HR says biz leaders scared RTO policy causes staff attrition

Evidence suggests tech company policies pushing for office returns are driving away remote work-acclimated talent; significant employee dissatisfaction and quit rates are reported in response to return-to-office mandates.
A concerning number of senior leaders and executives are reluctant to return to the office despite organizational mandates; this reluctance may lead to increased attrition and challenges in enforcing office returns.
Monitoring employee presence at desks, consequences for non-compliance, and strict mandates by companies like Dell, Meta, IBM, Google, Wipro, and Roblox are creating tensions and pushing some employees to seek job alternatives to avoid returning to the office.
Productivity metrics and proximity bias in evaluating employee performance need reevaluation, with experts warning that being tied to a desk may not accurately reflect productivity; concerns over productivity paranoia and staff retention due to office mandates are increasing.
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