microsoft.
Microsoft stock is gaining after the announcement. [ more ]
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Inside DARPA's search for an "autonomous scientist" to support its researchers

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is seeking AI research concepts from industry for the development of an "autonomous scientist".
The goal is to create a tool that can automate the process of scientific discovery and help human researchers develop new working theories.
DARPA's autonomous scientist should be able to generate unique scientific hypotheses, consider scalability and cost-reduction opportunities, and provide skeptical reasoning. [ more ]
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