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1 month ago

Council Post: Balancing Vision And Execution With Strategic Product Roadmapping

Roadmaps are strategic narratives guiding product development, aligning teams with user-centered objectives and business strategies. [ more ]
6 months ago

CIO interview: Sasha Jory, Hastings Direct | Computer Weekly

Sasha Jory, CIO of Hastings Direct, credits the company for providing her with a unique opportunity to make a big difference in managing change across the business.
Hastings Direct has a bold ambition to become the best and biggest digital insurer in the UK and has a strong startup mentality with a risk appetite for trying new things and being innovative. [ more ]
1 month ago

Council Post: Balancing Vision And Execution With Strategic Product Roadmapping

Roadmaps are strategic narratives guiding product development, aligning teams with user-centered objectives and business strategies. [ more ]
6 months ago

CIO interview: Sasha Jory, Hastings Direct | Computer Weekly

Sasha Jory, CIO of Hastings Direct, credits the company for providing her with a unique opportunity to make a big difference in managing change across the business.
Hastings Direct has a bold ambition to become the best and biggest digital insurer in the UK and has a strong startup mentality with a risk appetite for trying new things and being innovative. [ more ]
1 month ago
UX design

I'm done talking about MVP, let's talk about real products

The concept of MVP is often interpreted differently by different stakeholders in the product development process. [ more ]
3 months ago

Agile Architecture, Lean Architecture, or Both?

Agile is an empirical approach focused on delivering product increments, Lean reduces waste and improves work flow.
Premature use of Lean practices can hinder architecture evolution until Quality Attribute Requirements are well-defined. [ more ]
1 month ago
UX design

I'm done talking about MVP, let's talk about real products

The concept of MVP is often interpreted differently by different stakeholders in the product development process. [ more ]
3 months ago

Agile Architecture, Lean Architecture, or Both?

Agile is an empirical approach focused on delivering product increments, Lean reduces waste and improves work flow.
Premature use of Lean practices can hinder architecture evolution until Quality Attribute Requirements are well-defined. [ more ]
1 month ago

Success Patterns in for Building Cyber-Physical Systems with Agile

Agile and DevOps have proven beneficial in small software teams, sparking interest in their potential for use in larger-scale projects like building cyber-physical safety critical systems. [ more ]
2 months ago

Is Backstage the Right Internal Developer Portal for You? - DevOps.com

Software development has advanced with various languages and frameworks but faces challenges due to sprawl complexity.
Sprawl complexity impacts essential knowledge access and day-to-day tasks for developers. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

Agile vs. DevOps: What Sets Them Apart? - DZone

Agile emphasizes customer collaboration and flexibility while DevOps focuses on merging development and operations for faster deployment of high-quality software. [ more ]
1 month ago

Success Patterns in for Building Cyber-Physical Systems with Agile

Agile and DevOps have proven beneficial in small software teams, sparking interest in their potential for use in larger-scale projects like building cyber-physical safety critical systems. [ more ]
2 months ago

Is Backstage the Right Internal Developer Portal for You? - DevOps.com

Software development has advanced with various languages and frameworks but faces challenges due to sprawl complexity.
Sprawl complexity impacts essential knowledge access and day-to-day tasks for developers. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

Agile vs. DevOps: What Sets Them Apart? - DZone

Agile emphasizes customer collaboration and flexibility while DevOps focuses on merging development and operations for faster deployment of high-quality software. [ more ]
2 months ago

Venkat Subramaniam on Architecture Patterns and Practices

Architectural patterns and practices in agile software development
Role of software architects in organizations [ more ]
4 months ago
Software development

API-First Dev: Future of Software - DZone

API-First Development prioritizes the establishment of APIs as basic building blocks before other elements of program development.
API-First Development aligns seamlessly with agile development methodologies, promoting adaptability and seamless integration. [ more ]
1 week ago

Fragile Agile is a symptom, not a source, of project failure

Agile projects fail 268% more often, leading to a perception of culthood and misplaced faith in methodology. [ more ]
2 months ago

Venkat Subramaniam on Architecture Patterns and Practices

Architectural patterns and practices in agile software development
Role of software architects in organizations [ more ]
4 months ago
Software development

API-First Dev: Future of Software - DZone

API-First Development prioritizes the establishment of APIs as basic building blocks before other elements of program development.
API-First Development aligns seamlessly with agile development methodologies, promoting adaptability and seamless integration. [ more ]
1 week ago

Fragile Agile is a symptom, not a source, of project failure

Agile projects fail 268% more often, leading to a perception of culthood and misplaced faith in methodology. [ more ]
3 months ago

Continuous Improvement as a Team - DZone

Cultivating a culture of continuous improvement is crucial for team success.
Strategies for continuous improvement include embracing Scrum values and promoting stakeholder collaboration. [ more ]
Mountain Goat Software
4 months ago

Three Ways to Help Your Team Embrace the Change to Agile and Scrum

People resist change due to lack of awareness about why the change is happening
Employees resist change due to fear of the unknown [ more ]
3 months ago

Continuous Improvement as a Team - DZone

Cultivating a culture of continuous improvement is crucial for team success.
Strategies for continuous improvement include embracing Scrum values and promoting stakeholder collaboration. [ more ]
Mountain Goat Software
4 months ago

Three Ways to Help Your Team Embrace the Change to Agile and Scrum

People resist change due to lack of awareness about why the change is happening
Employees resist change due to fear of the unknown [ more ]
4 months ago

Deliver Better Results by Putting People First

Gil Broza specializes in helping leaders deliver better results by upgrading their agile ways of working.
His focus is on putting people first and being intentional and explicit about choices. [ more ]
UX Magazine
5 months ago

A Pattern Language

Architecture, Computer Science, Agile, and Design Systems are all fields related to technology and software development.
They all involve problem-solving and designing solutions for complex systems. [ more ]
5 months ago

Humble Planning: Maarten Dalmijn Interview - DZone

The concept of humble planning is crucial for success in Agile and building products of exceptional value.
Humble planning encourages teams to start with flexible and adaptable plans that can respond to changes and foster collaboration, learning, and discovery. [ more ]
6 months ago

Agile and DevOps: How Do They Interrelate?

Agile and DevOps are complementary methodologies that work together to create efficiency, quality, and innovation in software development.
Agile consists of twelve principles outlined in the Agile Manifesto, which prioritize collaboration, responding to change, and delivering quality software incrementally. [ more ]
6 months ago

CodeCraft: Agile Strategies for Crafting Exemplary Software - DZone

The Agile Developer's Canvas is a visual representation that guides developers through the creative process of coding.
Regularly updating the Agile Developer's Canvas during retrospectives ensures it stays relevant and continues to guide the team.
Refactoring should be viewed as a form of creative expression that allows developers to shape and refine their code like artists refine their masterpieces. [ more ]
7 months ago

Continuous Delivery in Agile: Trends and Insights for 2023 and Beyond

What Is Agile in Software Development?Agile is a software development approach that embraces change, collaboration, and customer feedback to deliver high-quality software.
7 months ago

Bridging Agile and Continuous Data Management: A Synergetic Perspective - DZone

Agile and continuous data management (CDM) have a symbiotic relationship that can enhance development cycles, data quality, and security.
Data is at the center of the Agile analytics cycle; poor data quality can impact the entire project.
Continuous data management aligns with the principles of adaptability and rapid iteration in Agile methodologies. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

Product Owner and Scrum Master Combined in One? - DZone

Combining Product Owner and Scrum Master roles can be contentious in Agile, with distinct tasks and potential conflicts. [ more ]
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