Should You Be Posting More On LinkedIn, For Your Personal Brand?

According to The Morning Consult, 67% of GenZ adults believe that it's important to have a strong personal brand. Compare that number to just 40% of the overall population, as a whole, believing that personal branding is important. That personal branding footprint, for many professionals, begins online.
Every minute, six people are hired via the LinkedIn platform. Every second, 101 job applications are submitted on LinkedIn. Why wouldn't you post and interact, given the amount of activity and potential opportunity available?
Kaila Lopez says, 'I don't see the point of building an audience on LinkedIn.' She's the co-host of the popular podcast, Per My Last Email, with co-host Kyle Hagge. 'There's not a lot of room for nuance or authenticity [on LinkedIn]. At it's core, it's self-promotional, or at best, inspirational.'
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